


❌不要隻會說I agree了


1⃣️ I firmly believe that…我堅信

2⃣️ I support the idea that… 我支援…

3⃣️ I completely/extremely agree that… 我完 全同意…

4⃣️ I am convinced that…我确信…

5⃣️ I concede to the opinion that…我同意這一觀點…

6⃣️ I subscribe to the notion that…我同意…

7⃣️ It is possible for me to accept that…我能接受…

8⃣️ It is obvious/conspicuous/apparent/prominent/reasonable that…


9⃣️ There is much evidence to show that…有資料表明

🔟 There is a considerable possibility to support that…

1⃣️ I am of the opinion that…我支援


🧚‍♀️ 本期帶來的是句型的高頻替換,句型積累好了,還不怕得不到高分嗎

#雅思# #留學#

