
甯波市 2021年國中學業水準考試(解析版)


甯波市 2021年國中學業水準考試

英 語 試 題


1. 全卷分試題卷I、試題卷II和答題卷。試題卷共 8頁, 有6個大題, 61 個小題, 滿分為 95分。考試時長為90分鐘。

2. 請将姓名、準考證号分别填寫在試題卷和答題卷的規定位置上。

3. 答題時, 把試題卷I的答案在答題卷I上對應的選項位置用 2B 鉛筆塗黑、塗滿。将試題卷II答案用黑色字迹鋼筆或簽字筆書寫, 答案必須按照題号順序在答題卷II各題目規定區域内作答, 做在試題卷上或超出答題區域書寫的答案無效。

試 題 卷I

一、完形填空(本題有15 小題, 每小題1分, 共計 15 分)

閱讀下面短文, 掌握大意, 然後從 A、B、C、D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。

Larry seemed always silent and didn’t have any friend. His teacher Mr. Brown this. One day, he asked Larry to meet him after class. Mr. Brown said, “I see that you don’t talk to anyone or show any in anything. What’s wrong?” Larry replied, “Sir, I have a very life. I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep them. Because of this, I can’t focus my attention on anything and don’t even feel like talking to .”

Mr. Brown listened carefully, thought for a while and said, “Would you like some lemonade(檸檬汽水)?” Larry felt a little and nervously replied, “Yes, thank you!”

While lemonade, Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. Larry made a face as soon as he drank a sip of that lemonade. Seeing this, Mr. Brown asked “You don’t like it?”

“Um…it’s just there is a bit too much in it,” Larry answered.

Mr. Brown stopped him, “Oh, it doesn’t matter. I will throw it away.” As the teacher was lifting the glass to , Larry stopped him and said, “Sir, please don’t throw it away. we put a little more sugar in the lemonade, it will be fine to drink.”

Hearing this, Mr. Brown said, “This is what I want to hear from you. To improve the of lemonade, we don’t need to remove the salt from it, we can just add some sugar to it. Similarly, we cannot remove sad things that have happened to us, but we can add sweetness of good experiences in our life. If you keep on crying about your , neither your present will be right nor the future will be bright.”

Larry realized his problem and promised to live a positive life.

1. A. enjoyed B. noticed C. believed D. forgot

2. A. fear B. anger C. interest D. politeness

3. A. simple B. difficult C. quiet D. common

4. A. looking for B. learning from C. laughing at D. thinking about

5. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody

6. A. surprised B. tired C. bored D. shamed

7. A. buying B. cooking C. preparing D. drinking

8. A. serious B. friendly C. patient D. strange

9. A. sugar B. water C. salt D. lemonade

10. A. keep it away B. take it away C. drink it up D. use it up

11. A. If B. Since C. Although D. Unless

12. A. bravely B. coldly C. happily D. angrily

13. A. taste B. color C. shape D. smell

14. A. never B. already C. nearly D. seldom

15. A. style B. habit C. decision D. past

【答案】1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D





enjoyed欣賞;noticed注意;believed相信;forgot忘記。根據“Larry seemed always silent and didn’t have any friend.”可知,Larry總是沉默寡言,沒有一個朋友,這是老師注意到的事情,故選B。



fear害怕;anger生氣;interest興趣;politeness禮貌。根據“I see that you don’t talk to anyone”可知,Larry不和任何人說話,對什麼都沒興趣,show interest in,固定短語,故選C。



simple簡單的;difficult困難的;quiet安靜的;common共同的。根據“I have to face some very sad incidents”可知,生活艱難,故選B。



looking for尋找;learning from向……學習;laughing at嘲笑;thinking about考慮。根據“I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep…them.”可知,忍不住一直想悲傷的事情,故選D。



anybody任何人;somebody某人;everybody每個人;nobody沒有人。根據前文“I see that you don’t talk to anyone”可知,不跟任何人講話,故選A。






buying買;cooking做飯;preparing準備;drinking喝。根據“Would you like some lemonade(檸檬汽水)?”可知,布朗先生去準備檸檬水,故選C。



serious嚴肅的;friendly友好的;patient耐心的;strange奇怪的。根據“Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. ”可知,多鹽少糖,是以味道很奇怪,故選D。



sugar糖;water水;salt鹽;lemonade檸檬水。根據“Mr. Brown added more salt on purpose and kept the quantity of sugar low. ”可知,多鹽,是以很鹹,故選C。



keep it away保持距離;take it away拿走;drink it up喝光;use it up用光。根據“I will throw it away.”可知,布朗先生要把它扔掉,故選B。



