
在MSVC2012中使用freeglut代替glut Setting Up: OpenGL + GLUT + Windows + Visual Studio



“GLUT is very dated now and not actively supported - so you should certainly be using Freeglut instead. You won't have to change your code at all, and a few additional features become available.”

You'll find pre-packaged sets of files from here: http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/index.php#download

pre-packaged version: http://www.transmissionzero.co.uk/software/freeglut-devel/

pre-packaged 版本提供了freeglut.dll, freeglut.lib,freeglut.h,glut.h等檔案,并有32位和64位版本。與原生glut代碼完美相容。



GLUT for Windows

GLUT comes in two flavours for Windows. There's an old and unmaintained version called GLUT and an open source alternative called freeglut. The textbook examples rely on freeglut, so I suggest you install that one. You may find code that relies on GLUT that doesn't work with freeglut. The two libraries can coexist on one PC. Follow the Optional installation instructions to install it.

Installing freeglut

  1. Get the freeglut 2.8.1 MSVC zip file from http://www.transmissionzero.co.uk/software/freeglut-devel/
  2. Extract the files to your PC.
  3. There are three types of files of importance: lib (in the lib folder), header (in the include\GL folder), and dll (in the bin folder).
  4. If you are using 32-bit Windows with Visual Studio 2013, the following are the easiest places to put each of these files:
    • lib files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib
    • Header files: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\gl
    • dll files: C:\WINDOWS\System32
  5. If you are using 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2013 do the following:
    • Header files: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\gl
    • 32-bit lib files: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib
    • 32-bit dll files: C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64
    • 64-bit lib files: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib\amd64
    • 64-bit dll files: C:\WINDOWS\System32

Install GLEW//不需要考慮這一段

The textbook samples rely on GLEW to get extra OpenGL functionality. You should install it now.

  • Download GLEW (32-bit and 64-bit versions are separated): https://sourceforge.net/projects/glew/files/glew/1.9.0/
  • Find the headers, glew32.lib and glew32.dll files and install them to the same locations you used for freeglut.

Set up a freeglut program

  • Start Visual Studio 2012
  • Select File->New->Project

    A "New Project" Dialogue box will appear.

  • Click the Visual C++ Projects Folder and select the Win32 Console Application template.
  • Choose a "Name:" and a "Location:".
  • Uncheck "Create directory for solution"
  • Click "OK"
  • In the Win32 Application Wizard, Select Application Settings, check the Empty project box, then click Finish.
  • A new project has now been created. Now, we will add the main program...
  • Adding new files:
    • From the main menu, select Project->Add New Item... 

      An "Add New Item" Dialogue box will appear.

    • Select C++ File(.cpp) and call this file main.cpp.
    • In the editor window, type your program or copy and paste in the code.
  • Inserting existing files:
    • Download the desired files
    • Put them in the project folder next to the file with the .vcproj extension.
    • Add the files to your project: from the Visual Studio menu, select Project->Add Existing Item...

      A dialog will appear that should list the files you put in the project folder. Select them and add them.

    • For example:
      • Download Angel.zip and add all the files inside to your project.

        All of Dr. Angel's code relies on a set of utility files that he wrote. I have collected the files in a .zip file for your convenience.

      • Add your OpenGL code and shaders. For example, download these sample files from the textbook add them to your project:
        • example1.cpp
        • vshader91.glsl
        • fshader91.glsl
  • Build and Run:
    • You should be ready to go, but you may need to specify some libraries explicitly:
      • Make sure the project is selected in the Solution Explorer, not a code file, and not the Solution.
      • Go to Project->Properties
      • expand Configuration Properties
      • expand the Linker folder
      • select Input
      • add these additional dependencies: opengl32.lib;glu32.lib;freeglut.lib;glew32.lib
  • 64-bit configuration - 64-bit Windows only
    • 64-bit Windows will compile and run a 32-bit project, but if you want to try to do 64-bit OpenGL projects, you only have to do a little extra work:
      • Go to Project->Properties
      • Click on Configuration Properties
      • Click Configuration Manager
      • Select New... from Active solution platform:
      • Select the new platform x64, and copy settings from Win32

OpenGL 無法打開檔案“freeglut_static.lib”的解決方法

評論:這個文章的方法作用有限。參考:If you need 


 use the 




 configurations in 




在運作OpenGL寶典附帶的例子時遇到了 無法打開檔案“freeglut_static.lib” 的錯誤,這已經是自己第二次在這問題上糾結了,為了避免以後再遇到這問題時解決不了,還是把解決方法寫上來_(:3」∠)_

  首先到freeglut的官方網站http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/上把最新版的Freeglut下載下傳下來,或者直接點選這下載下傳Freeglut 2.8.0,将下載下傳後的壓縮包解壓開,運作項目。由于我使用的是Visual Studio 2010,是以就進入..\freeglut-2.8.0\VisualStudio\2010的檔案夾下運作freeglut.sln打開項目。


在MSVC2012中使用freeglut代替glut Setting Up: OpenGL + GLUT + Windows + Visual Studio



在MSVC2012中使用freeglut代替glut Setting Up: OpenGL + GLUT + Windows + Visual Studio


到..\freeglut-2.8.0\lib\x86 發下多出了三個檔案

在MSVC2012中使用freeglut代替glut Setting Up: OpenGL + GLUT + Windows + Visual Studio

将freeglut.dll移動到C:\Windows\System32 檔案夾下

freeglut.lib移動到C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib 檔案夾下



Setting Up: OpenGL + GLUT + Windows + Visual Studio

