
Open Source .NET Development : Programming with NAnt, NUnit, NDoc, and More

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Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of the arrival of Microsoft's .NET platform is the standardization of C# and the Common Language Runtime. Now, for the first time, programmers can develop and use open-source projects that are based on a language that is an international standard as well as compatible with both Microsoft and Linux platforms.

Open Source .NET Development is the definitive guide on .NET development in an open-source environment

Inside, readers will find in-depth information on using NAnt, NDoc, NUnit, Draco.NET, log4net, and Aspell.Net with both Visual Studio .NET and the Mono Project. Brian Nantz not only shares the best open-source and "free" tools, frameworks, components, and products for .NET, he also provides usable, practical examples and projects. The result is a highly accessible reference for finding the tools that best fit your needs.

Highlights include

*An introduction to open source and its implementations of the .NET standards

*.NET development with open-source tools, including build automation, XML documentation, unit testing, continuous integration, and application logging

*A simple example of Integrating .NET open-source projects that integrates an Open Source SVG component with a System.Drawing graphical editor

*An Aspell.Net case study that shows the use of Draco.NET Continuous Integration in conjunction with NAnt, NUnit, NDoc, and the SharpDevelop IDE

*An exclusive look at ADO.NET database and ASP.NET Web development using PostgreSQL that runs on both Windows and Linux

*Appendixes on NAnt and NAntContrib tasks, log4netAppender configurations, and open-source security observations

Whether you are a .NET developer interested in learning more about open-source tools or an open-source developer curious about .NET, this book will bridge the divide between these formerly distinct camps.

