
by the time和until the time的差別



1)He can finish the work by 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

2) He had waited there until 9 o'clock yesterday evening.

by the time和until the time的差別

如果就上述兩個句子的by 9 o'clock和until 9 o'clock 進行提問,我們将得出下列兩種不同特殊疑問詞使用的特殊疑問句。

3) When can he finish the work?

4) How long had he waited there?

從上述句3)和句4)中不同疑問詞的使用,我們就可以看出by 短語和until短語的時間狀語作用存在着本質的差別。


until的時間表現是通過until+時間點來實作的,比如until 9 o'clock,即9點前某個時間開始一直到9點。這種時間段往往是連續性的,不間斷的時間段,如同馬路上的實線。是以它是專門修飾延續性動詞,說明動詞延續進行的具體時間長度,如上述例句2)He had waited there until 9 o'clock yesterday evening.。

by the time和until the time的差別

by的時間表現同樣是通過by+時間點來實作,然而它表現的卻是間斷性的“時間段”,即這種所謂的時間段是由無數個時間點構成的,就像馬路上的虛線一樣。by短語的本質意思是not later than(不遲于;在……之前),其具體用意是在某個期限時間前,動作可能會發生在其中任何某個時間點上。是以表示時間點的by短語隻能修飾瞬間性動詞,如上述例句1)He can finish the work by 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.。雖然by短語表示時間的本質是時間點,但這種非具體性的時間點和期限時間存在着關聯,是以也可以用于修飾完成态的瞬間性謂語動詞。如

5)By 9 o'clock yesterday evening, he had finished the work.

6)By 9 o'clock yesterday evening, he had waited there.(✘)

by the time和until the time的差別

此外,表示時間的by短語還有另外一種意思表達的用法: as soon as ,如例句

7)By the time you get there it will be dark.

by the time和until the time的差別
