
C++ CSV格式檔案快速讀寫(map法索引,特别适合于大檔案大資料快速讀取)

C++ rapidcsv


#pragma once

#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <unistd.h>
#include <io.h>

#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#define ExpectEqual(t, a, b) ExpectEqualFun<t>(a, b, #a, #b, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define ExpectTrue(a) ExpectTrueFun(a, #a, __FILE__, __LINE__)

#define ExpectException(expr, excp)                                                           \
  do                                                                                          \
  {                                                                                           \
    bool success = false;                                                                     \
    try                                                                                       \
    {                                                                                         \
      expr;                                                                                   \
    }                                                                                         \
    catch (const excp&)                                                                       \
    {                                                                                         \
      success = true;                                                                         \
    }                                                                                         \
    catch(const std::exception& ex)                                                           \
    {                                                                                         \
      std::stringstream ss;                                                                   \
      ss << unittest::detail::FileName(__FILE__) << ":" << std::to_string(__LINE__);          \
      ss << " ExpectException failed: unexpected exception '" << typeid(ex).name();           \
      ss << "' thrown." << std::endl;                                                         \
      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());                                                     \
    }                                                                                         \
    if (!success)                                                                             \
    {                                                                                         \
      std::stringstream ss;                                                                   \
      ss << unittest::detail::FileName(__FILE__) << ":" << std::to_string(__LINE__);          \
      ss << " ExpectException failed: expected exception '" << #excp << "' not thrown.";      \
      ss << std::endl;                                                                        \
      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());                                                     \
    }                                                                                         \
  }                                                                                           \
  while (0)

namespace unittest
  namespace detail
    inline std::string FileName(const std::string& pPath)
      const std::size_t slash = pPath.rfind("/");
      std::string name = (slash != std::string::npos) ? pPath.substr(slash + 1) : pPath;
      return name;

  inline std::string TempPath()
    char name[] = "rapidcsvtest.XXXXXX";
#ifndef _MSC_VER
    int fd = mkstemp(name);
    _mktemp_s(name, strlen(name) + 1);
    return std::string(name);
  inline void WriteFile(const std::string& pPath, const std::string& pData)
    std::ofstream outfile;
    outfile.open(pPath, std::ifstream::out | std::ifstream::binary);
    outfile << pData;
  inline std::string ReadFile(const std::string& pPath)
    std::ifstream infile;
    infile.open(pPath, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
    std::string data((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(infile)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
    return data;

  inline void DeleteFile(const std::string& pPath)

  template<typename T>
  inline void ExpectEqualFun(T pTest, T pRef, const std::string& testName,
                             const std::string& refName, const std::string& filePath, int lineNo)
    if (pTest != pRef)
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << detail::FileName(filePath) << ":" << std::to_string(lineNo);
      ss << " ExpectEqual failed: " << testName << " != " << refName << std::endl;
      ss << testName << " = '" << pTest << "'" << std::endl;
      ss << refName << " = '" << pRef << "'" << std::endl;

      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

  inline void ExpectTrueFun(bool pTest, const std::string& testName, const std::string& filePath,
                            int lineNo)
    if (!pTest)
      std::stringstream ss;
      ss << detail::FileName(filePath) << ":" << std::to_string((long long)lineNo);
      ss << " ExpectTrue failed: " << testName << " == false" << std::endl;

      throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());



#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <codecvt>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <BaseTsd.h>
typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;

namespace rapidcsv
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
  static const bool sPlatformHasCR = true;
  static const bool sPlatformHasCR = false;

   * @brief     Datastructure holding parameters controlling how invalid numbers (including
   *            empty strings) should be handled.
  struct ConverterParams
     * @brief   Constructor
     * @param   pHasDefaultConverter  specifies if conversion of non-numerical strings shall be
     *                                converted to a default numerical value, instead of causing
     *                                an exception to be thrown (default).
     * @param   pDefaultFloat         floating-point default value to represent invalid numbers.
     * @param   pDefaultInteger       integer default value to represent invalid numbers.
    explicit ConverterParams(const bool pHasDefaultConverter = false,
                             const long double pDefaultFloat = std::numeric_limits<long double>::signaling_NaN(),
                             const long long pDefaultInteger = 0)
      : mHasDefaultConverter(pHasDefaultConverter)
      , mDefaultFloat(pDefaultFloat)
      , mDefaultInteger(pDefaultInteger)

