

  1. affect 影響
  2. hit 襲擊
  3. Bangladesh 孟加拉國

Millions of people across India and Bangladesh have been affected by raging floods and landslides that left more than 100 people dead and entire communities devastated.

  1. raging [ˈreɪdʒɪŋ](rage)強烈的;極其強大的;猛烈的;很嚴重的;很痛苦的;嚴重的
  2. landslide 山體滑坡
  3. leave +賓語+ 賓語補足語(形容詞/過去分詞等)讓…保持/處于某種狀态
  4. devastated 毀壞的,混亂的,震驚的

The South Asian nations, home to more than 1.3 billion people, have been particularly badly hit by the rains, prompting some of the worst flooding in the region in years, as extreme weather events become increasingly frequent due to the climate crisis.

  1. home to …的家園
  2. prompt [prɑːmpt] 促使;導緻;激起
  3. extreme weather events 極端氣候事件
  4. due to 由于;因為
  5. crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs] 危機

In India, at least 48 people have died since June 14, after heavy rains battered the northeastern state of Assam, according to its disaster management authority, triggering landslides and causing river banks to swell. More than 5.5 million people have been affected in the state alone, the authority added.

  1. batter [ˈbætər] v. 連續猛擊;毆打
  2. trigger [ˈtrɪɡər] 觸發;引起;發動;開動;起動
  3. swell 膨脹;腫脹;(使)凸出,鼓出;(使)增加,增大,擴大
  4. …alone 單;僅

Assam's Chief Minister, Himanta Biswa Sarma, on Tuesday visited one of the 1,687 relief camps, housing more than 260,000 displaced people in the state.

  1. relief camp 難民營;救濟營
  2. displaced 被迫離開家園的人

"Our Govt will soon launch a portal for the affected people to register their livestock loss and other damages caused by floodwaters," he wrote on Twitter. "A flood relief package too will be announced shortly."

  1. launch
  2. portal 網站門戶
  3. register 注冊
  4. livestock [ˈlaɪvstɒk] 牲畜;家畜
  5. relief package 政府提供的一系列援助措施

Video broadcast on local television showed people in affected cities wading waist deep in muddy water and streets turned into rivers, with vehicles submerged underwater.

  1. broadcast 廣播/電視節目
  2. wade [weɪd] 蹚;跋涉(水或淤泥等)
  3. turn into 變成
  4. vehicle 車輛
  5. submerge [səbˈmɜːdʒ] 淹沒;(使)潛入水中

A 2022 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said they had medium confidence that heatwaves and humid stress would become more "intense and frequent," and that "annual and summer monsoon precipitation will increase."

  1. intergovernmental 政府間的
  2. panel 專家咨詢組
  3. medium 中等的
  4. heatwave 熱浪
  5. humid [ˈhjuːmɪd] 潮濕的;濕熱的
  6. intense 嚴重的
  7. monsoon [ˌmɑːnˈsuːn] 季風;(南亞地區的)雨季;雨季的降雨;季節風
  8. precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn] 降水;沉澱;降水量
