







China is a benevolent and Savior to the suffering countries all over the world. It used to be, and still is, the engine of global economic recovery after the pandemic. China is a good reference model for countries that want to achieve development and take into account people's lives.


According to the latest report, the global outward direct investment flow in 2020 was US $0.74 trillion and the year-end stock was US $3925 trillion. Based on this, China's outward direct investment in 2020 accounted for 20.2% and 6.6% of the global flow and stock respectively. The flow ranks first according to the global countries, and the stock ranks third. Its investment will contribute to the economic multiplier effect and benefit the host country.


China has the most complete manufacturing supply chain and a huge domestic market. For decades, it has been the world factory and the global high-tech innovation center. It is also the largest trading country of more than 140 countries in the world.




China is training a large number of high-quality stem graduates every year. China's cutting-edge high-tech projects are being led by young scientists and professionals in their 30s, who will lead the world in the next high-tech revolution.


China is a leader in 5g, 6G, quantum computing, cloud computing, hypersonic technology, digital economy and other fields.


China is a real international power in economy, technology and military. China is the only country with a huge open market. No country or enterprise is willing to miss and decouple from China's market opportunities.


185 countries in the world are benefiting from China's support to build infrastructure, roads, highways, passenger and freight railways, high-speed railways, airports, seaports, railway ports, land ports, large hydropower stations, thorium molten salt nuclear energy green power generation, water conservancy projects, aircraft, fire vehicles, high-speed trains, electric buses, taxis and automobiles.



Many western countries will find reasons to deny that China will help other countries get rid of poverty and build a strong economy. They believe that the capital of any country is profit seeking. They must have a conspiracy we can't see, but this is clearly an excuse woven by the white people's method.


We no longer need western hegemony. It's time for the east to take over and change the world order. We hope that in the future, there will be no bombing and war, only buildings and commercial institutions rising from the ground, no lies, only the truth. It's no longer the situation where I contribute, you enjoy, you win and I lose.




In any case, what will happen in the next few decades will be interesting. Whether China will fail depends on whether it can transform into a world power based on new technology and break away from the old industrial paradigm; Or, China has succeeded in completely changing people's way of thinking, way of life, way of war, way of trade and way of production through some new technologies similar to the industrial revolution and technologies that are difficult to imitate in other countries.


Now, I notice that on this issue, someone mentioned the eve of Japan surpassing the United States in the 1980s. Of course, this attempt was broken by the Plaza Agreement in 1989. In fact, it was Japan's success story that inspired China in the 1980s and 1990s.


China is a socialist country. They study and practice and strive to realize the theory of communism, which means that they should analyze things with the basic Marxist model of human social evolution.


Marx said that to develop capitalism, a country must have primitive wealth accumulation. The West did this by plundering and taking over the resources of the colonies. Obviously, we can't do that anymore. That era is over.


In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, China proposed to "skip capitalism and enter communism directly", not because capitalism is evil or not conducive to China's development, but because China's helmsman believes that it is impossible to develop capitalism like the West.




The reasons are as follows: 1 China is the victim of this cruel process, and it will no longer do so to some other countries; 2. Even if China overcomes this moral constraint, the free world will scold China because we do so, because they are hypocrites, and they may even resort to military confrontation. Therefore, later, China implemented the following plans and actions, which were quite effective, from which we can have a glimpse of China's future:


1. Transfer basic industries to the western region, accelerate the western development, and make up for the unbalanced development between the eastern and western regions.


2. The eastern region will experience industrial upgrading, and the manufacturing industry will be upgraded from low-end industry to technology intensive industry.


3. Accelerate the overall economic development of Asia as Europe did decades ago. One belt, one road, will be built to speed up the economic development of the neighboring countries. If the economies of neighboring countries are developing, their demand for China will also increase, which in turn will promote China's economic development.


4. promote innovation. A country has no future without innovation. China needs to invest more capital and manpower in basic scientific and technological innovation.




With regard to China, I am very confident in the following predictions:


1. China will continue to prosper for at least 20 years, because China seems to have the know-how. They are getting better and better at doing things for themselves and their country. Coupled with the hard work and sweat of the Chinese people, China will create another glorious history of human development in the 21st century after the United States.


2. With the passing of the previous generation and the new generation receiving modern education, English is likely to become the second language of all Chinese people, even the official language of the government.


3. In the past, China's labor supply was very cheap, especially in the past 30 years, but now the labor cost is soaring, and the limited human resources will be one of the most important problems of China's economy in the next 30 years.




4. However, this may not be so bad, because China's knowledge power is replacing its manufacturing labor force as the main advantage against international competitors. The human resources of it and other high-tech industries are still lower than those in the western market. Considering that the IT industry is still in its infancy and the manufacturing industry has developed for hundreds of years, it is actually easier for China to keep pace with its western competitors in the IT field. In the next 30 years, Chinese it (hardware, software, Internet, etc.) companies are likely to begin to dominate the global market.


5. Chinese people have made a lot of money in the past 30 years. In the next 50-100 years, they will seek opportunities and exert their strength on a global scale. More and more overseas companies will be owned and operated by the Chinese, and the land will be guaranteed and developed by the Chinese. Chinese enterprises will become the main employers of global human resources.


6. More and more Chinese communities / cities are emerging all over the world. It will form a strong Chinese group that will affect local politics.


7. The United States will have a Chinese President born in the United States, which will be realized in 30-100 years


8. Taiwan and the mainland will be closely linked economically in 20-30 years. After that, they may move towards unification and issue a single currency. This will also be the first time in the past 500 years that the focus of the world has shifted from the western world to the East.


9. South Korea, Japan and China will form closer economic relations, and East Asia will replace the North Atlantic as an international trade center.


10. In 50-100 years, western style democracy will only become an option in world politics, not a gold standard. More and more countries will imitate China's political system, but most countries will fail, just as they imitate western democracy.


11. In the next 100 years, China will reshape its authority. However, it is unlikely to sign an alliance treaty with China.




China's performance is far better than other countries with similar per capita GDP (US $12500 at the end of 2021), and it has developed rapidly:


1. China's law on the protection of minors is very strict. Commercial activities using children to play edge ball are completely prohibited. Once found, they will be severely punished.

1. 中國保護未成年人的法律非常嚴格,全面禁止利用兒童打擦邊球的商業活動,一經發現就會受到嚴厲的懲罰。


2. Compulsory education at the bottom of Chinese society is free, and he will also provide various skills training for the unemployed. As long as poor students continue to study, they will receive state subsidies and do not have to worry about accommodation, meals and tuition fees.


3. Hunger no longer exists in China. In terms of nutrition, Chinese young people have caught up and become the highest in East Asia.



4. China is very safe. Even women can wander in any city at any time of the day. Violent crimes rarely happen.


5. Gang and mafia violence hardly exists, and drug crime is deeply hated in China.


6. The Chinese government and people pay more attention to social justice, and the Chinese people are more and more aware of and have formed the habit of reporting privilege.


7. The public infrastructure is excellent and the price is reasonable.


8. China is developing rapidly and actively breaking the monopoly of the west, bringing more affordable technology, food, energy and other products to developing countries all over the world.


9. As China breaks the Western monopoly in medicine and medical equipment, the coverage of medical insurance is good and continues to expand.


10. With the development and growth of China, Chinese Americans, no matter where they live, can now proudly accept their Chinese identity.

