










        在實際中,對基本小波往往不僅要求滿足容許條件,對還要施加所謂的消失矩(Vanishing Moments)條件,使盡量多的小波系數為零或者産生盡量少的非零小波系數,這樣有利于資料壓縮和消除噪聲。消失矩越大,就使更多的小波系數為零。但在一般情況下,消失矩越高,支撐長度也越長。是以在支撐長度和消失矩上,我們必須要折衷處理。










小波函數 Haar Daubechies Biorthogonal Coiflets Symlets Morlet Mexican Hat Meyer
小波縮寫名 haar db bior coif sym morl mexh meyr
表示形式 haar db N biorNr.Nd coif N sym N morl mexh meyr
舉例 haar db3 bior2.4 coif3 sym2 morl mexh meyr
連續小波變換 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以
離散小波變換 可以 可以 可以 可以 可以 不可以 不可以



支撐長度 1 2N-1



6N-1 2N-1 有限長度 有限長度 有限長度
濾波器長度 2 2N



6N 2N [-4, 4] [-5, 5] [-8, 8]
對稱性 對稱 近似對稱 不對稱 近似對稱 近似對稱 對稱 對稱 對稱



1 N Nr-1 2N N - - -



- - 2N-1 - - - -
小波函數 Gaus Dmeyer ReverseBior Cgau Cmor Fbsp Shan
小波縮寫名 gaus dmey rbioNr.Nd cgau cmor fbsp shan
表示形式 gaus N dmey rbioNr.Nd cgau N cmor fbsp shan
舉例 gaus3 dmey rbio2.4 cgau3 cmor fbsp shan
連續小波變換 可以 不可以 可以 不可以 不可以 不可以 不可以
離散小波變換 不可以 可以 可以 不可以 不可以 不可以 不可以
對稱性 對稱 對稱 對稱 對稱 對稱 對稱 對稱



- - - - - - -



- - Nr-1 - - - - -






    General characteristics: Compactlysupported

    wavelet, the oldest and the simplestwavelet.

    scaling function phi = 1 on [0 1] and 0otherwise.

    wavelet function psi = 1 on [0 0.5], = -1on [0.5 1] and 0 otherwise.

    Family                  Haar

    Short name              haar

    Examples                haar is the same as db1

    Orthogonal              yes

    Biorthogonal            yes

    Compact support         yes

    DWT                     possible

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           1

    Filters length          2

    Regularity              haar is not continuous

    Symmetry                yes

    Number of vanishing

    moments for psi         1



        Daubechies小波是由世界著明的小波分析學者Ingrid Daubechies(一般音譯為英格麗·多貝西)構造的小波函數,我們一般簡寫成dbN,N是小波的階數。小波函數Ψ(t)和尺度函數φ(t)中的支撐區為2N-1,Ψ(t)的消失矩為N。dbN小波具有較好的正則性,即該小波作為稀疏基所引入的光滑誤差不容易被察覺,使得信号重構過程比較光滑。dbN小波的特點是随着階次(序列N)的增大消失矩階數越大,其中消失矩越高光滑性就越好,頻域的局部化能力就越強,頻帶的劃分效果越好,但是會使時域緊支撐性減弱,同時計算量大大增加,實時性變差。另外,除N=1外,dbN小波不具有對稱性(即非線性相位),即在對信号進行分析和重構時會産生一定的相位失真。dbN沒有明确的表達式(除了N=1外,N=1時即為Haar小波)。


    General characteristics: Compactlysupported

    wavelets with extremal phase and highest

    number of vanishing moments for a given

    support width. Associated scaling filtersare

    minimum-phase filters.

    Family                  Daubechies

    Short name              db

    Order N                 N strictly positive integer

    Examples                db1 or haar, db4, db15

    Orthogonal              yes

    Biorthogonal            yes

    Compact support         yes

    DWT                     possible

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           2N-1

    Filters length          2N

    Regularity              about 0.2 N for large N

    Symmetry                far from

    Number of vanishing

    moments for psi         N


        Symlet小波函數是IngridDaubechies提出的近似對稱的小波函數,它是對db函數的一種改進。Symlet小波系通常表示為symN (N=2,3,…,8)。symN小波的支撐範圍為2N-1,消失矩為N,同時也具備較好的正則性。該小波與dbN小波相比,在連續性、支集長度、濾波器長度等方面與dbN小波一緻,但symN小波具有更好的對稱性,即一定程度上能夠減少對信号進行分析和重構時的相位失真。


    General characteristics: Compactlysupported wavelets with

    least asymmetry and highest number ofvanishing moments

    for a given support width.

    Associated scaling filters are nearlinear-phase filters.

    Family                  Symlets

    Short name              sym

    Order N                 N = 2, 3, ...