     * @brief   specifies if conversion of non-numerical strings shall be converted to a default
     *          numerical value, instead of causing an exception to be thrown (default).
    bool mHasDefaultConverter;

     * @brief   floating-point default value to represent invalid numbers.
    long double mDefaultFloat;

     * @brief   integer default value to represent invalid numbers.
    long long mDefaultInteger;

   * @brief     Exception thrown when attempting to access Document data in a datatype which
   *            is not supported by the Converter class.
  class no_converter : public std::exception
     * @brief   Provides details about the exception
     * @returns an explanatory string
    virtual const char* what() const throw()
      return "unsupported conversion datatype";

   * @brief     Class providing conversion to/from numerical datatypes and strings. Only
   *            intended for rapidcsv internal usage, but exposed externally to allow
   *            specialization for custom datatype conversions.
  template<typename T>
  class Converter
     * @brief   Constructor
     * @param   pConverterParams      specifies how conversion of non-numerical values to
     *                                numerical datatype shall be handled.
    Converter(const ConverterParams& pConverterParams)
      : mConverterParams(pConverterParams)

     * @brief   Converts numerical value to string representation.
     * @param   pVal                  numerical value
     * @param   pStr                  output string
    void ToStr(const T& pVal, std::string& pStr) const
      if (typeid(T) == typeid(int) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(long) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(long long) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned long) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned long long) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(float) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(double) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(long double) ||
          typeid(T) == typeid(char))
        std::ostringstream out;
        out << pVal;
        pStr = out.str();
        throw no_converter();

     * @brief   Converts string holding a numerical value to numerical datatype representation.
     * @param   pVal                  numerical value
     * @param   pStr                  output string
    void ToVal(const std::string& pStr, T& pVal) const
        if (typeid(T) == typeid(int))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stoi(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(long))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stol(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(long long))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stoll(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stoul(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned long))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stoul(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(unsigned long long))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stoull(pStr));
      catch (...)
        if (!mConverterParams.mHasDefaultConverter)
          pVal = static_cast<T>(mConverterParams.mDefaultInteger);

        if (typeid(T) == typeid(float))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stof(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(double))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stod(pStr));
        else if (typeid(T) == typeid(long double))
          pVal = static_cast<T>(std::stold(pStr));
      catch (...)
        if (!mConverterParams.mHasDefaultConverter)
          pVal = static_cast<T>(mConverterParams.mDefaultFloat);

      if (typeid(T) == typeid(char))
        pVal = static_cast<T>(pStr[0]);
        throw no_converter();

    const ConverterParams& mConverterParams;

   * @brief     Specialized implementation handling string to string conversion.
   * @param     pVal                  string
   * @param     pStr                  string
  inline void Converter<std::string>::ToStr(const std::string& pVal, std::string& pStr) const
    pStr = pVal;

   * @brief     Specialized implementation handling string to string conversion.
   * @param     pVal                  string
   * @param     pStr                  string
  inline void Converter<std::string>::ToVal(const std::string& pStr, std::string& pVal) const
    pVal = pStr;

   * @brief     Datastructure holding parameters controlling which row and column should be
   *            treated as labels.
  struct LabelParams
     * @brief   Constructor
     * @param   pColumnNameIdx        specifies the zero-based row index of the column labels, setting
     *                                it to -1 prevents column lookup by label name, and gives access
     *                                to all rows as document data.
     * @param   pRowNameIdx           specifies the zero-based column index of the row labels, setting
     *                                it to -1 prevents row lookup by label name, and gives access
     *                                to all columns as document data.
    explicit LabelParams(const int pColumnNameIdx = 0, const int pRowNameIdx = 0)
      : mColumnNameIdx(pColumnNameIdx)
      , mRowNameIdx(pRowNameIdx)

     * @brief   specifies the zero-based row index of the column labels.
    int mColumnNameIdx;

