
tools and servers for test

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OS: ESXi, Mac, RedHat, Ubuntu, Windows


1. AppScan: for security test

2. RPT(rational performance tester): for performance test

3. Putty: connect to Linux from windows. Download: http://download.csdn.net/detail/xingyunpi/7074017

4. winscp: transfer files between windows and Linux. Download: http://download.csdn.net/detail/xingyunpi/7073999

5. VNC Viewer: Call Linux desktop from windows 

6. Notepad++: an text editer

7. LdapAdmin: LDAP/AD tool manager

8. TPC(IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center):tool for storage management

9. DB2: database

10. Dev HTTP Client: a tool to run REST API


1. NTP server

2. Email server

3. AD configuration on win2008 R2 

4. TDS on Linux 6.3

5. VNC server