


真愛和需多言。"地鐵上"n ubay,"他被她吸引","he's attracted to her。"她發現了他看了過去","She spotted him and looked over"。"四目相對他害羞了","Eyes met,he was shy","忍不住好奇再次看了過去","She couldnt help being curious and looked over again","再次對視","look at each other again","隔天再次相遇","met again the next day","他坐到她的對面","hesat across from her","害羞的她移開了視線","shy she looked away","她卻還在注視着她","He's still watching her","她的銘牌引起了他的注意","her nameplate caught is attention","感受到胸口的視線","feel the gaze on the chest","覺得他是個變态","think he's a pervert","好印象瞬間消失","Good impression disappears in an instant","地鐵到站了","Subway arrival","他注意到地鐵站點","he noticed the subway station","和她銘牌上的一樣","Same as on her nameplate","他去到商場找她","He went to the mall to find her"。"找了很久都沒找到","He searched for a long time,but couldn't find it","正準備離開的時候","when preparing to leave","終于找到了她","finally found her","托人送她禮物","ak someone to give her a gift","一枝紅玫瑰","地鐵乘車憑證","Subway ticket","她瞬間明白","she instantly understood","卻在離開時","ut when leaving","不小心撞倒了花瓶","Accidentally knocked down the vase,"和閨蜜分享收到花的喜悅","Share the joy of receiving flowers,with your girlfriends","他趕來想和她告白","He came to confess to her","卻看到花被丢棄的一幕,"He saw the scene of the fiowers,being KU","頓時心灰意冷","TWISONheartened","想不通她為什麼這麼做","can't figure out why she did that","第二天她化了美美的妝等他","The next day she put on pretty,makeup and waited for him","而他卻頭也不回的","But he go another compartment without looking back","進入了另一間車廂","非常不解","突然想起來了","suddenly rememberred,"當時太開心了","I was so happy","沒有注意到","did not notice","在垃圾桶裡看到花瓣","see petals in the trash can","她恍然大悟","she suddeny realized","第三天","third day","他不經意看向她","he looked at her in一個勁ly","她為了他","she for him","穿了一件玫瑰圖案的裙子","Wearing a dress with a rose pattern',"地鐵上","on subay"。

