


Why I choose to fix my teeth in Mexico

We all know that fixing teeth in America is super expensive. Many dental insurance companies do not cover some programs such as implant teeth. I lost two upper teeth for over 4 years. I consulted a dentist who quotered me $3,000 for a tooth. My insurance company did not support me; therefore,

I used to think about going back to China to fix my teeth. A worldwide pendamic that stopped my plan. As I moved to Arizona, I saw the border of America and Mexico is nearby us. Thus, I changed my nationality and have a U.S. passport, which is convenient for me to cross the border.

All quoter of prices are $2,500 in Mexico, including X-ray, CT scan, a tooth crown, a whole tooth implant, and cleaning my teeth. It is such incredibly cheap! I searched online for the price of fixing teeth that its prices range from 4,000 to 10,000. I've already come and back two times to fix my teeth in Mexico. These pictures were taken in Mexico. All the staff can speak English very well, so I do worry about the translation of English.

Through the conversation, I know some of them studying dentalogy in America, and most of them have green cards as well. Why do they choose live in the border of Mexico because they love their families want to live close each other.

I am so happy to save a lot of money 💰 When I watched the ceiling, it said, "Use your smile to change the world; do let the world change your smile. " I do not remember that proverb. Is it really from China? [可愛]

