







Ten years after the end of World War II, I was born in Japan. When I grew up in Japan, the adults around me didn't know much about the process of the war. My mother sometimes mentioned the suffering during and after the war, especially the food shortage. Hunger is always the deepest memory. She seems to have nothing else to say.


When I recently asked her about wartime mobilization, she mentioned her role in women's labor mobilization. She worked in a factory that produced candy for Japanese soldiers. My father hardly mentioned his wartime experience. He was drafted from the University at the end of the war, but he could not continue to participate in the war because the war was soon over, and his position in the army was technical and did not have to go to battle with a gun.



I was just a little girl at that time. I felt that my father had experienced a lot after the war. Later, he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The inhuman atrocities of the Japanese army were his indelible nightmare.


In post-war Japan, the belief system has undergone great changes and completed the transformation from radical nationalism to a war crime country. Of course, General Douglas MacArthur and his American occupation Corps in Japan have strengthened the concept of Japan's defeat.


Young and sensitive people are particularly vulnerable to this drastic and extreme change in values. I think my father is one of the people seriously affected. He became indifferent and suspicious, lost his patriotism and no longer believed in any value system.



Many people outside Japan believe that the Japanese people have always been nationalists whether World War II failed or not. In fact, many Japanese lost confidence in their country and themselves because of their defeat. Their children, like me, were also affected by their indifference. Of course, this is nothing compared with countries ravaged by militarist fascism. It has been more than 70 years since then. I hope this situation can be changed.




Although I am not Japanese, I have a long-term Japanese friend. Let me retell what he told me over the years.


Some of the old people left after the defeat (his parents were not among them) were not ashamed of the behavior of the Japanese fascist Empire, but ashamed of the inability of the Japanese Imperial Army to complete its tasks. In other words, it's a pity that they didn't win the war!


Nevertheless, these extreme people are very rare, because many people who are still alive and experienced the second world war now know the truth (Nanjing Massacre, North Korea, comfort women, torture of captured Allied soldiers, etc.) and no longer feel that these things are just propaganda by China, South Korea or the west to humiliate Japan, but the real history at that time. Even so, perhaps out of shame or shame, they would rather forget it and not talk about it at all.



As for the atomic bomb, some people are still dissatisfied with it, but now more people admit that these things are necessary to end the war. In the process, they have saved much more lives than those killed in the war and avoided the complete destruction of the whole Japan. Many people also believe that Japan is lucky to be occupied only by the United States / allies, rather than by semi Soviet and semi allied forces like all other countries participating in the war, including South Korea, a country that participated in the war only because of the occupation and conscription of the Japanese Empire.


As for Japan's younger generation (aged 50 and under), they separate their parents / grandparents' Japan from today's Japan, almost like two completely different countries.


I can understand why they do this, and I can understand that young people in other countries always look very negatively at today's Japan, because Japanese young people always say: it is impossible to imagine "why those evil Americans think they must drop nuclear bombs on such a peaceful and prosperous country".


The young Japanese just look forward, but do not want to admit how much suffering their ancestors have brought to Asia Pacific countries. Those who understand the real history also know that history must not repeat itself.


Why am I worried that Japan wants to rearm itself to deal with the increasing tension in East Asia? Although the Japanese Empire has long ceased to exist, extreme ideas and traditions still exist in Japanese young people. Japan hopes to get rid of the restrictions of the United States and the post-war constitution and safeguard its sovereignty and influence in the region.



美國網友Aki Marushima的回答

War is a terrible thing. I have learned a lot from it. I am a mixed American and Japanese. I was born and educated in the United States.


From the time spent in Japan, the many Japanese family members and the general interest in history, I think most Japanese adults are aware of the atrocities committed by Japan during World War II. However, due to lack of education, they are indifferent to this cruel history, and they always mention it seriously or don't want to talk about relevant topics in depth.


