
fume的sink---HDFS SinkHDFS Sink


This sink writes events into the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It currently supports creating text and sequence files. It supports compression in both file types. The files can be rolled (close current file and create a new one) periodically based on the elapsed time or size of data or number of events. It also buckets/partitions data by attributes like timestamp or machine where the event originated. The HDFS directory path may contain formatting escape sequences that will replaced by the HDFS sink to generate a directory/file name to store the events. Using this sink requires hadoop to be installed so that Flume can use the Hadoop jars to communicate with the HDFS cluster. Note that a version of Hadoop that supports the sync() call is required.

HDFS Sink将events寫入Hadoop的分布式檔案系統中(HDFS)。目前支援建立text文本以及序列化檔案,兩者都支援壓縮。檔案可以基于運作時間以及資料大小或者events的數量來定期地滾動(關閉目前檔案并建立一個新的)。它也可以通過類似timestamp時間戳或資料的機器來源(即資料來源于哪個機器)來将資料進行分桶或分區。HDFS的目錄路徑可以包含格式化escape序列,該序列将被HDFS sink取代,來生成一個目錄/檔案 名,來儲存檔案。使用這個sink需要安裝好hadoop,flume才能使用hadoop的jar包,進而與HDFS的叢集進行通話。注意,hadoop的版本需要支援同步通路。

一、escape 序列支援

The following are the escape sequences supported:

Alias Description
%{host} Substitute value of event header named “host”. Arbitrary header names are supported.
%t Unix time in milliseconds
%a locale’s short weekday name (Mon, Tue, …)
%A locale’s full weekday name (Monday, Tuesday, …)
%b locale’s short month name (Jan, Feb, …)
%B locale’s long month name (January, February, …)
%c locale’s date and time (Thu Mar 3 23:05:25 2005)
%d day of month (01)
%e day of month without padding (1)
%D date; same as %m/%d/%y
%H hour (00…23)
%I hour (01…12)
%j day of year (001…366)
%k hour ( 0…23)
%m month (01…12)
%n month without padding (1…12)
%M minute (00…59)
%p locale’s equivalent of am or pm
%s seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
%S second (00…59)
%y last two digits of year (00…99)
%Y year (2010)
%z +hhmm numeric timezone (for example, -0400)
%[localhost] Substitute the hostname of the host where the agent is running
%[IP] Substitute the IP address of the host where the agent is running
%[FQDN] Substitute the canonical hostname of the host where the agent is running

Note: The escape strings %[localhost], %[IP] and %[FQDN] all rely on Java’s ability to obtain the hostname, which may fail in some networking environments.

注意:escape字元串 %[localhost], %[IP] 和 %[FQDN]都依賴java來擷取主機名,在某些網絡環境中可能失效。

The file in use will have the name mangled to include ”.tmp” at the end. Once the file is closed, this extension is removed. This allows excluding partially complete files in the directory. Required properties are in bold.


Note For all of the time related escape sequences, a header with the key “timestamp” must exist among the headers of the event (unless hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp is set to true). One way to add this automatically is to use the Timestamp Interceptor.

記錄所有與時間相關的escape sequences時,“timestamp”需要作為event的頭(除非hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp被設定為true)。可以通過使用時間戳攔截器的方法實作自動添加。

Name Default Description
type The component type name, needs to be hdfs
hdfs.path HDFS directory path (eg hdfs://namenode/flume/webdata/)
hdfs.filePrefix FlumeData Name prefixed to files created by Flume in hdfs directory
hdfs.fileSuffix Suffix to append to file (eg .avro - NOTE: period is not automatically added)
hdfs.inUsePrefix Prefix that is used for temporal files that flume actively writes into
hdfs.inUseSuffix .tmp Suffix that is used for temporal files that flume actively writes into
hdfs.rollInterval 30 Number of seconds to wait before rolling current file (0 = never roll based on time interval)
hdfs.rollSize 1024 File size to trigger roll, in bytes (0: never roll based on file size)
hdfs.rollCount 10 Number of events written to file before it rolled (0 = never roll based on number of events)
hdfs.idleTimeout Timeout after which inactive files get closed (0 = disable automatic closing of idle files)
hdfs.batchSize 100 number of events written to file before it is flushed to HDFS
hdfs.codeC Compression codec. one of following : gzip, bzip2, lzo, lzop, snappy
hdfs.fileType SequenceFile File format: currently SequenceFile, DataStream or CompressedStream (1)DataStream will not compress output file and please don’t set codeC (2)CompressedStream requires set hdfs.codeC with an available codeC
hdfs.maxOpenFiles 5000 Allow only this number of open files. If this number is exceeded, the oldest file is closed.
hdfs.minBlockReplicas Specify minimum number of replicas per HDFS block. If not specified, it comes from the default Hadoop config in the classpath.
hdfs.writeFormat Writable Format for sequence file records. One of Text or Writable. Set to Text before creating data files with Flume, otherwise those files cannot be read by either Apache Impala (incubating) or Apache Hive.
hdfs.callTimeout 10000 Number of milliseconds allowed for HDFS operations, such as open, write, flush, close. This number should be increased if many HDFS timeout operations are occurring.
hdfs.threadsPoolSize 10 Number of threads per HDFS sink for HDFS IO ops (open, write, etc.)
hdfs.rollTimerPoolSize 1 Number of threads per HDFS sink for scheduling timed file rolling
hdfs.kerberosPrincipal Kerberos user principal for accessing secure HDFS
hdfs.kerberosKeytab Kerberos keytab for accessing secure HDFS
hdfs.round false Should the timestamp be rounded down (if true, affects all time based escape sequences except %t)
hdfs.roundValue 1 Rounded down to the highest multiple of this (in the unit configured using hdfs.roundUnit), less than current time.
hdfs.roundUnit second The unit of the round down value - second, minute or hour.
hdfs.timeZone Local Time Name of the timezone that should be used for resolving the directory path, e.g. America/Los_Angeles.
hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp false Use the local time (instead of the timestamp from the event header) while replacing the escape sequences.
hdfs.closeTries Number of times the sink must try renaming a file, after initiating a close attempt. If set to 1, this sink will not re-try a failed rename (due to, for example, NameNode or DataNode failure), and may leave the file in an open state with a .tmp extension. If set to 0, the sink will try to rename the file until the file is eventually renamed (there is no limit on the number of times it would try). The file may still remain open if the close call fails but the data will be intact and in this case, the file will be closed only after a Flume restart.
hdfs.retryInterval 180 Time in seconds between consecutive attempts to close a file. Each close call costs multiple RPC round-trips to the Namenode, so setting this too low can cause a lot of load on the name node. If set to 0 or less, the sink will not attempt to close the file if the first attempt fails, and may leave the file open or with a ”.tmp” extension.
serializer TEXT Other possible options include avro_event or the fully-qualified class name of an implementation of the EventSerializer.Builder interface.


a1.channels = c1
a1.sinks = k1
a1.sinks.k1.type = hdfs
a1.sinks.k1.channel = c1
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.path = /flume/events/%y-%m-%d/%H%M/%S
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.filePrefix = events-
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.round = true
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.roundValue = 10
a1.sinks.k1.hdfs.roundUnit = minute

The above configuration will round down the timestamp to the last 10th minute. For example, an event with timestamp 11:54:34 AM, June 12, 2012 will cause the hdfs path to become /flume/events/2012-06-12/1150/00.


例如一個event的時間戳是11:54:34 AM, June 12, 2012 ,其在hdfs中的路徑名将為/flume/events/2012-06-12/1150/00