
http to https additions

Since I showed in the last aritcls, there may encounter some issues while implementing the https protocol, the main issue is that there are may some incompabilities with chrome or safari browsers, and gives cipher_mismatch exceptions. this is mainly because of different versions of SSL may use different encryption method, and your client browser and the server use different encryptions, so what you should do is by adding compatible encryptions to the tomcat server. how to do it? as shown below: firstly, open you server.xml under the conf folder of tomcat. then add encryption method to the connector:

http to https additions

by adding the ciphers key pairs, let the client end and server use the compatible encryptions, so that there will be not cipher_mismatch in chrome or safari browsers.

One more tips for configuring https protocol is that u must delete the default redirectPort pair in the http connector!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, if u still keep the redirectPort pair in the http connector, your configuration will failed to start up regard to the https protocol. To be honest I have no idea about the reason either, But this is a vital point which got me stuck for really a long time.