
Signing a sublease contract, take legal risks or not?中文見本文尾部



This article analyzes a case to illustrate the legal risk of a sublease contract. If the lessee breaches the leasing contract, the lessor shall dissolve the contract because of the lessee’s overdue rent. The sub-lessee can’t continue leasing until he pays off the overdue rents in full and liquidated damages the lessee should pay. Otherwise, the lessor shall terminate the contract, take back the shop (or house), and shall not compensate for the sub-lessee's decoration and other expenses. The sub-lessee may bear the burden of inauguration somewhere else and seek recovery from the lessee simultaneously.

The lessor A (hereinafter referred to as A) rented a shop to the lessee B (hereinafter referred to as B) with a low rent price of 10,000 yuan per month (the market price was 30,000 yuan per month). Their agreement was: If B failed to pay rent over 30 days, liquidated damages shall be paid and A would terminate the leasing contract without compensating the expenses of the ornamentation and decoration. Three days later, A subleased the shop to a third party, namely sub-lessee (hereinafter refers to C) with the consent of A of 20,000 yuan per month. Afterwards, C spent 130,000 yuan to decorate the shop for his restaurant inauguration and paid B rent every month on time.

Unexpectedly, a month later, B delayed to pay A with the rent over 30 days.So, A issued a lawyer’s letter to B calling for the overdue rent of 10,000 yuan and liquidated damages 1,000 yuan, totally 11,000 yuan. Then A asked C whether he would like to pay 11,000 yuan on behalf of B and re-sign a leasing contract with the market price of 30,000 yuan per month. But C was not willing to pay the bill on behalf of B absolutely, so he rejected. A immediately terminated the contract, removed the decoration of the shop and leased it to someone else.

Signing a sublease contract, take legal risks or not?中文見本文尾部

C then filed a lawsuit to the court, requiring A to compensate for the decoration cost of 130,000 yuan, and continuing to perform the original contract.

Soon, the court made a verdict: C’s claim is rejected.

C felt sad and consulted a lawyer called Mr. Flag.

Signing a sublease contract, take legal risks or not?中文見本文尾部

Mr. Flag read the verdict and explained:


A could not continue to perform the original leasing contract with the rent of 20,000 yuan per month.

According to Contract Law of the People's Republic of China Article 227“Where the lessee, without a legitimate reason, does not pay rent or is late in making a rent payment, the lessor may demand that the lessee make the relevant payment within a reasonable period of time. If at the conclusion of the said time period the lessee has not made the payment, the lessor may dissolve the contract”.

A terminated the contract because B delayed in making the payment of rent. The contract between A and B is the basis of the contract between B and C. When the basis is gone, the contract between B and C is terminated automatically. Actually, A re-rented to a third party, which means C’s request of continuing leasing could not be fulfilled.


C should pay off the payment of breaching of contract on behalf of B, which can defense against A’s right to terminate the contract.

According to Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning Specific Application of Law in the Trial of Cases on Disputes over Contracts for Lease of Urban Houses Article 17 “Where the lessor requests terminating the contract because the lessee delays in making the payment of rent, if the sub-lessee requests paying the rent overdue and liquidated damages on behalf of the lessee in defense against the right of the lessor to terminate the contract, the people's court shall uphold such request, except in case of invalid sublease contract.”

Therefore, C should pay off 11,000 yuan on behalf of B, and re-negotiate rent with A. Of course, C will recover from B the same amount of money he paid for him at last.


A does not need to compensate the value of the decoration worthy 130,000 yuan.

According to Article 11 of Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Cases about Disputes Over Lease Contracts on Urban Buildings, if the contract is rescinded due to the lessee’s default, the lessee’s request against the lessor for compensation for the residue value loss of the decorations or furnishings for the rest of the lease term shall be rejected.

In this case, if the contract is rescinded due to B’ s default, A shall not compensate for the costs of decorations or furnishings. C shall recover his claims from B (if the contract between B and C involved this).

The risk is: in case of lessee’s breach of contract, you would pay the rents of him and liquidated damages. Besides, the lessor may ask you to sign a new contract in a higher price, if not, the lessor tend to resume the store or apartment. In this case, you would search for a new spot and run risks of losing upfront costs (such as decorations and advertisements) and lodging a claim for loss.

Mr.Flag said: if you consult me at first, you will not get into trouble like this. In fact, you can pay off debts on behalf of B after the assessment of the current investment and the expected benefits. If the pay-off is equivalent to the costs of finding a new spot, decorations and advertisement, you can make the pay-off and negotiate with A to reach a more reasonable price in a new contract. Besides, you should ask a lawyer to recover the pay-off from B.

Mr.Flag’s suggestions:

Chinese law is inclined to protect the lessor.When it comes to renting shops or apartments, some advices followed:


sign the leasing contract with the owner.


when you are negotiating a contract with a lessee, you need to look for the contract between the lessee and the owner, in order to make a clause to protect your rights in case of the breach of lessee (such as the default clause, and the reasonability of the clause).


sign a contract with a wealthy lessee. If you get involved in the disputes between the lessee and the owner, the lessee can compensate for your damages.

In fact,

asking a lawyer for advice first

is your best choice.

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1、 盡量與“大房東”(即:房屋所有權人)簽訂租賃合同;

2、 如果必須要與“二房東”(即:轉租人)承租的,需提前詳細了解“二房東”與“大房東”的協定内容(例如:二房東的違約情形有哪些?違約責任是否公平?),來設計自己與“二房東”權利義務的制衡條款,以確定“二房東”違約時,自己不會被連累。

3、 盡量與有經濟實力的“二房東”簽約,避免自己不幸被連累時,有能力的“二房東”還能賠付。