If如果;Since因為;Although雖然;Unless除非。“we put a little more sugar in the lemonade”是“it will be fine to drink”的條件,用if引導條件狀語從句,故選A。



bravely勇敢地;coldly冷漠地;happily開心地;angrily生氣地。根據“This is what I want to hear from you.”可知,布朗先生得到了想要的回答,是以很開心,故選C。



taste味道;color顔色;shape形狀;smell氣味。根據“we don’t need to remove the salt from it, we can just add some sugar to it”可知,是為了改善檸檬水的味道,故選A。



never從不;already已經;nearly幾乎;seldom很少。根據“we cannot remove sad things that have…happened to us”可知,已經發生的事不能更改,故選B。



style風格;habit習慣;decision決定;past過去。根據“If you keep on crying about your…”可知,不要沉溺于過去的痛苦,故選D。

二、閱讀了解(本題有15 小題, 每小題2分, 共計 30 分)

閱讀下面材料, 從每題所給的 A、B、C、D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。


Book review by Jarrad

On the weekend I read a totally amazing book called The Adventures(曆險記)of Siegfried and Hannah. It was such a cool book because it was full of magical journeys to many mysterious lands. You never knew where the characters were going to end up next.

The main characters are a boy called Siegfried and his little sister Hannah. They are always ready for a mysterious adventure every time they step out their door. The book contains twelve separate stories.

I won’t spoil it for you, but what I loved the most was that the main characters were just like real kids. They were the sort of kids that I’d want to be friends with.

I would really recommend(推薦)that you read this book, especially if you like fairies, dragons, magic, adventures and surprises. It is the best book that I have read all year. There was nothing I did not like about this book, except that it should have been longer!

16. What did Jarrad think of this book?

A. Common. B. Amazing. C. Humorous. D. Scary.

17. Who are the main readers for this book review?

A. The students in Jarrad’s class. B. The teachers in Jarrad’s school.

C. People who have read the book. D. Kids who are interested in adventures.

18. What does the cover of this book tell you?

A. What the writer’s name is. B. When the book came out.

C. Who the main characters are. D. In which country the story happened.

【答案】16. B 17. D 18. C



細節了解題。根據“On the weekend I read a totally amazing book called The Adventures(曆險記)of Siegfried and Hannah.”可知,Jarrad認為這本書非常驚人,故選B。


細節了解題。根據“I would really recommend(推薦)that you read this book, especially if you like fairies, dragons, magic, adventures and surprises.”可知,Jarrad想把書推薦給喜歡仙女、龍、魔法、冒險和驚喜的人,故選D。




Have you ever entered a tropical rainforest(熱帶雨林)? Rainforests make up only a small part of the Earth’s surface, about six percent, but there are more kinds of trees than any other area in the whole world.

Tropical rainforests are in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australia, and on the Pacific islands. The largest tropical rainforest is the Amazon (亞馬遜)Rainforest in South America, which covers 1. 2 billion acres, or almost five million square kilometres. The second largest rainforest is in Western Africa.

Rainforests provide us with many things. In fact, the Amazon Rainforest is the “lungs of our planet” because it produces 20%of the world’s oxygen (氧氣). One fifth of the world’s fresh water is also found in the Amazon Rainforest. Furthermore, one half of the world’s species of animals, plants and insects live in the Earth’s rainforests. 80% of the food we eat first grew in the rainforest. 25%of the drugs we take when we are sick are made of plants that grow only in rainforests. Some of these drugs are even used to fight and cure cancer.

There are four different levels of trees in a rainforest. The forest floor is the lowest layer full of animal life and receives the least amount of light. The under storey is the dark, cool environment under the leaves but over the ground. The canopy layer is the upper parts of most of the trees. The emergent layer contains a small number of very tall trees.

