
android studio(gradle)報錯ERROR: Unable to open PNG file原因



Gradle: Execution failed for task ':AplikaceBeta1.0.1:mergeDebugResources'. Failed to run command: C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Android\android-studio\sdk\build-tools\android-4.2.2\aapt.exe s -i C:\Users\David\Desktop\facebook-android-sdk-3.5\facebook-android-sdk-3.5\samples\AplikaceBeta1.0.1Project\AplikaceBeta1.0.1\build\exploded-bundles\AplikaceBeta101ProjectLibrariesFacebookUnspecified.aar\res\drawable\com_facebook_profile_picture_blank_square.png -o C:\Users\David\Desktop\facebook-android-sdk-3.5\facebook-android-sdk-3.5\samples\AplikaceBeta1.0.1Project\AplikaceBeta1.0.1\build\res\all\debug\drawable\com_facebook_profile_picture_blank_square.png Error Code: 42 Output: C:\Users\David\Desktop\facebook-android-sdk-3.5\facebook-android-sdk-3.5\samples\AplikaceBeta1.0.1Project\AplikaceBeta1.0.1\build\exploded-bundles\AplikaceBeta101ProjectLibrariesFacebookUnspecified.aar\res\drawable\com_facebook_profile_picture_blank_square.png ERROR: Unable to open PNG file


Are you using Windows? This error could happen if the generated build file path exceeds the Windows (not NTFS) max path length of 260 characters. Make sure your project path is not too long, use short names as well.

Maximum Path Length Limitation In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. A local path is structured in the following order: drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null character. For example, the maximum path on drive D is "D:\some 256-character path string" where "" represents the invisible terminating null character for the current system codepage. (The characters < > are used here for visual clarity and cannot be part of a valid path string.)



