
Google Earth Engine(GEE)——NOAA CDR GRIDSAT-B1資料集介紹(靜止衛星的全球紅外測量的高品質氣候資料)

This dataset provides a high quality Climate Data Record (CDR) of global infrared measurements from geostationary satellites.

The geostationary satellite data (GridSat-B1) provides data from 3 channels: the CDR-quality infrared window (IRWIN) channel (near 11μm), the visible channel (near 0.6μm) and the infrared water vapor (IRWVP) channel (near 6.7μm). The GridSat-B1 data is projected onto a global 0.07 degree latitude equal-angle grid with date coverage spanning from 1980-present. This data is sourced from the 3-hourly International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) B1 data. The satellites included in this dataset with their longitudinal coverage over time can be seen ​​here​​. In regions of overlap the CDR methodology merges satellites by selecting the nadir-most observations for each grid point.


  • Mappings from satid to satellite name are contained in the image's properties as satid_number: "satellite_name", e.g. satid_0: GOES-13, satid_1: GOES-15, and satid_2: GOES-16.
  • IRWIN data has been corrected for view zenith angle, but this correction is not perfect. It also treats all satellites the same way, whereas the view zenith angle dependence will vary by satellite. Some VZA residual will be apparent.
  • IRWVP data has no view zenith angle correction and is not CDR quality.
  • VSCHN data has no view zenith angle corrections and is not CDR quality.
  • Removing the View Zenigth Angle correction for the IRWIN channels can be done with the following: Original_temperature_observed = irwin_cdr - irwin_vza_adj




從satid到衛星名稱的映射包含在圖像的屬性中,如satid_number: "satellite_name",例如satid_0: GOES-13, satid_1: GOES-15, satid_2: GOES-16。




移除IRWIN通道的視圖天頂角校正可以通過以下方式完成。Original_temperature_observed = irwin_cdr - irwin_vza_adj

Dataset Availability時間

1980-01-01T00:00:00 -

Dataset Provider資料提供者


Collection Snippet




7792 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max* Units Scale Offset
irwin_cdr Brightness temperature near 11μm, nadir-most observation -2093 13615 K 0.01 200
irwin_2 Brightness temperature near 11μm, second-best observation (based on view zenith angle) -4123 13579 K 0.01 200
irwin_3 Brightness temperature, third-best observation based on view zenith angle -1624 14240 K 0.01 200
irwvp Brightness temperature near 6.7μm, nadir-most observation -5907 10219 K 0.01 200
irwvp_2 Brightness temperature near 6.7μm, second-best observation based on view zenith angle -5081 10260 K 0.01 200
vschn Visible reflectance near 0.6μm, nadir-most observation -25000 4275 0.00004 1
vschn_2 Visible reflectance near 0.6μm, second-best observation based on view zenith angle -25000 3800 0.00004 1
irwin_vza_adj Adjustment made to all IRWIN channels. Provided to allow users to reverse the view zenith correction for the irwin_cdr variable. 36 171 K 0.25 -10
satid_ir1 satid values for irwin_cdr. For this and other satid bands, the mappings of satid to satellite name are given in the properties for each image 5
satid_ir2 satid values per pixel for irwin_2 5
satid_ir3 satid values per pixel for irwin_3 5
satid_wv1 satid values per pixel for irwvp 5
satid_wv2 satid values per pixel for irwvp2 5
satid_vs1 satid values per pixel for vischn 5
satid_vs2 satid values per pixel for vischn2 5

* = Values are estimated


Name Type Description
satid_0 String Satellite name (see notes)
satid_1 String Satellite name (see notes)
satid_2 String Satellite name (see notes)
satid_3 String Satellite name (see notes)
satid_4 String Satellite name (see notes)
satid_5 String Satellite name (see notes)


The NOAA CDR Program\u2019s official distribution point for CDRs is NOAA\u2019s National Climatic Data Center which provides sustained, open access and active data management of the CDR packages and related information in keeping with the United States\u2019 open data policies and practices as described in the President's Memorandum on "Open Data Policy" and pursuant to the Executive Order of May 9, 2013, "Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information". In line with these policies, the CDR data sets are nonproprietary, publicly available, and no restrictions are placed upon their use.

For more information, see the 這個式資料官方的使用手冊​​Fair Use of NOAA's CDR Data Sets, Algorithms and Documentation​​ pdf. 


Kenneth R. Knapp, and NOAA CDR Program (2014): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Gridded Satellite Data from ISCCP B1 (GridSat-B1) 11 micron Brightness Temperature, Version 2. [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Climatic Data Center. ​​doi:10.7289/V59P2ZKR​​ [access date].

Knapp, K. R., S. Ansari, C. L. Bain, M. A. Bourassa, M. J. Dickinson, C. Funk, C. N. Helms, C. C. Hennon, C. D. Holmes, G. J. Huffman, J. P. Kossin, H.-T. Lee, A. Loew, and G. Magnusdottir, 2011: Globally gridded satellite (GridSat) observations for climate studies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 893-907. ​​doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3039.1​​


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/CDR/GRIDSAT-B1/V2')
                  .filter(ee.Filter.date('2017-05-01', '2017-05-14'));
var brightnessTemp = dataset.select(['irwin_cdr', 'vschn', 'irwvp']);
var brightnessTempVis = {
  min: 500.0,
  max: 10000.0,
Map.setCenter(7.71, 17.93, 2);
Map.addLayer(brightnessTemp, brightnessTempVis, 'Brightness Temperature');      
