



Update the package repository

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade --show-upgrades       

Install the authbind package

sudo apt-get install authbind      

This package allows non-root users to bind to ports below 1024. Install the tomcat7 package

sudo apt-get install tomcat7      

The tomcat7-docs, tomcat7-examples,and tomcat7-admin packages aren't required to deploy and maintain a web application. These packages can be skipped unless they are truly needed.

A new user "tomcat7" with primary group "tomcat7" will be created.

Enable authbind

Open a text editor like vim and load the default tomcat configuration file

nano /etc/default/tomcat7      

Remove the comment hash "#" in front of the authbind property and set the value to "yes"


Create authbind bind permission files for ports 80 and 443. Authbind will loop through the directory structure and try to find a byPort file referencing the port number attempting to be bound. Authorization will be granted if the user attempting to bind has execute permission.

touch /etc/authbind/byport/80
touch /etc/authbind/byport/443
chmod 0755 /etc/authbind/byport/80
chmod 0755 /etc/authbind/byport/443
chown tomcat7:tomcat7 /etc/authbind/byport/80
chown tomcat7:tomcat7 /etc/authbind/byport/443      

Change the Tomcat Port from 8080/8443 to 80/443

Open a text editor like vim and load the server configuration file

nano /etc/tomcat7/server.xml      

Find the connector for port 8080 to port 80 and the redirect port from 8443 to 443:

<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
connectiontimeout="20000" uriencoding="UTF-8" 

Restart the Tomcat service

sudo service tomcat7 restart      

View the catalina.out log after restart and look for any errors. If you see permission denied errors, then you may have missed a step like: 

Forgetting to uncomment the AuthBind setting and putting it to "yes"

Forgetting to restart the tomcat7 service as sudo

最後運作netstat -ant,檢視80端口是否起來 。





cd /usr/share/tomcat7
sudo mkdir logs
sudo chmod 755 logs      


<!-- The contents of this file will be loaded for each web application -->

<Context path="" docBase="/usr/share/tomcat7/ROOT.war" displayName="Tomcat_1" reload="false" 
        debug="0" privileged="true">

    <!-- Default set of monitored resources -->



   其中 docBase="/usr/share/tomcat7/ROOT.war"指向應用部署所在檔案位址。

4、 重新開機tomcat

sudo service tomcat7 restart      


* Stopping Tomcat servlet engine tomcat7
 * Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat7

