
php擷取視訊檔案縮略圖,FFmpegPHP下載下傳 - 擷取視訊縮略圖和視訊檔案資訊


FFmpegPHP 是一個純面向對象的 ffmpeg 的 PHP封裝。提供一些簡單易用、面向對象的API用以通路視訊和音頻檔案的資訊,可直接從視訊中擷取幀的圖檔,這常用來做視訊的縮略圖。支援的視訊格式包括: MOV, AVI, MPG, 和 WMV。

FFmpegPHP is a pure OO PHP port of ffmpeg-php writter in C. It adds an easy to use, object-oriented API for accessing and retrieving information from video and audio files. It has methods for returning frames from movie files as images that can be manipulated using PHP's image functions. This works well for automatically creating thumbnail images from movies. FFmpegPHP is also useful for reporting the duration and bitrate of audio files (mp3, wma...). FFmpegPHP can access many of the video formats supported by ffmpeg (mov, avi, mpg, wmv...)