
How to Install PHP intl extension on OS X

Step 1. Install ICU Libraries with Homebrew

First we’ll need to install any dependencies. To quote the intl package description:

“The Internationalization extension exposes functionality of the ICU library to PHP”.

The ICU Libraries is our only dependency. If you have Homebrew installed you can use that; alternatively, you can download and compile from source.

Using homebrew:

$ brew update

$ brew search icu

# returns 'icu4c'

Success. Install:

$ brew install icu4c

A couple of minutes to download and compile, and ICU is installed. PECL will prompt you for the path where the header files and stuff were installed; on my machine this was:


Step 2. Install Intl with PECL

$brew install homebrew/php/php56-intl

Restart apache

$sudo apachectl restart

Step 3. Check!

Finally, check that the module is registered:

$ php -m | grep intl

# should return 'intl'

The second way using phpinfo()
