


A. 我的微信運動健走步數記錄(自2017. 6. 11.起):至今日(2023.4.3. 21:58), 今日健走步數:25170步 ,(16.91公裡),消耗550千卡熱量;點贊數:15個;累計與日均健走步(公裡)數50505823/2123天=23790步或34573公裡/2123天=17公裡;戰勝99.99%的人,萬裡長城的1.63倍,累計消耗1086420卡熱量(相當于3622個雞腿);至今日獲得華為運動勳章75枚;實時萬步達成率:64(人)/486(人)=14%;微信朋友圈全員參加健走百分比:486(人)/1756(人)=28%;微信朋友圈全員萬步達成率:64(人)/1756(人)=4%;占領207位微友的微信運動封面;在486位有微信運動健走步數記錄者中排第三位;日行超兩萬步者:7人/1756人=4‰;2018.6.21.單日步行步數:73137(以上資料華為運動健康和微信運動系統提供)B. 經典段落分享(自2023.3.12.起)(22)We often say Lu Xun's essays were written in a profound way. Their profoundness lies in exposing the essence of China's feudal society—men-eating. Perhaps some people may ask: How could a feudal society eat men? Nobody has ever seen that it had a bloody mouth. Such people hardly realize that the so-called "bloody mouth" did not have fiendish teeth in it but is rather something invisible: It implemented the will of feudalism, or the personal will of the emperor to fetter people's thinking as well as their behavior while claiming that it was all for their own good, so that they would be willing slaves. Invisible fetters are often more terrible than fiendish teeth as they would deprive people of every right. Sometimes human beings are quite insensitive. Once getting used to a certain way of life, most people would not feel that anything has been taken away from them; those who have lived without freedom would not know the value of freedom; and those who had not been engaged in thinking for a long time would not know the meaning of thinking. Consequently, such people would not ask for freedom if freedom was not given them nor would they engage themselves in thinking if thinking was not allowed. Everything might seem alright to them as long as they were permitted to have their meals. Lu Xun discovered such insensitiveness. That is, as human beings, they were deprived of something inherently belonging to them by autocrats. There was no difference between such practice and men-eating. This tells us Lu Xun saw things many people did not.

