

Are you looking to add a Welcome Gate on your WordPress site? Welcome Gates are one of the highest converting list building techniques in the market. Recently one of our users asked us for the best Welcome Gate plugins for WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to create a welcome gate in WordPress without affecting SEO.

您是否要在WordPress網站上添加歡迎門? Welcome Gates是市場上轉換率最高的清單建構技術之一。 最近,我們的一位使用者向我們詢問了WordPress最佳的Welcome Gate插件。 在本文中,我們将向您展示如何在WordPress中建立歡迎門而不影響SEO。


什麼是歡迎門? (What is a Welcome Gate?)

A welcome gate is a full screen call to action that appears before a user can see any content. Often website owners use it to quickly grab user’s attention and display a targeted offer to build their email list.

歡迎門是在使用者看到任何内容之前出現的全屏号召性用語。 網站所有者通常使用它來快速吸引使用者的注意力并顯示針對性的報價以建立其電子郵件清單。

Traditional Welcome Gate techniques simply redirected users to a new page. Since the user does not see anything else on the screen except for a call to action or an advertisement, this ensures maximum conversion. Sounds great right? But here is the catch.

傳統的Welcome Gate技術隻是将使用者重定向到新頁面。 由于除了号召性文字或廣告外,使用者在螢幕上看不到其他任何内容,是以可以確定最大程度的轉換。 聽起來不錯吧? 但是這裡是要抓住的地方。

Redirecting users to a page they didn’t request is bad for your site’s SEO and user experience. Google is actively penalizing websites redirecting users instead of showing them the content they requested.

将使用者重定向到他們未請求的頁面對您網站的SEO和使用者體驗不利。 Google積極懲罰網站重定向使用者,而不是向使用者顯示他們請求的内容。

However there are modern WordPress welcome gate plugins that allow you to maximize your conversions without affecting your site’s SEO.


影片教學 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


在WordPress中添加歡迎門 (Adding a Welcome Gate in WordPress)

We will be using OptinMonster to create a welcome gate. It is the best WordPress popup plugin and lead generation solution in the market, and we use it on WPBeginner. It allows you to create high-converting optin forms such as welcome gates, exit-intent lightbox popups, scroll-triggered slide-ins, floating bars, etc along with doing A/B testing, page level targeting, and gathering conversion analytics.

我們将使用OptinMonster建立歡迎門。 它是市場上最好的WordPress彈出視窗插件和銷售線索生成解決方案,我們在WPBeginner上使用它。 它使您可以建立高轉換率的optin形式,例如歡迎門,出口意圖燈箱彈出視窗,滾動觸發的滑入式輸入,浮動條等,以及進行A / B測試,頁面級定位和收集轉換分析。

OptinMonster is a paid service, but WPBeginner users get an exclusive 10% off with the OptinMonster Coupon code: WPB10.

OptinMonster是一項付費服務​​,但是WPBeginner使用者可以使用OptinMonster優惠券代碼WPB10獨家享受10%的折扣 。

Once you have purchased OptinMonster, you need to install and activate the OptinMonster WordPress API plugin.

購買OptinMonster後,您需要安裝并激活OptinMonster WordPress API插件 。

Upon activation, you will be asked to add your API credentials which can be found in your OptinMonster account.



Once you have connected your account with your site, you need to click on create new optin button.



This will take you to OptinMonster app where you will select and design your fullscreen welcome gate.



First you need to enter a title for your optin and select your website. If you have not added your website yet, then you can click on add a website to add it now.

首先,您需要輸入optin的标題并選擇您的網站。 如果尚未添加網站,則可以單擊添加網站以立即添加它。

Click on fullscreen under ‘Select your design’ column. This will show you a welcome gate theme. Clicking on the theme will launch the OptinMonster design builder.

單擊“選擇設計”列下的全屏。 這将向您展示一個歡迎登機的主題。 單擊主題将啟動OptinMonster設計建構器。


In the builder, you will see the live preview of the welcome gate. You can change colors, text, add buttons, and fully customize your welcome gate here.

