


如果必須這樣做的話,我首先要做的就是周遊所有可能的數字組合,看看要花多長時間。如果你的資料集足夠小,就不值得花時間去發明一個聰明的算法。為了示範設定,我将包括示例代碼:# setup

def distance(nplet):

'''Takes a pair or triplet (an "n-plet") as a list, and returns its distance.

A smaller return value means better agreement.'''

# your choice of implementation here. Example:

return variance(nplet)

# algorithm

def brute_force(*lists):

return min(itertools.product(*lists), key = distance)



問題是,我可以想象這樣的情況,它實際上找不到最好的三元組,例如,如果第一個清單中的一個數字接近第二個清單中的一個,但與第三個清單中的任何一個都不接近。是以您可以嘗試對清單的所有6種可能的排序運作這個算法。我想不出一個具體的情況,那就是找不到最好的三胞胎,但其中一個可能仍然存在。在任何情況下,如果您使用一個聰明的實作,假設清單是排序的,那麼算法仍然是O(N)。在def symmetrized_item_selection(listA, listB, listC):

best_results = []

for ordering in itertools.permutations([listA, listB, listC]):


return min(best_results, key = distance)

另一個選擇可能是計算清單1和清單2之間、清單1和清單3之間、清單2和清單3之間所有可能的數字對。然後将所有三個配對清單按最好到最差的順序排列在一起。從最接近的一對開始,一對一對地浏覽清單,每當你遇到一對與你已經見過的一對共享一個數字的對時,把它們合并成一個三元組。為了達成一緻,一旦你找到了第一個三元組,這将給你一個需要疊代到的最大對距離,一旦你找到了,你隻需選擇你找到的最接近的三元組。我認為應該一緻地找到最好的三元組,但它将是O(N^2 logn),因為需要對對清單進行排序。在def pair_sorting(listA, listB, listC):

# make all possible pairs of values from two lists

# each pair has the structure ((number, origin_list),(number, origin_list))

# so we know which lists the numbers came from

all_pairs = []

all_pairs += [((nA,0), (nB,1)) for (nA,nB) in itertools.product(listA,listB)]

all_pairs += [((nA,0), (nC,2)) for (nA,nC) in itertools.product(listA,listC)]

all_pairs += [((nB,1), (nC,2)) for (nB,nC) in itertools.product(listB,listC)]

all_pairs.sort(key = lambda p: distance(p[0][0], p[1][0]))

# make a dict to track which (number, origin_list)s we've already seen

pairs_by_number_and_list = collections.defaultdict(list)

min_distance = INFINITY

min_triplet = None

# start with the closest pair

for pair in all_pairs:

# for the first value of the current pair, see if we've seen that particular

# (number, origin_list) combination before

for pair2 in pairs_by_number_and_list[pair[0]]:

# if so, that means the current pair shares its first value with

# another pair, so put the 3 unique values together to make a triplet

this_triplet = (pair[1][0], pair2[0][0], pair2[1][0])

# check if the triplet agrees more than the previous best triplet

this_distance = distance(this_triplet)

if this_distance < min_distance:

min_triplet = this_triplet

min_distance = this_distance

# do the same thing but checking the second element of the current pair

for pair2 in pairs_by_number_and_list[pair[1]]:

this_triplet = (pair[0][0], pair2[0][0], pair2[1][0])

this_distance = distance(this_triplet)

if this_distance < min_distance:

min_triplet = this_triplet

min_distance = this_distance

# finally, add the current pair to the list of pairs we've seen



return min_triplet