These different parts of a rainforest exist together to create an ecosystem for many animals, plants and human beings.

19. This passage is mainly about ________.

A. kinds of forest B. where rainforests are

C. facts about rainforests D. how much oxygen rainforests make

20. The Amazon Rainforest provides us with ________ percent of the world’s oxygen.

A. twenty B. twenty-five C. fifty D. eighty

21. Where can we probably find a tropical rainforest according to the passage?

A. In France. B. In China. C. In Canada. D. In Britain.

22. Which is the right picture to show four different levels of trees in a rainforest?





【答案】19. C 20. A 21. B 22. D





細節了解題。根據第三段“the Amazon Rainforest is the “lungs of our planet” because it produces 20%of the world’s oxygen.”可知,亞馬遜雨林為我們提供了世界上20%的氧氣,故選A。


推理判斷題。根據第二段“Tropical rainforests are in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, Australia, and on the Pacific islands.”可知,熱帶雨林分布在非洲、亞洲、中南美洲、澳洲和太平洋島嶼上,中國屬于亞洲,是以我們可能在中國能找到熱帶雨林,故選B。


細節了解題。根據倒數第二段“There are four different levels of trees in a rainforest. The forest floor is the lowest layer…The under storey is the dark, cool environment…The canopy layer is the upper parts of most of the trees. The emergent layer contains a small number of very tall trees.”可知,雨林中有四種不同層次的樹木。地面層是充滿動物生命的最低層,接收的光線最少,灌木層是樹葉下面的陰暗涼爽的環境,但是在地面上,樹冠層是大部分樹木的頂部,露生層包含了一小部分高大的樹木。根據圖示,故選D。


Jason and his father were going to the grocery store by car to pick up some apples. It had been an unusual day. The sky was dark but there were few clouds. As they drove up the street, there started to be a rumbling (隆隆的) sound heard across the ground.

Jason’s father immediately realized that a tornado (龍卷風) was coming. He stopped the car and told Jason to get out immediately. Jason and his father got out of the car and made their way to the closest building. By this time the wind was blowing harder, and it was hard to see or hear. was falling all over the place. Jason couldn’t see his dad anymore. He also realized that he wasn’t getting to the building fast enough. He was afraid he would be picked up by the wind and thrown into the air.

As he made his way towards the building, he noticed a field to his right. He could see an irrigation ditch(灌溉渠). In a panic, he scrambled (爬) to the ditch and lay flat on the ground. More debris and objects flew overhead. His heart was beating hard, and he was nervous. He had never been in a tornado before.

After a while, the winds died down and the loud roaring sound was gone. Jason slowly lifted his head and nervously looked around. What he saw was a great mess. Jason could hardly recognize the buildings in front of him because of all the damage.

He stood up and with shaky legs walked to the building. Once there, he pushed the door open and went inside. It was a public building owned by the city. It was empty, but Jason could hear noises further inside. He walked into the large room and saw his dad. He ran across the room and gave him a big hug.

“Jason! How are you? I’ve been worried sick about you!” said his father. “I couldn’t find you anywhere!”

Jason breathed a sigh of a relief(松了一口氣)and sat down. He did have a story to tell!

23. From Paragraph 1, we can get the ________ of the story.

A. background B. development C. climax (most exciting part) D. ending

24. Which of the following is the right order according to the passage?

① Jason nervously looked around from the irrigation ditch.

② Jason ran across the room and gave his father a big hug.

③ Jason got out of the car.

④ Jason noticed a field to his right.

