


Hong Kong’s Jumbo Floating Restaurant capsizes at sea

Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 01:00

Print Edition World


Hong Kong’s iconic Jumbo Floating Restaurant is towed away.

Hong Kong’s iconic Jumbo Floating Restaurant has capsized in the South China Sea less than a week after it was towed away from the city, its parent company said Monday.


The restaurant encountered “adverse conditions” on Saturday as it was passing the Xisha Islands, also known as the Paracel Islands, in the South China Sea, and water entered the vessel and it began to tip, according to Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises Ltd.


the Paracel Islands:西沙群島

The company said no one was injured, but that efforts to save the vessel failed and it capsized on Sunday.



“As the water depth at the scene is over 1,000 metres, (it makes it) extremely difficult to carry out salvage works,” it said in a statement.


salvage /ˈsælvɪdʒ/ N 1.(對财物等的)搶救•a salvage company/operation/team 打撈公司;打撈行動;搶救隊。2.救出的财物•an exhibition of the salvage from the wreck 沉船打撈物品展覽. V 1.~ sth (from sth) 打撈,營救(失事船舶等);搶救(失事船舶、火災等中的财物)•The wreck was salvaged by a team from the RAF. 失事船隻被英國皇家空軍救援小組打撈起來。 2. 挽救;挽回 •What can I do to salvage my reputation? (= get a good reputation again) 我怎樣才能挽回我的名聲呢?

The Jumbo Floating Restaurant, almost 80 metres (260 feet) in length, had been a landmark in Hong Kong for over four decades, serving Cantonese cuisine to over 3 million guests including Queen Elizabeth II and actor Tom Cruise.


It closed in 2020 due to the pandemic and laid off all its staff. Aberdeen Restaurant Enterprises said the restaurant became a financial burden to its shareholders, with millions of Hong Kong dollars spent on its inspection and maintenance even though it was not in operation.


The restaurant was towed away last Tuesday. The company said it planned to move it to a lower-cost site where maintenance could be carried out.


