
【Azure 應用服務】可以在app service裡建SFTP服務嗎?


怎樣可以在App Service裡建SFTP服務? 并不是說通過FTP的方式進行App Service的檔案部署。


不能通過 App Service 來搭建總計的SFTP服務,因為App Service是為Web應用而設計的,對外隻有80,443端口開放,對應HTTP, HTTPS協定的請求。不支援FTP。

但是App Service本身站點因為支援FTP/SFTP釋出應用檔案,是以它的檔案系統映射到App Service所在的STAMP(Scale Unit)所配置的FTP服務。可以通過 App Service 的 Deployment Center 頁面找到 FTPS Credentials資訊。

【Azure 應用服務】可以在app service裡建SFTP服務嗎?


Can we set up a FTP Site using Azure Web App? : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46579355/can-we-set-up-a-ftp-site-using-azure-web-app

Can we set up a FTP Site using Azure Web App?


Totally new to FTP and Azure. So please excuse if the question sounds stupid.

Is there a way to set up FTP using Azure Web App service? Is it even possible? I am trying to avoid using a dedicated VM with IIS for setting up FTP.

All my search results in deployment of a web app using FTP, but that is not what I am looking for.


As I known, it's not possible to set up FTP service via Azure Web App Service to reach your request. You can use Deployment Credentials to deploy your web App via FTP, but cannot use Web App to deploy FTP service.

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