



1、vocational /vou’ keiʃənl/ adj. 職業的,業務的

I learned how to drive this in vocational school.

2、intimate /’ intəmət/ adj. 親密的,密切的,詳細的 vt. 宣布,通知 (讀作/’ intə, meit/) n. 密友,知己

Nothing is sweeter than being with intimate lovers.

3、columnist /’ ka: ləmnist/ n. 專欄作家

He is one of the magazine’s most popular columnist.

4、recipient /ri’ sipiənt/ n. 接受者,容器 adj. 善于接受的,接受能力強的

The postman is sending the package to the recipient.

5、immunity /i’ mju: nəti/ n. 免疫力,免除,豁免

The little boy has a strong immunity to viruses.