A. ②①③④ B. ③④①② C. ④①②③ D. ③①②④

25. The underlined word “Debris” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. parts of the tornado B. apple pies C. broken pieces D. drop of rain

26. The story tells us that when we are in danger, ________.

A. we should wait patiently until help comes

B. we should work hard to make our dreams come true

C. we should be brave enough to change nature

D. we should be quick-thinking and believe in ourselves

【答案】23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D





細節了解題。根據“Jason and his father got out of the car”,“As he made his way towards the building, he noticed a field to his right.”,“Jason slowly lifted his head and nervously looked around.”和“He ran across the room and gave him a big hug.”可知,正确的順序是③④①②,故選B。


詞義猜測題。分析“By this time the wind was blowing harder, and it was hard to see or hear. Debris was falling all over the place.”可知,這時風刮得更厲害了,幾乎看不見也聽不到,殘骸到處都是。此處Debris的意思是“殘骸”,故選C。




Have you ever bought something and then changed your mind? For Alison Jenson, 15, this used to happen several times a week. Alison was a shopaholic. She just couldn’t stop shopping and she loved special offers.

Alison’s bedroom is full of stuff. “I’ve been to every shop in Birmingham, I think,” says Alison. She picks up some earrings. The labels are still on them. “These were half price,” she says. “I’ve never won them.” Alison’s problem wasn’t just jewellery. She also bought a lot of clothes, though not many shoes, because they were usually too expensive. She has also bought lots of other small things-like 20 new covers for her phone. She hasn’t used any of them.

According to experts, we all feel excited after we buy something new. For shopaholics, it’s a little different. Soon after they buy something, they think they’ve made a mistake and start to feel unhappy. So they buy themselves something else to feel happier.

Psychologists (心理學家)first described the problems of shopaholics in 1915. However, there was very little research on the subject until recently. Now, doctors think thousands of people suffer from the problem, and the situation is getting worse. There are also more teenage shopaholics now, although most young people don’t have enough money to go shopping very regularly.

Alison knew she had a problem. “I often bought something every day. Usually it was something small, but I just needed to buy it,” she says. “I spent money that I got for my birthday, and when I was short of cash, I borrowed money from friends or my parents. When I couldn’t go shopping, I felt anxious. Then one day, my parents just looked at all the stuff in my room and said, This is crazy!I knew were right. I needed some big changes in my life.”

Alison now gets help with her problem and feels she has changed. She no longer thinks she’s a shopaholic. “When I want to buy something in a shop, I ask myself two questions,” she says. “Do I need it? Can I afford it? The answer to both questions is usually ‘no’, so I walk away. It’s great!”

27. What do experts say about shopaholics?

A. Shopaholics feel sad when they are shopping.

B. Shopaholics soon feel unhappy after they have bought something.

C. Shopaholics feel more excited than other people when they shop.

D. Shopping is the only way shopaholics can feel happy.

28. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 5 refers to ________.

A. psychologists B. doctors C. Alison’s parents D. Alison’s friends

29. Which word can best describe Alison’s feeling at the end of the passage?

A. Glad. B. Worried. C. Embarrassed. D. Moved.

30. The best title for the passage above might be ________.

A. Shop Till You Drop! B. Shopping Makes Me Happy!

C. You’d Better Shop Less! D. I Can Stop Shopping Now!

【答案】27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D



細節了解題。根據“For shopaholics, it’s a little different. Soon after they buy something, they think they’ve made a mistake and start to feel unhappy.”可知,購物狂買了東西後很快會感到不高興。故選B。


推理判斷題。分析“Then one day, my parents just looked at all the stuff in my room and said, This is crazy!I knew they were right.”可知,有一天,我父母看着我房間裡的東西說,這太瘋狂了,我知道他們是對的。此處they指的是“父母”,故選C。


推理判斷題。根據“It’s great!”可知,Alison現在感覺很好,故選A。




三、任務型閱讀(本題有 5 小題, 每小題1分, 共計 5 分)

下面是一幅關于提高說話技巧的結構圖。請你根據結構圖提供的資訊, 将選項中的小标題(A-F)與相應的段落比對。選項中有一項為多餘選項。

How to Give a Good Talk Before the talk

Get a good idea

Choose a topic carefully. You can talk more easily about something you like and know about.

It’s better to say less. Choose a few good ideas and think about how to communicate them clearly to your audience(聽衆;觀衆).

BEGINNING: Think of an interesting way to begin. MDDLE: Think carefully about this part of your talk.

END: People often remember the ending best, so plan this part of your talk first.

