


      第一種:使用not in,select top 方法:

select top 5 * from T_user where ID not in(select top (3-1)*5 id from T_user order by ID)

說明:select top 頁大小 [要查詢的字段名稱] from 表名 where ID not in(select top (目前頁數-1)*頁大小 id from 表名 order by ID)      

  第二種:使用select top ,max方法:

select top 5 * from T_user where(ID>=(select MAX(id)from(select top (3-1)*5+1 ID from T_user order by ID)as t))order by ID
說明:select top 頁大小 [要查詢的字段名稱] from 表名 where(ID>=(select Max(id)from(select top(目前頁數-1)*頁大小+1) ID from 表名 order by ID)as t)order by ID)      


select * from
select *, row_number()over(order by id) as num from T_user 
)as t where t.num between (3-1)*5+1 and 3*5
說明:select * from(select [要查詢的字段名稱], row_number()over(order by id) as num from 表名 )as t where t.num between (目前頁-1)*頁大小+1 and 目前頁*頁大小      