Japanese children have no realistic understanding of the war launched by Japan since primary school education. For example, from the Manchukuo invasion in 1931 to the end of World War II in 1945.


In the near post-war period, the Japanese government should educate children to understand the origin of the war to a certain extent. More importantly, it should have a lot of discussion on Japan's war atrocities. But even under the rule of the United States, these educational contents are not always transparent. During this period, the Ministry of education proposed a very cold method to educate children, which was in sharp contrast to Germany's decision at that time to deeply reflect on the war.


Therefore, Japanese children are unfortunately kept in the dark about their intentions. Today, ordinary Japanese people are quite vague about the key history from 1931 to 1945, just like facing a black hole. They believe that this history should be completely dusty. So as a result, they don't know how serious the Japanese were in the World War II. If so, their first reaction is to deny it. This attitude will certainly lead to endless debate on war crimes between neighboring countries.



Therefore, Japan's view of history mainly has two problems:


First, Japanese children are rarely taught the dark side of their country's history, which is understandable for almost everyone and the country.


American children know about slavery, but they rarely know the nightmare details of it. German children know the Nazi party, but I doubt whether they will study the heinous torture such as gas stove execution, germ research and living person anatomy. They may not be able to accept and understand these events until their hearts are strong enough.


Therefore, if you ask the children how they will react when they learn about the rape and murder cases of Japanese soldiers, it is only poorly worded at best. Worst of all, they have no waves in their hearts in the face of this problem.


Second, simply state that war is terrible, and then disguise yourself as a victim. World War II may be the most terrible. Japanese textbooks and officials always emphasize the cruelty of war, occupy the moral highland in the name of anti war, but downplay the war provoked by the axis powers.


They will say, "do you know that the Allies committed many war crimes? Dig it up and you may be shocked: a particularly disgusting statistic is that the estimated number of European women raped by the United States during the war is close to 200000."


Some schools do teach World War II, some of which are well-known atrocities, but people have no in-depth reflection on the scale and cruelty of atrocities and the evil of the Japanese army. The Japanese always spend more time on the atomic bomb. Therefore, many Japanese always think that they are the victims of the war, not the aggressor country that launched the war.


If you visit the memorial halls in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there is not a word about the heinous crimes committed by Japan in the whole Asia Pacific region. There was no explanation for why the Americans dropped the bomb. The impression left by the children visiting the memorial was that the Americans dropped the bomb on a peaceful and non threatening country for no reason.




Historical issues serve practical interests.


The so-called Japan does not apologize means that Japan believes that the Japanese people should no longer be responsible for World War II. Therefore, Japan can only express regret and regret for the previous events, but can not apologize, because they believe that, at least, it has nothing to do with them. This is the first step for Japan to seek national normalization. It is also the key to Japan's war potential.


China and South Korea insist on apologizing in order to make Japan continue to be responsible for their crimes. If we say, OK, this matter has passed, and you have been forgiven, Japan can get out of its cage immediately. At that time, nothing can prevent Japan from becoming one of the best military forces in East Asia again.



But as long as we hold on for one day, Japan will not be normalized for one day, and we can maintain the absolute advantage of living in East Asia. On the side of the bed, how can others sleep soundly. China will compete with the Pacific one day. How can a military power be allowed to get stuck at the gate of the East China Sea.


Now let's see why the Japanese don't choose a government that will apologize, because the Japanese are not stupid. If they apologize, they admit that Japan is still responsible for World War II. For them, they will never turn over.


As a Chinese, we should always understand that a castrated Japanese military power is beneficial to China.


The fanaticism of the Japanese people is not only based on extreme nationalism, but also on the fact that the Japanese people won a lot of interests by plundering the Chinese people in the war of resistance against Japan. The social contradictions in Japan are passed on by the war situation - this is the necessity for Japan to launch the war of aggression against China and the interest basis for the Japanese people to support the war of aggression against China, and it is the innocent Chinese people who bear the cost.