Write your main ideas on a card. It helps you remember your talk while practicing. When you can do it easily without notes, then you’re ready.
When you do the talk Talk more slowly than you usually do but speak more loudly than usual. Make sure that everyone can hear you easily.
Talk to your audience, not to your hands or to the floor. Look around the room at people’s faces and check they’re listening.

A. Don’t try to say too much

B. Don’t speak too fast

C. Make notes and prepare

D. Plan your talk

E. Look up not down

F. Finish on time

【答案】31. A 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. E



根據“It’s better to say less.”可知,本段标題應是不要說得太多。選項A“别說太多”符合語境。故選A。


根據“BEGINNING: Think of an interesting way to begin. MDDLE: Think carefully about this part of your talk. END: People often remember the ending best, so plan this part of your talk first.”可知,本段标題應是說話之前做好計劃。選項D“計劃你的談話”符合語境。故選D。


根據“Write your main ideas on a card.”可知,标題應是做筆記。選項C“做筆記和準備”符合語境。故選C。


根據“Talk more slowly than you usually do but speak more loudly than usual.”可知,标題應是不要說得太快。選項B“不要說得太快”符合語境。故選B。


根據“Talk to your audience, not to your hands or to the floor. Look around the room at people’s faces and check they’re listening.”可知,标題應是說話時往上看,不要往下看。選項E“往上看,不要往下看”符合語境。故選E。

試 題 卷 II

四、詞彙運用(本題有15 小題, 每小題1分, 共計 15 分)

A. 根據下列句子及所給漢語注釋, 寫出空缺處各單詞的正确形式(每空一詞)。

36. It’s not safe to leave a baby in a car by ________(它自己).



【詳解】句意:把嬰兒單獨留在車裡是不安全的。leave one by oneself把某人單獨留下。句子中的a baby性别不明确,反身代詞不能使用himself或herself,itself意為“它自己”,可以指代身份不明确的人;故填itself。

37. The big tree over there is probably one ________(百)years old.



38. Mike often ________(收集)stamps and plays basketball in his spare time.



39. Traditional Chinese ________(藥)has been playing an important role in treating COVID-19.



40. I often se an old man with ________(灰色)hair sweeping the road near my school.



41. People around the world can hardly ________(避免) buying products made in China.



42. To help my parents live a better life is ________(确切地) what I want.


【詳解】句意:幫助我的父母過上更好的生活正是我想要的。exactly确切地,在句中作狀語修飾“what I want”,故填exactly。

43. If we don’t protect the environment well, we’ll be ________(懲罰)sooner or later.


【詳解】句意:如果我們不保護好環境,我們遲早會受到懲罰。punish懲罰,此處用于will be done結構中,構成一般将來時的被動語态,故填punished。

44. Yuan Longping, the “Father of Hybrid Rice”, won many ________(獎) for his rice research.



45. Of the three cities, Ningbo, our hometown, is the ________(生機勃勃的).


【詳解】句意:在這三個城市中,我們的家鄉甯波是生機勃勃的。lively生機勃勃的,根據“Of the three cities”可知,三者之間比較用最進階,故填liveliest。

B. 用方框中所給單詞的适當形式填空, 每詞僅用一次(每空一詞)。

mean, helpful, tooth, without, wise

Do you know that we are using up the Earth’s fresh water faster than we can replace it? We need water to stay alive and if we don’t use water , we will run out!

Water is needed for just about everything we do. We need it to farm, to wash, to provide power, to control fires and-most importantly-to drink. water, we would all die.

So we should all save water if we want to have enough to stay alive. Using less water saving money and saving energy. Saving water is EASY. Here are some tips:

* Have shorter showers and only half fill the bath.

* Turn the tap off while you soap your hands or brush your .

* Fix any taps or hoses(軟管)that drip-every drop counts!

