


1. AccessType.PROPERTY的例子:


@Table(name = "Person")

public class Person implements Serializable {

    private Long id;

    // auto-generated PK



    @SequenceGenerator(name="PersonIdGenerator", sequenceName="PersonIdGenerator")

    public Long getId() {

        return id;


    public void setId(Long personId) {

     this.id = personId;




2. AccessType.FIELD的例子:


@Table(name = "Country")

public class Country implements Serializable {


    @SequenceGenerator(name="CountryIdGenerator", sequenceName="CountryIdGenerator")


    public Long countryId;

    @Column(name="Name", length=128, nullable=false)

    public String name;



  • AccessType.PROPERTY: The EJB persistence implementation will load state into your class via JavaBean "setter" methods, and retrieve state from your class using JavaBean "getter" methods. This is the default.

         --> 通過getter和setter方法通路Entity的變量,可以把變量定義為private;

         --> 需要在getter方法上定義字段的屬性;

  • AccessType.FIELD: State is loaded and retrieved directly from your class' fields. You do not have to write JavaBean "getters" and "setters". 

        --> 直接通路Entity的變量,可以不定義getter和setter方法,但是需要将變量定義為public;

        --> 需要在變量上定義字段的屬性;