    Examples                sym2, sym8

    Orthogonal              yes

    Biorthogonal            yes

    Compact support         yes

    DWT                     possible

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           2N-1

    Filters length          2N


    Symmetry                near from

    Number of vanishing

    moments for psi         N


        根據R.Coifman的要求,Daubechies構造了Coiflet小波,它具有coifN (N=1,2,3,4,5)這一系列。Coiflet的小波函數Ψ(t)的2N階矩為零,尺度函數φ(t)的2N-1階矩為零。Ψ(t)和φ(t)的支撐長度為6N-1。Coiflet的Ψ(t)和φ(t)具有比dbN更好的對稱性。


    General characteristics: Compactlysupported

    wavelets with highest number of vanishing

    moments for both phi and psi for a given

    support width.

    Family                  Coiflets

    Short name              coif

    Order N                 N = 1, 2, ..., 5

    Examples                coif2, coif4

    Orthogonal              yes

    Biorthogonal            yes

    Compact support         yes

    DWT                     possible

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           6N-1

    Filters length          6N


    Symmetry                near from

    Number of vanishing

    moments for psi         2N

    Number of vanishing

    moments for phi         2N-1



        雙正交小波與正交小波的差別在于正交小波滿足<Ψj,k ,Ψl,m>=δj,kδl,m,也就是對小波函數的伸縮和平移構成的基函數完全正交,而雙正交小波滿足的正交性為<Ψj,k ,Ψl,m>=δj,k,也就是對不同尺度伸縮下的小波函數之間有正交性,而同尺度之間通過平移得到的小波函數系之間沒有正交性,是以用于分解與重構的小波不是同一個函數,相應的濾波器也不能由同一個小波生成。



   General characteristics: Compactly supported

   biorthogonal spline wavelets for which

   symmetry and exact reconstruction are possible

    withFIR filters (in orthogonal case it is

   impossible except for Haar).

   Family                 Biorthogonal

    Shortname              bior

    OrderNr,Nd             Nr = 1 , Nd = 1, 3, 5

    r forreconstruction    Nr = 2 , Nd = 2, 4, 6,8

    d fordecomposition     Nr = 3 , Nd = 1, 3, 5,7, 9

                            Nr = 4 , Nd = 4

                            Nr = 5 , Nd = 5

                            Nr = 6 , Nd = 8

   Examples                bior3.1,bior5.5

   Orthogonal              no

   Biorthogonal            yes

   Compact support         yes

   DWT                     possible

   CWT                     possible

   Support width           2Nr+1 forrec., 2Nd+1 for dec.

   Filters length         max(2Nr,2Nd)+2 but essentially

    biorNr.Nd              ld                      lr     

                     effective length        effective length

                         of Lo_D                 of Hi_D

    bior1.1                 2                       2      

    bior1.3                 6                       2

    bior1.5                10                       2             

    bior2.2                 5                       3             

    bior2.4                 9                       3     

    bior2.6                13                       3             

    bior2.8                17                       3             

    bior3.1                 4                       4              

    bior3.3                 8                       4             

    bior3.5                12                       4

    bior3.7                16                       4

    bior3.9                20                       4

    bior 4.4                 9                       7

    bior5.5                 9                      11

    bior6.8                17                      11

   Regularity for         

    psirec.                Nr-1 and Nr-2 at theknots

   Symmetry                yes 

    Numberof vanishing

   moments for psi dec.    Nr

   Remark: bior 4.4 , 5.5 and 6.8 are such that reconstruction and

   decomposition functions and filters are close in value.




   General characteristics: Compactly supported

   biorthogonal spline wavelets for which

   symmetry and exact reconstruction are possible

    withFIR filters (in orthogonal case it is

   impossible except for Haar).

   Family                 Biorthogonal

    Shortname              rbio

    OrderNd,Nr             Nd = 1 , Nr = 1, 3, 5

    r forreconstruction    Nd = 2 , Nr = 2, 4, 6,8

    d fordecomposition     Nd = 3 , Nr = 1, 3, 5,7, 9

                            Nd = 4 , Nr = 4

                            Nd = 5 , Nr = 5

                            Nd = 6 , Nr = 8

   Examples                rbio3.1,rbio5.5

   Orthogonal              no

   Biorthogonal            yes

   Compact support         yes

   DWT                     possible

    CWT                     possible

   Support width           2Nd+1 forrec., 2Nr+1 for dec.

   Filters length         max(2Nd,2Nr)+2 but essentially

    rbioNd.Nr              lr                      ld

                      effective length        effective length

                        of Hi_D                  of Lo_D

    rbio1.1                 2                       2

    rbio1.3                 6                       2

    rbio1.5                10                       2

    rbio2.2                 5                       3

    rbio2.4                 9                       3

    rbio2.6                13                       3

    rbio2.8                17                       3

    rbio3.1                 4                       4

    rbio3.3                 8                       4

    rbio3.5                12                       4

    rbio3.7                16                       4

    rbio3.9                20                       4

    rbio4.4                 9                       7

    rbio5.5                 9                      11

    rbio6.8                17                      11

   Regularity for         

    psirec.                Nd-1 and Nd-2 at theknots

   Symmetry                yes 

    Numberof vanishing

   moments for psi dec.    Nd

   Remark: rbio 4.4 , 5.5 and 6.8 are such that reconstruction and

   decomposition functions and filters are close in value. 




   General characteristics: Infinitely regular orthogonal wavelet.