     * @brief   specifies the zero-based column index of the row labels.
    int mRowNameIdx;

   * @brief     Datastructure holding parameters controlling how the CSV data fields are separated.
  struct SeparatorParams
     * @brief   Constructor
     * @param   pSeparator            specifies the column separator (default ',').
     * @param   pHasCR                specifies whether a new document (i.e. not an existing document read)
     *                                should use CR/LF instead of only LF (default is to use standard
     *                                behavior of underlying platforms - CR/LF for Win, and LF for others).
    explicit SeparatorParams(const char pSeparator = ',', const bool pHasCR = sPlatformHasCR)
      : mSeparator(pSeparator)
      , mHasCR(pHasCR)

     * @brief   specifies the column separator.
    char mSeparator;

     * @brief   specifies whether new documents should use CR/LF instead of LF.
    bool mHasCR;

   * @brief     Class representing a CSV document.
  class Document
     * @brief   Constructor
     * @param   pPath                 specifies the path of an existing CSV-file to populate the Document
     *                                data with.
     * @param   pLabelParams          specifies which row and column should be treated as labels.
     * @param   pSeparatorParams      specifies which field and row separators should be used.
     * @param   pConverterParams      specifies how invalid numbers (including empty strings) should be
     *                                handled.
    explicit Document(const std::string& pPath = std::string(),
                      const LabelParams& pLabelParams = LabelParams(),
                      const SeparatorParams& pSeparatorParams = SeparatorParams(),
                      const ConverterParams& pConverterParams = ConverterParams())
      : mPath(pPath)
      , mLabelParams(pLabelParams)
      , mSeparatorParams(pSeparatorParams)
      , mConverterParams(pConverterParams)
      if (!mPath.empty())

     * @brief   Constructor
     * @param   pStream               specifies an input stream to read CSV data from.
     * @param   pLabelParams          specifies which row and column should be treated as labels.
     * @param   pSeparatorParams      specifies which field and row separators should be used.
     * @param   pConverterParams      specifies how invalid numbers (including empty strings) should be
     *                                handled.
    explicit Document(std::istream& pStream,
                      const LabelParams& pLabelParams = LabelParams(),
                      const SeparatorParams& pSeparatorParams = SeparatorParams(),
                      const ConverterParams& pConverterParams = ConverterParams())
      : mPath()
      , mLabelParams(pLabelParams)
      , mSeparatorParams(pSeparatorParams)
      , mConverterParams(pConverterParams)

     * @brief   Copy constructor
     * @param   pDocument             specifies the Document instance to copy.
    explicit Document(const Document& pDocument)
      : mPath(pDocument.mPath)
      , mLabelParams(pDocument.mLabelParams)
      , mSeparatorParams(pDocument.mSeparatorParams)
      , mConverterParams(pDocument.mConverterParams)
      , mData(pDocument.mData)
      , mColumnNames(pDocument.mColumnNames)
      , mRowNames(pDocument.mRowNames)

     * @brief   Read Document data from file.
     * @param   pPath                 specifies the path of an existing CSV-file to populate the Document
     *                                data with.
    void Load(const std::string& pPath)
      mPath = pPath;

     * @brief   Write Document data to file.
     * @param   pPath                 optionally specifies the path where the CSV-file will be created
     *                                (if not specified, the original path provided when creating or
     *                                loading the Document data will be used).
    void Save(const std::string& pPath = std::string())
      if (!pPath.empty())
        mPath = pPath;

     * @brief   Write Document data to stream.
     * @param   pStream               specifies an output stream to write the data to.
    void Save(std::ostream& pStream)

     * @brief   Get column by index.
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
     * @returns vector of column data.
    template<typename T>
    std::vector<T> GetColumn(const size_t pColumnIdx) const
      const ssize_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      std::vector<T> column;
      Converter<T> converter(mConverterParams);
      for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
        if (std::distance(mData.begin(), itRow) > mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx)
          T val;
          converter.ToVal(itRow->at(columnIdx), val);
      return column;

