
如何将Silverlight 2 Beta SDK的幫助文檔整合到VS2008文檔中

如何将Silverlight 2 Beta SDK的幫助文檔整合到VS2008文檔中

<script type="text/javascript">function StorePage(){d=document;t=d.selection?(d.selection.type!='None'?d.selection.createRange().text:''):(d.getSelection?d.getSelection():'');void(keyit=window.open('http://www.365key.com/storeit.aspx?t='+escape(d.title)+'&u='+escape(d.location.href)+'&c='+escape(t),'keyit','scrollbars=no,width=475,height=575,left=75,top=20,status=no,resizable=yes'));keyit.focus();}</script>買了個新本兒,第一件事就是裝一個VS2008玩一下。 TerryLee發了一個Sliverlight 2的系列教程,于是按捺不住誘惑下了一個


如何将Silverlight 2 Beta SDK的幫助文檔整合到VS2008文檔中

6,單擊最後的“ Visual Studio 2008 組合幫助集合管理器”,這樣就進入了 Visual Studio 2008 組合幫助集合管理器;往下看Microsoft Silverlight 2 SDK Documentation前邊是不是沒有打鈎,好了鈎之;

如何将Silverlight 2 Beta SDK的幫助文檔整合到VS2008文檔中

7,單擊一下最下邊的“更新VSCC” 按鈕,會彈出一個對話框,我想你一定知道點哪個按鈕;

8,重新啟動VS2008 ,重新進入文檔庫,經過十多分鐘之後終于看到 Sliverlight 2 SDK Document 了。

如何将Silverlight 2 Beta SDK的幫助文檔整合到VS2008文檔中


Issue: Silverlight help collections are not registered with Visual Studio and thus cannot be viewed inside of Visual Studio
1.       Open Visual Studio (you might have to open VS as an administrator).
2.       In the Help menu, choose Index. Microsoft Document Explorer displays.
3.       In the Filtered by: drop-down, choose to (unfiltered).
4.       In the Look for field, type Collection Manager.
5.       Below the Collection Manager heading, double click Help.
6.       Below the Collections available for inclusion in VSCC heading, check Microsoft Silverlight 2 SDK Documentation.
7.       Click Update VSCC.
You will be prompted to close all open instances of Visual Studio.  Follow steps 1 through 3 above. Click the Contents Tab and look for Microsoft Silverlight 2 SDK.
Note:  It will take only a few minutes to update the collection and merge in the Silverlight help files.