    Family                  Meyer

    Shortname              meyr

   Orthogonal              yes

   Biorthogonal            yes

   Compact support         no

   DWT                     possiblebut without FWT

                        FIR based approximation provides FWT

   CWT                     possible

   Support width           infinite

   Effective support       [-8 8]

   Regularity             indefinitely derivable

   Symmetry                yes




    Definition: FIR based approximation of theMeyer Wavelet.

    Family                  DMeyer

    Short name              dmey

    Orthogonal              yes

    Biorthogonal            yes

    Compact support         yes

    DWT                     possible

    CWT                     possible




    Definition: derivatives of the Gaussian

    probability density function.

    gaus(x,n) = Cn * diff(exp(-x^2),n) wherediff denotes

    the symbolic derivative and where Cn issuch that

    the 2-norm of gaus(x,n) = 1.

    Family                  Gaussian

    Short name              gaus

    Wavelet name            gaus"n"

    Orthogonal              no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                    no

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           infinite

    Effective support       [-5 5]

    Symmetry                yes

                        n even ==> Symmetry

                        n odd  ==> Anti-Symmetry


        Mexican Hat函數為Gauss函數的二階導數。因數它的形狀像墨西哥帽的截面,是以我們稱這個函數為墨西哥草帽函數。它在時域和頻率都有很好的局部化,但不存在尺度函數,是以此小波函數不具有正交性。


    Definition: second derivative of theGaussian

    probability density function

    mexh(x) = c * exp(-x^2/2) * (1-x^2)

    where c = 2/(sqrt(3)*pi^{1/4})

    Family                  Mexican hat

    Short name              mexh

    Orthogonal             no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                     no

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           infinite

    Effective support       [-5 5]

    Symmetry                yes





    morl(x) = exp(-x^2/2) * cos(5x)

    Family                  Morlet

    Short name              morl

    Orthogonal              no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                     no

    CWT                     possible

    Support width           infinite

    Effective support       [-4 4]

    Symmetry                yes




    Definition: derivatives of the complexGaussian


    cgau(x) = Cn * diff(exp(-i*x)*exp(-x^2),n)where diff denotes

    the symbolic derivative and where Cn is aconstant

    Family                  Complex Gaussian

    Short name              cgau

    Wavelet name            cgau"n"

    Orthogonal              no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                     no

    Complex CWT             possible

    Support width           infinite

    Symmetry                yes

                        n even ==> Symmetry

                        n odd  ==> Anti-Symmetry

13、ComplexShannon Wavelets:shan


    Definition: a complex Shannon wavelet is

            shan(x) =Fb^{0.5}*sinc(Fb*x)*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*x)

    depending on two parameters:

            Fb is a bandwidth parameter

            Fc is a wavelet center frequency

    The condition Fc > Fb/2 is sufficient toensure that

    zero is not in the frequency supportinterval.

    Family                  Complex Shannon

    Short name              shan

    Wavelet name            shan"Fb"-"Fc"

    Orthogonal              no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                     no

    complex CWT             possible

    Support width           infinite

14、ComplexFrequency B-Spline Wavelets (複高斯B樣條小波)



    Definition: a complex Frequency B-Splinewavelet is

        fbsp(x) = Fb^{0.5}*(sinc(Fb*x/M))^M*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*x)

    depending on three parameters:

            M is an integer order parameter(>=1)

            Fb is a bandwidth parameter

            Fc is a wavelet center frequency

    For M = 1, the condition Fc > Fb/2 issufficient to ensure

    that zero is not in the frequency supportinterval.

    Family                  Complex Frequency B-Spline

    Short name              fbsp

    Wavelet name           fbsp"M"-"Fb"-"Fc"

    Orthogonal              no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                     no

    complex CWT             possible

    Support width           infinite




    Definition: a complex Morlet wavelet is

        cmor(x) =(pi*Fb)^{-0.5}*exp(2*i*pi*Fc*x)*exp(-(x^2)/Fb)

    depending on two parameters:

        Fb is a bandwidth parameter

        Fc is a wavelet center frequency

    Family                  Complex Morlet

    Short name              cmor

    Wavelet name            cmor"Fb"-"Fc"

    Orthogonal              no

    Biorthogonal            no

    Compact support         no

    DWT                     no

    complex CWT             possible

    Support width           infinite


【1】葛哲學,沙威.小波分析理分與MATLAB R2007實作[M].北京:電子工業出版社,2007.


【3】董長虹. Matlab小波分析工具箱原理與應用[M].北京:國防工業出版社,2004.

【4】張穎超,茅丹,胡凱.壓縮傳感理論在心電圖信号恢複問題上的研究[J]. 計算機研究發展,2014,51(5):1018-1027.


【6】zhaodong584584. 消失矩階數,百度百科

【7】well3216. 對消失矩的了解(轉載自matwav),CSDN部落格

【8】小米. 小波消失矩,新浪部落格

【9】muchi1234. 正則性,百度百科

【10】洋務大臣. 樣條函數,百度百科


 轉自:https://blog.csdn.net/u013346007/article/details/53462359 多謝且僅用于學習