     * @brief   Get column by name.
     * @param   pColumnName           column label name.
     * @returns vector of column data.
    template<typename T>
    std::vector<T> GetColumn(const std::string& pColumnName) const
      const ssize_t columnIdx = GetColumnIdx(pColumnName);
      if (columnIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column not found: " + pColumnName);
      return GetColumn<T>(columnIdx);

     * @brief   Set column by index.
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
     * @param   pColumn               vector of column data.
    template<typename T>
    void SetColumn(const size_t pColumnIdx, const std::vector<T>& pColumn)
      const size_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);

      while (pColumn.size() + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1) > GetDataRowCount())
        std::vector<std::string> row;

      if ((columnIdx + 1) > GetDataColumnCount())
        for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
          itRow->resize(columnIdx + 1 + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1));

      Converter<T> converter(mConverterParams);
      for (auto itRow = pColumn.begin(); itRow != pColumn.end(); ++itRow)
        std::string str;
        converter.ToStr(*itRow, str);
        mData.at(std::distance(pColumn.begin(), itRow) + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1)).at(columnIdx) = str;

     * @brief   Set column by name.
     * @param   pColumnName           column label name.
     * @param   pColumn               vector of column data.
    template<typename T>
    void SetColumn(const std::string& pColumnName, const std::vector<T>& pColumn)
      const ssize_t columnIdx = GetColumnIdx(pColumnName);
      if (columnIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column not found: " + pColumnName);
      SetColumn<T>(columnIdx, pColumn);

     * @brief   Remove column by index.
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
    void RemoveColumn(const size_t pColumnIdx)
      const ssize_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
        itRow->erase(itRow->begin() + columnIdx);

     * @brief   Remove column by name.
     * @param   pColumnName           column label name.
    void RemoveColumn(const std::string& pColumnName)
      ssize_t columnIdx = GetColumnIdx(pColumnName);
      if (columnIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column not found: " + pColumnName);


     * @brief   Get number of data columns.
     * @returns column count.
    size_t GetColumnCount() const
      return (mData.size() > 0) ? (mData.at(0).size() - (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1)) : 0;

     * @brief   Get row by index.
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
     * @returns vector of row data.
    template<typename T>
    std::vector<T> GetRow(const size_t pRowIdx) const
      const ssize_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);
      std::vector<T> row;
      Converter<T> converter(mConverterParams);
      for (auto itCol = mData.at(rowIdx).begin(); itCol != mData.at(rowIdx).end(); ++itCol)
        if (std::distance(mData.at(rowIdx).begin(), itCol) > mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx)
          T val;
          converter.ToVal(*itCol, val);
      return row;

     * @brief   Get row by name.
     * @param   pRowName              row label name.
     * @returns vector of row data.
    template<typename T>
    std::vector<T> GetRow(const std::string& pRowName) const
      ssize_t rowIdx = GetRowIdx(pRowName);
      if (rowIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row not found: " + pRowName);
      return GetRow<T>(rowIdx);

     * @brief   Set row by index.
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
     * @param   pRow                  vector of row data.
    template<typename T>
    void SetRow(const size_t pRowIdx, const std::vector<T>& pRow)
      const size_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);

      while ((rowIdx + 1) > GetDataRowCount())
        std::vector<std::string> row;

      if (pRow.size() > GetDataColumnCount())
        for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
          itRow->resize(pRow.size() + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1));

      Converter<T> converter(mConverterParams);
      for (auto itCol = pRow.begin(); itCol != pRow.end(); ++itCol)
        std::string str;
        converter.ToStr(*itCol, str);
        mData.at(rowIdx).at(std::distance(pRow.begin(), itCol) + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1)) = str;

     * @brief   Set row by name.
     * @param   pRowName              row label name.
     * @param   pRow                  vector of row data.
    template<typename T>
    void SetRow(const std::string& pRowName, const std::vector<T>& pRow)
      ssize_t rowIdx = GetRowIdx(pRowName);
      if (rowIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row not found: " + pRowName);
      return SetRow<T>(rowIdx, pRow);

     * @brief   Remove row by index.
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
    void RemoveRow(const size_t pRowIdx)
      const ssize_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);
      mData.erase(mData.begin() + rowIdx);

