





1. The two parties represent ___ end of the political spectrum.這兩個政黨代表了政治上的兩端。

2. They arranged the tables ___ to end.他們将桌子排成一行。

3. The injury brought her ___ to an early end.受傷使他的職業生涯提早結束。

4. I’ll never ___ to the end of this book!我永遠也看不完這本書了。

5. As the evening drawing to an end, the firework ___ took place.晚會接近尾聲,煙花表演開始了。

6. Talks were in ___ to bring an end to the fighting.停戰談判正在進行中。

7. There’s no end in ___ to the present crisis.看不到目前危機消弭的迹象。

8. The film’s backers were delighted with the end ___.影片的投資者對最終的成片很滿意。

9. The proceedings are ___ to be at an end by 6 p.m.會議預計下午6點結束。

10. They ___ married at the end of the movie.電影結尾處他們結婚了。

11. He ___ the reports by the end of the month.他要在月底前見到報告。

12. I just ___ the tail end of the movie.我隻看到了電影的結尾。

13. That’s his wife sitting at the ___ end of the table.坐在桌子遠端的是他的妻子。

14. They are house-buyers at the ___ end of the market.他們是低檔房屋的購買者。

15. We tried cutting through a back road but it was a ___ end.我們試圖抄小路,不料原來是個死胡同。

16. The company believes in ___ new employees in at the deep end with no training.該公司認為, 應該不經教育訓練就讓新員工從困難的部分做起。

17. Take the ___ end of the rope and pass it through the hole.拿着繩子沒打結的一端穿過這個洞。

18. The author ___ up all the loose ends of the story in the final chapter.作者在最後一章對故事中未了結之處作了交代。

19. Continue until you ___ the end of the road.一直走到路的盡頭。

20. The two teams changed ___ at half time.兩隊在中場時交換了場地。

21. Turn ___ Hope Street and our house is right at the end.拐進希望大街,我們的房子就在盡頭。

22. Stand it ___ end.把它豎起來。

23. Costs are expected to ___ by the end of 2017.預計到2017年底成本将翻倍。

24. What would she ___ at the end of her journey?她在旅行結束時會有些什麼發現呢?

25. Hooker’s death ___ the end of an era.胡克的逝世标志着一個時代的結束。

26. I played the mp4 from ___ to end.我把mp4從頭到尾播放了一遍。

27. It is hoped that talks may ___ an end to the violence.希望會談可以結束暴力。

28. The EU is demanding an end to the ___ trade.歐盟要求停止象牙貿易。

29. At least it seemed the war might be ___ to an end.終于戰争似乎即将結束。

30. The spacecraft is nearing the end of its ___ life.該航天器的使用壽命快要終結。


31. He rose to ___ that the conversation was at an end.他站起身來,示意談話結束。

32. Well, I hope that’s the end of the ___.好啦,我希望事情就到此為止。

33. Another year has passed, with no end in sight to the ___.又過了一年,痛苦還是看不到盡頭。

34. We sat at opposite ___ of the table.我們分别坐在桌子兩頭。

35. He wore spectacles ___ on the very end of his nose.他的眼鏡架在鼻尖上。

36. The end of the pencil ___.鉛筆的筆尖啪的一聲斷了。

37. Jo ___ the end of the line.喬排到了隊尾。

38. There is a big piano at the ___ end of the room.房間的另一頭有一台大鋼琴。

39. The channel ___ 20 feet from end to end.這條管道全長為20英尺。

40. He ___ the box on end to open it.他把箱子豎起來好打開。

41. The pavement is made of bricks ___ end to end.人行道是由首尾連接配接鋪成一行的磚頭組成。

42. The pricing drops to the ___ end of the price range.定價已降到價格範圍内的最低點。

43. At the opposite end of the economic ___ are the Keynesianism.在經濟領域與之截然相反的是凱恩斯主義。

44. Some teenagers are just a ___, but at the other end of the scale there are kids who pose a real threat.有些少年隻不過是讨人嫌,而有些孩子則相反,他們根本就是個威脅。

