
Application Architecture Guide 2.0 - CH 19 - Mobile Applications(5)

本文翻譯"Deployment"、"Pattern Map"、"Pattern Descriptions"和"Technology Considerations"中的"Microsoft Silverlight for Mobile"部分。


Mobile applications can be deployed using many different methods. Consider the requirements of your users, as well as how you will manage the application, when designing for deployment. Ensure that you design to allow for the appropriate management, administration, and security for application deployment.

Deployment scenarios listed for Windows Mobile device applications, with the more common ones listed first, are:

• Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync® using a Windows Installer file (MSI).

• Over the air, using HTTP, SMS, or CAB files to provide install and run functionality.

• Mobile Device Manager–based, using Active Directory to load from a CAB or MSI file.

• Post load and auto-run, which loads a company-specific package as part of the operating system.

• Site loading, manually using an SD card.



Windows Mobile裝置應用部署場景如下:

•通過Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync®,使用Windows Installer檔案。


•基于Mobile Device Manager,使用Active Directory來從CAB或者MSI檔案加載。



Consider the following guidelines when designing your deployment strategy:

• If your users must be able to install and update applications while away from the office, consider designing for over-the-air deployment.

• If you are using CAB file distribution for multiple devices, include multiple device executables in the CAB file. Have the device detect which executable to install, and discard the rest.

• If your application relies heavily on a host PC, consider using ActiveSync to deploy your application.

• If you are deploying a baseline experience running on top of Windows Mobile, considering using the post-load mechanism to automatically load your application immediately after the Windows Mobile operating system starts up.

• If your application will be run only at a specific site, and you want to manually control distribution, consider deployment using an SD memory card.





•如果你要部署一個運作于Windows Mobile裝置上的基本的體驗,那麼考慮使用開機重新開機加載的機制,在Windows Mobile作業系統運作後,來自動加載你的應用程式。


Pattern Map

Table 2 Pattern Map


表2 模式圖

類别 相關模式
緩存 惰性采集










同步 同步





Pattern Descriptions

• Active Object. Support asynchronous processing by encapsulating the service request and service completion response.

• Active Record. Include a data access object within a domain entity.

• Application Controller. An object that contains all of the flow logic, and is used by other Controllers that work with a Model and display the appropriate View.

• Communicator. Encapsulate the internal details of communication in a separate component that can communicate through different channels.

• Data Transfer Object (DTO). An object that stores the data transported between processes, reducing the number of method calls required.

• Domain Model. A set of business objects that represents the entities in a domain and the relationships between them.

• Entity Translator. An object that transforms message data types into business types for requests, and reverses the transformation for responses.

• Lazy Acquisition. Defer the acquisition of resources as long as possible to optimize device resource use.

• Model-View-Controller. Separate the UI code into three separate units: Model (data), View (interface), and Presenter (processing logic), with a focus on the View. Two variations on this pattern include Passive View and Supervising Controller, which define how the View interacts with the Model.

• Model-View-Presenter. Separate request processing into three separate roles, with the View being responsible for handling user input and passing control to a Presenter object.

• Pagination. Separate large amounts of content into individual pages to optimize system resources and minimize use of screen space.

• Reliable Sessions. End-to-end reliable transfer of messages between a source and a destination, regardless of the number or type of intermediaries that separate the endpoints

• Synchronization. A component installed on a device tracks changes to data and exchanges information with a component on the server when a connection is available.

• Transaction Script. Organize the business logic for each transaction in a single procedure, making calls directly to the database or through a thin database wrapper.
















Technology Considerations

The following guidelines contain suggestions and advice for common scenarios for mobile applications and technologies.



Microsoft Silverlight for Mobile

If you are using Microsoft Silverlight® for Mobile, consider the following guidelines:

• Consider that at the time of this writing, Silverlight for Mobile was an announced product under development, but not yet released.

• If you want to build applications that support rich media and interactivity and have the ability to run on both a mobile device and desktop as is, consider using Silverlight for Mobile. Silverlight 2.0 code created to run on the desktop in the Silverlight 2.0 plug-in will run in the Windows Mobile Silverlight plug-in in the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mobile. Consider that while it is possible to use the same Silverlight code in both places, you should take into account the differing screen size and resource constraints on a mobile device. Consider optimizing the code for Windows Mobile.

• If you want to develop Web pages for both desktop and mobile platforms, consider Silverlight for Mobile or normal ASP.NET/HMTL over ASP.NET for Mobile unless you know that your device cannot support either of these alternatives. As devices browsers have become more powerful, they are able to process the same native HTML and ASP.NET targeted by the desktop, thus making ASP.NET Mobile development less important. ASP.NET Mobile Controls currently supports a variety of mobile devices through specific markup adapters and device profiles. While ASP.NET Mobile Controls automatically render content to match device capabilities at run time, there is overhead associated with testing and maintaining the device profiles. Development support for these controls is included in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 but is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2008. Run-time support is currently still available, but may be discontinued in the future. For more information, see the links available in the Additional Resources section.

如果你要使用Microsoft Silverlight® for Mobile,那麼考慮如下指導方針:

•在目前,Silverlight for Mobile隻是作為一個處于開發中的産品,并未正式釋出。

•如果你要建立支援豐富多媒體的應用,并且在移動裝置和桌面裝置上都能運作,那麼就考慮使用Silverlight for Mobile。用Silverlight 2.0建立的代碼能夠在裝有Silverlight 2.0 plug-in的桌面機上運作,同時也能夠在裝有包含Silverlight plug-in的最新版本的Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mobile的Windows Mobile裝置上運作。在這兩種不同的場合使用相通的代碼時,要考慮移動裝置上的多種螢幕大小和資源限制。考慮為Windows Mobile進行代碼優化。

•如果你想為桌面平台和移動平台同時開發Web頁面的話,那麼考慮使用Silverlight for Mobile或者基于ASP.NET for Mobile之上的标準ASP.NET/HMTL,除非你知道你的裝置不能支援上面兩種選擇中的任何一個。由于裝置浏覽器變得越來越強大,與桌面應用一樣,他們能夠處理相同的本地HTML和ASP.NET,是以使得ASP.NET Mobile開發變得越來越不重要。目前的ASP.NET Mobile控件支援很多移動裝置,包括具有特殊标記擴充卡和裝置資訊的。ASP.NET Mobile控件具有在運作時能夠将内容轉化為裝置比對的資訊的能力,而在測試以及維護裝置資訊時,會有一定的開銷。對這些控件進行開發在Microsoft Visual Studio 2003和2005中是支援的,但是在Visual Studio 2008是不支援的。對于運作時的支援,目前仍然可用。但是将來可能變得不可用。更多資訊請參考Additional Resources這一節給出的連結。