     * @brief   Remove row by name.
     * @param   pRowName              row label name.
    void RemoveRow(const std::string& pRowName)
      ssize_t rowIdx = GetRowIdx(pRowName);
      if (rowIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row not found: " + pRowName);


     * @brief   Get number of data rows.
     * @returns row count.
    size_t GetRowCount() const
      return mData.size() - (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);

     * @brief   Get cell by index.
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
     * @returns cell data.
    template<typename T>
    T GetCell(const size_t pColumnIdx, const size_t pRowIdx) const
      const ssize_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      const ssize_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);

      T val;
      Converter<T> converter(mConverterParams);
      converter.ToVal(mData.at(rowIdx).at(columnIdx), val);
      return val;

     * @brief   Get cell by name.
     * @param   pColumnName           column label name.
     * @param   pRowName              row label name.
     * @returns cell data.
    template<typename T>
    T GetCell(const std::string& pColumnName, const std::string& pRowName) const
      const ssize_t columnIdx = GetColumnIdx(pColumnName);
      if (columnIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column not found: " + pColumnName);

      const ssize_t rowIdx = GetRowIdx(pRowName);
      if (rowIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row not found: " + pRowName);

      return GetCell<T>(columnIdx, rowIdx);

     * @brief   Set cell by index.
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
     * @param   pCell                 cell data.
    template<typename T>
    void SetCell(const size_t pColumnIdx, const size_t pRowIdx, const T& pCell)
      const size_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      const size_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);

      while ((rowIdx + 1) > GetDataRowCount())
        std::vector<std::string> row;

      if ((columnIdx + 1) > GetDataColumnCount())
        for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
          itRow->resize(columnIdx + 1);

      std::string str;
      Converter<T> converter(mConverterParams);
      converter.ToStr(pCell, str);
      mData.at(rowIdx).at(columnIdx) = str;

     * @brief   Set cell by name.
     * @param   pColumnName           column label name.
     * @param   pRowName              row label name.
     * @param   pCell                 cell data.
    template<typename T>
    void SetCell(const std::string& pColumnName, const std::string& pRowName, const T& pCell)
      const ssize_t columnIdx = GetColumnIdx(pColumnName);
      if (columnIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column not found: " + pColumnName);

      const ssize_t rowIdx = GetRowIdx(pRowName);
      if (rowIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row not found: " + pRowName);

      SetCell<T>(columnIdx, rowIdx, pCell);

     * @brief   Get column name
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
     * @returns column name.
    std::string GetColumnName(const ssize_t pColumnIdx)
      const ssize_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      if (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column name row index < 0: " + std::to_string((long long)mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx));

      return mData.at(mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx).at(columnIdx);

     * @brief   Set column name
     * @param   pColumnIdx            zero-based column index.
     * @param   pColumnName           column name.
    void SetColumnName(size_t pColumnIdx, const std::string& pColumnName)
      const ssize_t columnIdx = pColumnIdx + (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      mColumnNames[pColumnName] = columnIdx;
      if (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("column name row index < 0: " + std::to_string((long long)mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx));

      mData.at(mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx).at(columnIdx) = pColumnName;

     * @brief   Get column names
     * @returns vector of column names.
    std::vector<std::string> GetColumnNames()
      if (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx >= 0)
        return std::vector<std::string>(mData.at(mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx).begin() +
                                        (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1),

      return std::vector<std::string>();

     * @brief   Get row name
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based column index.
     * @returns row name.
    std::string GetRowName(const ssize_t pRowIdx)
      const ssize_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);
      if (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row name column index < 0: " + std::to_string((long long)mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx));

      return mData.at(rowIdx).at(mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx);

     * @brief   Set row name
     * @param   pRowIdx               zero-based row index.
     * @param   pRowName              row name.
    void SetRowName(size_t pRowIdx, const std::string& pRowName)
      const ssize_t rowIdx = pRowIdx + (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);
      mRowNames[pRowName] = rowIdx;
      if (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx < 0)
        throw std::out_of_range("row name column index < 0: " + std::to_string((long long)mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx));

      mData.at(rowIdx).at(mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx) = pRowName;