在建構器中,您将看到歡迎門的實時預覽。 您可以在此處更改顔色,文本,添加按鈕并完全自定義您的歡迎門。

什麼時候顯示歡迎登機門? (When to Display Welcome Gate?)

Timing is crucial when you want to display a full screen welcome gate or interstitial. Unlike other solutions available in the market, OptinMonster provides you with a wide range of behavioral controls that helps you boost your conversion rates.

當您要顯示全屏歡迎界面或插頁式廣告時,時間至關重要。 與市場上其他解決方案不同,OptinMonster為您提供了多種行為控制,可幫助您提高轉化率。

While we’re using the OptinMonster Fullscreen as a welcome gate, you can actually turn it into an interstitial ad and even exit gate.

當我們使用OptinMonster Fullscreen作為歡迎界面時,您實際上可以将其變成插頁式廣告,甚至退出。

OptinMonster allows you to set time and scroll-based delays. You can choose to load the Fullscreen optin at 0 seconds which means it’s a Welcome Gate. You can delay it by XX seconds, and it becomes an interstitial. Or you can select exit-intent which triggers the full screen optin when the user is about to leave turning it into an exit gate.

OptinMonster允許您設定時間和基于滾動的延遲。 您可以選擇在0秒時加載全屏optin,這意味着它是一個歡迎門。 您可以将它延遲XX秒,然後它就會變成插頁式廣告。 或者,您可以選擇退出意圖 ,當使用者要離開時将其觸發全屏選擇。

All of this can be selected from the OptinMonster design builder.



OptinMonster also comes with referrer detection. This allows you to show or hide welcome gate for users coming from a certain domain. You can explicitly show your full screen welcome gate to users coming through search or social media.

OptinMonster還帶有引薦來源網址檢測。 這使您可以顯示或隐藏來自特定域的使用者的歡迎門。 您可以向搜尋或社交媒體使用者明确顯示全屏歡迎界面。


Once you are done configuring your optin, you can simply click on the save button and exit the customizer.


全屏歡迎界面上線 (Going Live With Your Full Screen Welcome Gate)

After designing your welcome gate, there is just one more step to make it live on your WordPress website. Simply click on the OptinMonster icon in your WordPress admin area and then click on refresh optins button.

在設計好歡迎門之後,僅需一步就可以在您的WordPress網站上啟用它。 隻需單擊WordPress管理區域中的OptinMonster圖示,然後單擊重新整理選項按鈕。

You will see the optin you just created in the list. Click on edit output settings link below your optin.

您将在清單中看到剛建立的optin。 單擊您選擇下方的編輯輸出設定連結。


This will show you the output settings for your welcome gate. Simply check enable this optin option and choose one of the display settings (such as load globally, load on specific posts, load on specific categories, etc).

這将顯示歡迎門的輸出設定。 隻需選中啟用此optin選項并選擇一種顯示設定(例如全局加載,特定文章加載,特定類别加載等)。


Once you are done, click on save settings button.


Your full screen welcome gate is now live on your website. You can check it by opening a new window under incognito mode and visit your website.

全屏歡迎界面現已在您的網站上釋出。 您可以通過在隐身模式下打開新視窗來檢查它并通路您的網站。

We hope this article helped you create a welcome gate in WordPress. You may also want to take a look at our guide on how to add a YouTube video as fullscreen background in WordPress.

我們希望本文能幫助您在WordPress中建立歡迎之門。 您可能還需要看一下有關如何在WordPress中将YouTube視訊添加為全屏背景的指南 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜歡這篇文章,請訂閱我們的YouTube頻道 WordPress視訊教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我們。

Full disclosure: WPBeginner’s founder, Syed Balkhi, is the co-founder of OptinMonster.

全面披露: WPBeginner的創始人Syed Balkhi是OptinMonster的聯合創始人。

翻譯自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-welcome-gate-in-wordpress/