45. Sometimes, all you need is a ___ voice on the end of the phone.有時候你隻需要電話另一端,有一個平靜的聲音和你說話。

46. We’ll get a bus ___ at the other end.我們到了那邊終點站會轉乘公共汽車的。

47. Any problems ___ your end?你那邊有什麼問題嗎?

48. 40% of all research is ___ for military ends.正在進行的所有項目研究中,40%用于軍事目的。

49. She’ll do anything to ___ her own ends.她為了實作自己的目标,什麼都會去做。

50. Every task has a clear end in ___.每一項任務都要有明确的目标。

51. He wants to cut costs, and to that end is looking at ways of ___ the company’s operations.他想降低成本,并在為此設法削減公司的經營項目。

52. IT is a tool for ___, not merely an end in itself.資訊技術本身不是目的,而是一種學習工具。

53. The end ___ the means.隻要能達到目的,可以不擇手段。

54. She works in the ___ end of things.她做銷售方面的工作。

55. He ___ his end in a car accident.他在一次車禍中喪身。

56. At the end of the ___, it’s his decision.不管怎麼說,這是他的決定。

57. He was ___ for days on end.他連續好幾天飽受煎熬。

58. What did you ___ in the end?最終你做了什麼決定?

59. I’m not going – end of the ___.我不去,就這樣。

60. Frustrated and bitter, Hogan had reached the end of his ___ with politics.霍根遭受了挫折和痛苦,在政治上已走到了窮途末路。


61. Our marriage had reached the end of the ___.我們的婚姻走到了盡頭。

62. When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends ___.邁克失業以後,我們幾乎難以維持生計。

63. Your letter ___ me up to no end.你的來信讓我非常高興。

64. This will cause ___ end of trouble.這會引起無窮無盡的麻煩。

65. What will he do next? He’s the ___ end.他下一步要幹什麼?他這混蛋!

66. I’d go to the ends of the ___ to be with him.哪怕走到天涯海角,我也要和他在一起。

67. World War II ___ in 1945.第二次世界大戰于1945年結束。

68. The festival will end with a ___ laser show.慶祝活動将以壯觀的雷射表演結束。

69. The talks are ___ at ending the conflict.談判旨在結束沖突。

70. I think we’ll end there ___ today.我看我們今天就到這兒吧。

71. I’d like to end by ___ questions from the audience.我最後想請觀衆提問。

72. This is ___ the line ends.這條線就到此為止。

73. They ended the game ___ a score of 63-42.他們以63比42 結束了比賽。

74. The company ended the year with record ___.到年底時公司獲得了創紀錄的收益。

75. He ended his ___ in prison.他在監獄裡度過了餘生。

76. This is the movie with the car ___ to end all car chases.這是一部極具刺激的汽車追逐場面的影片。

77. We have audited the financial results for the year ___ 31 Dec 2020.我們審計了截至2020年12月31日的年度财務報告。

78. One in three marriages ends ___ divorce.三分之一的婚姻以離婚告終。

79. He came round for a coffee and we ended up ___ a meal together.他是來喝咖啡的,到後來我們卻一起吃了頓飯。

80. I wondered where the pictures would end up after the ___.我想知道那些畫拍賣後的最終去處。

81. Most slimmers end up ___ weight back on.大多數減肥的人最後又發胖了。

82. Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach ___.在河裡遊泳的人可能會出現嚴重的腸胃不适。

83. He could end up ___ President.他沒準兒哪天會當上總統。

84. I don’t want to end ___ like my parents.我不想到最後和我父母一樣。

85. This is a story with a ___ ending.這是一個結局美滿的故事。

86. Coffee is the perfect ending ___ a meal.咖啡是餐後的最佳飲品。

87. This is one of the first elections since the ending of the ___.這是獨裁統治結束後的首次選舉之一。

88. ___ nouns have the ending –ing. 動名詞以-ing結尾。

89. The beautiful village attracts an endless ___ of visitors.美麗的鄉村吸引了川流不息的遊客。

90. The possibilities are ___.有無限的可能性。

91. He’s been in a lot of trouble – drugs, guns, blackmail – the ___ is endless.他麻煩太多了 – 毒品、槍支、敲詐 – 說都說不完。

92. There will be an endless ___ of boring meetings this week.這個星期将有一輪沒完沒了的無聊會議。

93. This city is endlessly ___.這座城市充滿了無窮的魅力。

94. The meet will ___ at 5.30.會議将于5點半結束。

95. ___ time does your Spanish class finish?你的西班牙語課幾點結束?

96. I can’t wait for our exams to be ___.我迫不及待地希望考試快點結束。

97. The long summer ___ was almost over.漫長的暑假就快結束了。

98. The war finally ___ to an end six years later.六年後戰争終于結束。

99. The problem remained as the century ___ to an end.本世紀接近尾聲,這個問題依然存在。

100. I wasn’t able to finish the test before the time was ___.我還沒來得及做完測驗題目,時間就到了。

101. The desperate search for survivors continues, but time is ___ out.不惜一切搜尋幸存者的工作仍在繼續,但是時間所剩無幾。

102. I’m afraid we can’t accept this credit card – it ___ last week.恐怕我們不能接受這張信用卡 – 它上星期到期了。

103. We both knew that our marriage was ___ an end.我倆都知道我們的婚姻走到了盡頭。


朗文當代進階英語詞典[M]. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 opposite 2 end 3 career 4 get 5 display 6 progress 7 sight 8 product 9 expected 10 get 11 wants 12 caught 13 far 14 cheap 15 dead 16 throwing 17 free 18 tied 19 reach 20 ends 21 into 22 on 23 double 24 find 25 mark 26 beginning 27 bring 28 ivory 29 coming 30 useful 31 indicate 32 matter 33 suffering 34 ends 35 perched 36 snapped 37 joined 38 far 39 measures 40 stood 41 laid 42 cheaper 43 spectrum 44 nuisance 45 calm 46 connection 47 at 48 undertaken 49 achieve 50 view 51 cutting 52 learning 53 justifies 54 sales 55 met 56 day 57 tortured 58 decide 59 story 60 tether 61 line 62 meet 63 cheered 64 no 65 living 66 earth 67 ended 68 spectacular 69 aimed 70 for 71 inviting 72 where 73 with 74 profits 75 days 76 chase 77 ending 78 in 79 having 80 auction 81 putting 82 upset 83 as 84 up 85 happy 86 to 87 dictatorship 88 Verbal 89 stream 90 endless 91 list 92 round 93 fascinating 94 finish 95 What 96 over 97 vacation 98 came 99 drew 100 up 101 running 102 expired 103 at