     * @brief   Get row names
     * @returns vector of row names.
    std::vector<std::string> GetRowNames()
      std::vector<std::string> rownames;
      if (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx >= 0)
        for (auto itRow = mData.begin(); itRow != mData.end(); ++itRow)
          if (std::distance(mData.begin(), itRow) > mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx)
      return rownames;

    void ReadCsv()
      std::ifstream stream;
      stream.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
      stream.open(mPath, std::ios::binary);

      stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
      std::streamsize length = stream.tellg();
      stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

      std::vector<char> bom(2, '\0');
      if (length >= 2)
        stream.read(bom.data(), 2);

      static const std::vector<char> bomU16le = { '\xff', '\xfe' };
      static const std::vector<char> bomU16be = { '\xfe', '\xff' };
      if ((bom == bomU16le) || (bom == bomU16be))
        mIsUtf16 = true;
        mIsLE = (bom == bomU16le);

        std::wifstream wstream;
        wstream.exceptions(std::wifstream::failbit | std::wifstream::badbit);
        wstream.open(mPath, std::ios::binary);
        if (mIsLE)
                                    new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff,
                                                           static_cast<std::codecvt_mode>(std::consume_header | std::little_endian)>));
                                    new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff,
        std::wstringstream wss;
        wss << wstream.rdbuf();
        std::string utf8 = ToString(wss.str());
        std::stringstream ss(utf8);
        stream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

    void ReadCsv(std::istream& pStream)
      pStream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
      std::streamsize fileLength = pStream.tellg();
      pStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
      const std::streamsize bufLength = 64 * 1024;
      std::vector<char> buffer(bufLength);
      std::vector<std::string> row;
      std::string cell;
      bool quoted = false;
      int cr = 0;
      int lf = 0;

      while (fileLength > 0)
        std::streamsize readLength = min(fileLength, bufLength);/**/
        pStream.read(buffer.data(), readLength);
        for (int i = 0; i < readLength; ++i)
          if (buffer[i] == '"')
            if (cell.empty() || cell[0] == '"')
              quoted = !quoted;
            cell += buffer[i];
          else if (buffer[i] == mSeparatorParams.mSeparator)
            if (!quoted)
              cell += buffer[i];
          else if (buffer[i] == '\r')
          else if (buffer[i] == '\n')
            quoted = false; // disallow line breaks in quoted string, by auto-unquote at linebreak
            cell += buffer[i];
        fileLength -= readLength;

      // Handle last line without linebreak
      if (!cell.empty() || !row.empty())

      // Assume CR/LF if at least half the linebreaks have CR
      mSeparatorParams.mHasCR = (cr > (lf / 2));

      // Set up column labels
      if ((mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx >= 0) &&
          (mData.size() > 0))
        int i = 0;
   //     for (auto& columnName : mData[mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx])
   //     {
			//mColumnNames[columnName] = i++;
   //     }
		string columnName;
		for (int k = 0; k < mData[mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx].size(); k++)
			columnName = mData[mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx][k];
			mColumnNames[columnName] = i++;

      // Set up row labels
      if ((mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx >= 0) &&
          (static_cast<ssize_t>(mData.size()) >
           (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1)))
        int i = 0;
        //for (auto& dataRow : mData)
        //  mRowNames[dataRow[mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx]] = i++;
		for (int k = 0; k < mData.size(); k++)
			vector<string> dataRow;
			for (int j = 0; j < mData[i].size(); j++)
			mRowNames[dataRow[mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx]] = i++;


    void WriteCsv() const
      if (mIsUtf16)
        std::stringstream ss;
        std::string utf8 = ss.str();
        std::wstring wstr = ToWString(utf8);

        std::wofstream wstream;
        wstream.exceptions(std::wofstream::failbit | std::wofstream::badbit);
        wstream.open(mPath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);

        if (mIsLE)
                                    new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff,
                                    new std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t, 0x10ffff>));

        wstream << (wchar_t) 0xfeff;
        wstream << wstr;
        std::ofstream stream;
        stream.exceptions(std::ofstream::failbit | std::ofstream::badbit);
        stream.open(mPath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);

