


I can't run two exe successfully by CreateProcess method. Each of those two exe's reads some files, registry and database during start up. I have tested the same code to run the system calculator and it is working fine.

When I am trying to run those applications by CreateProcess method, the first application is getting closed automatically after start up and the second one cannot open xx.dat file and failed to read registry and data base. Please see the following code.PROCESS_INFORMATION processinfo;


ZeroMemory(&processinfo, sizeof(processinfo));

ZeroMemory(&startUpInfo, sizeof(startUpInfo));

startUpInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);

BOOL bSuccess = CreateProcess(csAppName, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startUpInfo, &processinfo);

I am getting bSuccess as TRUE always.

Calculator is successfully running with this code but those two applications not.

Also I have tried with "ShellExecute()" and "ShellExecuteEx()" methods with "runas" parameter, but result is the same.

Can anyone help me??????

解決方案You have assigned to NULL the lpCurrentDirectory parameter, so the default running directory of your executable is the current directory of the calling process.

If the files to read are in another directory the code will fail. Moreover it will fail if a component is not found (see[^]). Because the function returns before the process has finished initialization if a required DLL cannot be located, or fails to initialize, the process is terminated.

You can supply the full path for files to open or you have to supply the current directory from where to run the application.