【答案】46. wisely

47. Without

48. means 49. helpful

50. teeth



句意:我們需要水來生存,如果我們不明智地使用水,我們會用盡!分析“We need water to stay alive and if we don’t use water”和備選詞可知,wise“明智的”符合語境,在句中修飾動詞,使用副詞形式,故填wisely。


句意:沒有水,我們都會死。分析“…water, we would all die.”和備選詞可知,沒有水會死,選擇without,句首需大寫首字母,故填Without。


句意:使用更少的水意味着節約金錢和能源。根據“Using less water…saving money and saving energy.”和備選詞可知,mean“意味着”符合語境,句子時态是一般現在時,主語是動名詞短語Using less water,動詞用三單,故填means。


句意:以下是一些有用的建議。根據“Here are some…tips”和備選詞可知,helpful“有幫助的”符合語境,作定語修飾tips,故填helpful。


句意:洗手或刷牙時關掉水龍頭。根據“brush your…”和備選詞可知,tooth“牙齒”符合語境,此處表示複數含義,使用名詞複數,故填teeth。

五、文法填空(本題有 10 小題, 每小題1分, 共計10 分)

閱讀下面短文, 在空白處填入一個适當的詞, 或填入括号中所給單詞的正确形式。

Susan was tired of having her three children talk back to her. One day, she climbed into her kids’ tree house. It was good place, she thought, for a mother to go on strike(罷工). She was tired of (drive) them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house. Until (thing) changed, Susan decided to stay up in the tree.

Susan’s strike got her kids’ attention, course. But that was not all that happened. Word of the fed-up mother spread. Before long, a camera crew from television’s Today Show came into their yard. Now people all across America were going to find who drove the kids’ mother up a tree.

As the cameras worked, the three kids stood with their father near the tree house. Kate, the Today Show host, had a question for (they). “What do you think about your mom on strike in that tree house?” she asked.

“I am kind of embarrassed

” said Misty.

“I’m really shocked, “said Joseph. “I did not think it would go this far. My mom is much (crazy) than we thought.”

Rachel added, “I think mom is so strange I can hardly believe it.”

But Susan had made her point. If the kids (want) her back, they should know what to do. When the TV crew left, the kids went into their house (quick) and got busy. Not long after that Susan climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom.

【答案】51. a 52. driving

53. things 54. of

55. out 56. them

57. crazier

58. that 59. wanted

60. quickly





句意:她厭倦了開車帶着他們到處走,卻不向她表示道謝,也厭倦了做太多她該做的家務。be tired of doing sth.厭倦做某事,of為介詞,後面跟v-ing形式,故填driving。




句意:當然,蘇珊的罷工引起了孩子們的注意。由前句“Susan’s strike got her kids’ attention”和句中“course”可知,此句是說蘇珊的罷工當然引起了孩子們的注意。of course當然,為固定短語,故填of。


句意:現在全美國的人都要找出是誰把孩子的媽媽送上了樹。由句中“who drove the kids’ mother up a tree.”可知,此句是說全美國的人正打算找出誰把孩子的媽媽送上樹。find out弄明白,查清楚,故填out。


句意:《今日秀》的主持人凱特問了他們一個問題。由句中“had a question”可知,此句是說向某人提問。句中“for”為介詞,後面跟代詞賓格,故填them。








句意:當攝制組離開後,孩子們迅速進入他們的房子,開始忙碌起來。句中“went into”為動詞短語,應用副詞修飾。quick快的,形容詞,其副詞形式為quickly,意為“快地”,故填quickly。

六、書面表達(共計 20 分)

61. 假如你是李華, 上個月你校舉行了 “祖國在我心中”的主題活動(theme event), 請你根據以下提供的資訊并結合你參加這個主題活動的經曆, 寫一篇英語短文向你校英語報投稿。


(1)短文必須包括導圖的所有要點, 并适當發揮;


(3)詞數 80-100;标題已給出, 不計入總詞數。

Motherland in My Heart


【答案】Possible version:

Last month, our school held an event with the theme of “Motherland in My Heart” to express our love for our motherland.

During the event, we had many activities, including singing red songs and telling stories about the Red Army. I took part in the singing competition. Besides, I attended the speech contest in which I told a story about a hero. Many students were moved by my story.

I think this event is very meaningful. I’m proud of my country. I hope our motherland will become much greater and everybody can live a better life.

【詳解】1.題幹解讀:該題目要求根據所給提示,以“Motherland in My Heart”為題,結合自己參加“祖國在我心中”主題活動的經曆寫篇文章,向學校英語報投稿。