    void WriteCsv(std::ostream& pStream) const
      for (auto itr = mData.begin(); itr != mData.end(); ++itr)
        for (auto itc = itr->begin(); itc != itr->end(); ++itc)
          if ((std::string::npos == itc->find(mSeparatorParams.mSeparator)) ||
              ((itc->length() >= 2) && ((*itc)[0] == '\"') && ((*itc)[itc->length() - 1] == '\"')))
            pStream << *itc;
            pStream << '"' << *itc << '"';

          if (std::distance(itc, itr->end()) > 1)
            pStream << mSeparatorParams.mSeparator;
        pStream << (mSeparatorParams.mHasCR ? "\r\n" : "\n");

    ssize_t GetColumnIdx(const std::string& pColumnName) const
      if (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx >= 0)
        if (mColumnNames.find(pColumnName) != mColumnNames.end())
          return mColumnNames.at(pColumnName) - (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx + 1);
      return -1;

    ssize_t GetRowIdx(const std::string& pRowName) const
      if (mLabelParams.mRowNameIdx >= 0)
        if (mRowNames.find(pRowName) != mRowNames.end())
          return mRowNames.at(pRowName) - (mLabelParams.mColumnNameIdx + 1);
      return -1;

    size_t GetDataRowCount() const
      return mData.size();

    size_t GetDataColumnCount() const
      return (mData.size() > 0) ? mData.at(0).size() : 0;

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning (disable: 4996)
    static std::string ToString(const std::wstring& pWStr)
      size_t len = std::wcstombs(nullptr, pWStr.c_str(), 0) + 1;
      char* cstr = new char[len];
      std::wcstombs(cstr, pWStr.c_str(), len);
      std::string str(cstr);
      delete[] cstr;
      return str;

    static std::wstring ToWString(const std::string& pStr)
      size_t len = 1 + mbstowcs(nullptr, pStr.c_str(), 0);
      wchar_t* wcstr = new wchar_t[len];
      std::mbstowcs(wcstr, pStr.c_str(), len);
      std::wstring wstr(wcstr);
      delete[] wcstr;
      return wstr;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning (default: 4996)

    std::string mPath;
    LabelParams mLabelParams;
    SeparatorParams mSeparatorParams;
    ConverterParams mConverterParams;
    std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > mData;
    std::map<std::string, size_t> mColumnNames;
    std::map<std::string, size_t> mRowNames;
    bool mIsUtf16 = false;
    bool mIsLE = false;


3.main.c 測試

#include "rapidcsv.h"
#include "unittest.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const string temp_csv_path = "temp.csv";
const string history_output_string = "temp2.csv";

int create_save_history_data(void)

	string datas = "title1,title2,title3,title4,title5";
	int rv = 0;
	unittest::WriteFile(temp_csv_path, datas);

	string outpath = history_output_string;
		// to file stream
		rapidcsv::Document doc(temp_csv_path);	//load data

		std::ofstream ostream;
		ostream.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
		ostream.open(outpath, std::ios::out | std::ios::ate);//沒有則生成,有則清空
	catch (const std::exception& ex)	//出錯
		std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
		rv = 1;

	return rv;

int sub_save_history_data(string datas)

	int rv = 0;
	unittest::WriteFile(temp_csv_path, datas);
	string outpath = history_output_string;
		// to file stream
		rapidcsv::Document doc(temp_csv_path);	//load data

		std::ofstream ostream;
		ostream.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit);
		ostream.open(outpath, std::ios::out | std::ios::app);//二進制和追加方式

	catch (const std::exception& ex)	//出錯
		std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
		rv = 1;

	return rv;
int save_history_result()
	string datas1,datas2;

	datas1 = "1,"+"2,"+"3,"+"4,"+"5";
	datas1 = datas1 + "\n";
	datas2 = "12,"+"22,"+"32,"+"42,"+"52";
	datas2 = datas2 + "\n";
	return 0;
int read_history_result(long unixtime)
	rapidcsv::Document doc(history_output_string);
	string volume = doc.GetCell<string>("title3", "12");
	std::cout << volume << std::endl;

	return 0;

int main()
	write_csv_data();//插入資料,共兩行,第一行為1,2,3,4,5  第二行為12,22,32,42,52
	return 0;
