
馬爾代夫打造海上漂浮城,長得像人類的大腦 雙語新聞


The remote Indian Ocean archipelago of the Maldives is building the world's first floating city, modelled on the human brain-like appearance of a coral reef.


archipelago /ˌɑːkɪˈpeləɡəʊ/ n. 群島

be modelled on 仿造,仿制

The house is modelled on a 16th century castle.


馬爾代夫打造海上漂浮城,長得像人類的大腦 雙語新聞

Located almost 500 miles from India, the nearest continental land mass, the world's lowest-lying nation hopes to have come up with a sustainable solution to the stark reality of rising sea levels.


馬爾代夫打造海上漂浮城,長得像人類的大腦 雙語新聞

With a little help from the sea-level-fighting Dutch, the Maldives Floating City has received the green light for 5,000 colourful housing units to be constructed, linked together and tethered to the floor of a 500-acre lagoon.


give the green light 表示許可

get/receive the green light 獲得許可

His boss finally gave him the green light to start the new project.


tether /ˈteðə/ v. 栓

lagoon /ləˈɡuːn/ n. 潟湖(海邊的湖泊)

馬爾代夫打造海上漂浮城,長得像人類的大腦 雙語新聞

There will be no cars, but people will get around via the white-sand roads on foot, bicycles or electric buggies and scooters, or they'll hop onto boats and cruise the canals.


electric buggies and scooters 電動四輪車和小摩托

hop onto boats 坐上船

cruise /kruːz/ v. 巡遊
