



1. Hello, is this...? 喂,是……嗎?

Yeah, this is her/him. 我就是。/ 就是本人。

2. 當不知道對方是誰時:

May I ask who is calling? 請問你是?

3. How are you doing? 你怎麼樣?

How are things going? 一切還好嗎?

4. 說打電話的目的:I just called to see.../ I’m calling to see...

I just called to see how they are doing. 我打過來是想知道他們還好嗎。

I'm calling to see if you can come to my party this weekend. 我打過來是想知道你這周末能參加我的派對嗎?

5. 請某人接電話:put sb on the phone

Could you please put Joey on the phone? 能讓Joey接電話嗎?

6. 稍等一下。Hold on a sec.

I'll get her for you. 我讓她來接電話。

7. 找的人不在,需要留言:

Sb is not here right now. Can I take a message?……不在,我能幫你捎口信嗎?

8. 跟熟人挂電話時:Gotta go. Talk to you later. 挂電話啦,等會兒再說。

My phone is running out of battery. Can I call you back? 手機快沒電了,等會給你回電話。

