
How to call Visual Basic .NET run-time library members from Visual C#

Add a Reference to the Visual Basic .NET Run-Time Library

  • In a Visual C# application, click the Project menu, and then click Add Reference.
  • In the Component Name list, click Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Runtime to add Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll.
  • At the top of the source file, add the following statement:

    using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

    Sample Code

    You can now use members of the Visual Basic .NET run-time library in Visual C#. The following code demonstrates how to use the IsNumeric function, which is a member of the Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information class:

    private void UseIsNumeric()


    string s = "123";

    bool bResult1, bResult2;

    bResult1 = Information.IsNumeric(s);

    // bResult1 now equals true

    s = "Hello";

    bResult2 = Information.IsNumeric(s);

    // bResult2 now equals false;


    This article was previously published on Microsoft Official Website.

    Link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325961/en-us?fr=1
