


Meghan and Harry 'refused to reach out' to William and Kate and want 'accountability'

哈裡王子和梅根·馬克爾的傳記作者奧米德·斯科比(Omid Scobie)聲稱,消息人士告訴他,蘇塞克斯夫婦在英國陷入僵局時沒有與威廉王子和凱特進行聯系。

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's biographer Omid Scobie claims sources have told him the Sussexes have not reached out to Prince William and Kate while in the UK amid a stalemate


Prince Harry and Meghan still haven't spoken to Prince William and Kate despite staying just 700 yards away on the Windsor Castle grounds, it has been claimed.


The Sussexes - who enjoyed a day off today from their mini Euro tour after returning from Germany - are reportedly awaiting the Cambridges to take "accountability for crossing the line".


The couple arrived in Britain on Saturday, and have made base at Frogmore Cottage, a property that neighbours Adelaide Cottage, where future king William and his family moved this month.



They travelled to Manchester on Monday for One Young World Summit, where Meghan made her first public speech on these shores since stepping down as a working royal in 2020.


She and Harry then jetted off to Dusseldorf on Tuesday for the start of the One Year To Go countdown event for the Invictus Games 2023.


Prince Harry and Meghan and are said to have refused to reach out to Prince William and Kate ( Image: Getty Images)

上圖:哈裡王子和梅根,據說拒絕與威廉王子和凱特聯系 ( 圖像:蓋蒂圖檔社)


They will then travel to London on Thursday where Harry will speak at the WellChild Awards.


It comes after the Mirror revealed Prince Charles saw his offer for the pair to stay with him during their trip rebuffed.

在過去的12個月裡,哈利和威廉隻公開見過兩次面,蘇塞克斯的傳記作者奧米德·斯科比(Omid Scobie)聲稱兄弟倆堅持隻是“禮貌的問候”和“幾乎沒有别的(交流)”。

Harry and William have only publicly seen each other twice in the past 12 months, with the Sussexes' biographer Omid Scobie claiming the brothers stuck to "polite hellos" and "little else".


Prince Harry and Prince William have only seen each other twice in the last year ( Image: POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

上圖:哈裡王子和威廉王子去年隻見過兩次面 ( 圖像:池/法新社通過蓋蒂圖檔社)


One insider is reported to have told him: "There's a laughable effort to suggest the [Sussexes] have been shunned. The true story is, they never reached out to the Cambridges."


Mr Scobie says Harry believes William is guilty of "turning his back when support was needed".


But at the same time the older sibling is waiting for his brother to apologise for stepping down from the Firm and the damaging allegations Meghan has made during numerous US TV and print interviews.


Harry and Meghan at the One Young World Summit ( Image: AFP via Getty Images)

上圖:哈裡和梅根在“一個年輕的世界峰會”上 ( 圖像:法新社通過蓋蒂圖檔社)

資料來源:Ryan Merrifield 新聞記者


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