



In my new ongoing quest to read source code to be a better developer, I now present the fifth in an infinite number of a weekly series called "The Weekly Source Code." Here's some source I'm reading this week that I enjoyed.

在我不斷尋求閱讀源代碼以成為更好的開發人員的新追求中,我現在以每周系列的無數個“每周源代碼”形式介紹第五個。 這是我本周喜歡的一些資料。

  • NGenerics - "A class library providing generic data structures and algorithms not implemented in the standard .NET framework." I love it when someone adds something computer-science-like that they feel "ought" to have been in the framework. This is cool code because it's not only adding new data structures, but also extending existing ones. They've added an IVisitor interface to add the Visitor pattern to create the VisitableHashTable amongst others.

    NGenerics- “一個類庫,提供标準.NET架構中未實作的通用資料結構和算法。” 當有人添加某種計算機科學的東西時,我覺得他們“應該”進入架構,我喜歡它。 這是很酷的代碼,因為它不僅在添加新的資料結構,而且還在擴充現有的資料結構。 他們添加了一個IVisitor接口來添加Visitor模式,以建立VisitableHashTable等。

  • iGmail, a Gmail interface for the iPhone in Ruby - What a find. This is a simple iPhone-friendly AJAX gateway that gives you Gmail-style email (a view, not pull via the uber-lame Gmail support the iPhone currently has) implemented as a Rails app. Best to host it yourself and take the pressure off his system. Check the source out via subversion. Brilliant.

    iGmail,Ruby中iPhone的Gmail界面-發現了什麼。 這是一個簡單的适用于iPhone的AJAX網關,可為您提供Gmail樣式的電子郵件(一種視圖,而不是通過iPhone目前具有的層層Gmail支援提取),并實作為Rails應用。 最好自己托管它,減輕系統壓力。 通過subversion檢出源代碼。 輝煌。

  • jQuery - Well, not really. I've been trying to get my small mind around this crazy amazing JavaScript library for a while. I read it like I read Rainbow Six. Er, like the way I've been starting and re-starting, and jumping in the middle. I mean, the book is 897 pages and there's a crapload going on. JQuery isn't that long, but there's a LOT going on and you need to keep track of it. Maybe I'll finish someday. At least I know it's awesome.

    jQuery-好吧,不是真的。 一段時間以來,我一直在努力使自己的頭腦變得渺茫。 我讀起來就像讀《彩虹六号》一樣。 嗯,就像我一直在重新開始,在中間跳的方式一樣。 我的意思是,這本書是897頁,還有很多内容正在繼續。 JQuery沒那麼長,但是有很多事情正在進行,您需要對其進行跟蹤。 也許有一天我會結束。 至少我知道這很棒。

  • The iPhone Unlock Source - I personally don't care, but I found it interesting to see the out of the box thinking that a community will invoke when a company "locks" something. Reminds me of the Oracle "Unbreakable" fiasco. As Quentin Tarantino says, "He who is most likely to make declarative statements is most likely to be called a fool in retrospect."

    iPhone解鎖源-我個人并不在乎,但我發現有趣的是,開箱即用的想法是,當公司“鎖定”某些東西時,社群會調用。 使我想起了Oracle“牢不可破”的慘敗。 正如昆汀·塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino)所說:“回想起來,最有可能發表聲明性聲明的人很可能被稱為傻瓜。”

  • Arduino - This isn't really like source to read, as it's a whole programming language and hardware platform. I'm thinking of building a robot, so I'm brainstorming different platforms I could use to move the arm, the camera, etc. It is actively developed and loved...more importantly it's a whole parallel universe that I know NOTHING about. When trying to become a better developer, I think that visiting parallel universes can only help one's perspective.

    Arduino-這不是一個真正的閱讀源,因為它是一個完整的程式設計語言和硬體平台。 我正在考慮建造一個機器人,是以我正在集思廣益,使用不同的平台來移動手臂,相機等。它是積極開發和喜愛的……更重要的是,這是我所不知道的整個平行宇宙。 當我想成為一個更好的開發人員時,我認為通路平行宇宙隻會幫助一個人的視野。

Feel free to send me links to cool source that you find hasn't been given a good read.


翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-weekly-source-code-5
