
ado.net entity data model沒有mysql,在VS 2017中添加ADO.NET實體資料模型并且什麼也沒有發生...

ado.net entity data model沒有mysql,在VS 2017中添加ADO.NET實體資料模型并且什麼也沒有發生...

After selecting the MySQL data source in the Entity Data Model wizard in Visual Studio and clicking on "Next", the wizard just closes. What's going wrong?

ado.net entity data model沒有mysql,在VS 2017中添加ADO.NET實體資料模型并且什麼也沒有發生...
ado.net entity data model沒有mysql,在VS 2017中添加ADO.NET實體資料模型并且什麼也沒有發生...


Install old version of MySql Connector like 6.9.10 from https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/c-net/ , Because the newer 8.0 appearto have problems.

In Package Manager Console Install:

Install-Package MySQL.Data -Version 6.9.9

Install-Package MySql.Data.Entity -Version 6.9.10

Don't forget to add this lines in web.config