
[Now] Deploy a Node project with Zeit’s Now

Use Zeit’s 


 to deploy a node application from your local machine to a remote cloud service in moments.


npm i -g now      



The url it generates contains two part, the first part is the application name, and the second part is generated according to your application current state (code) and package.json. If you deploy this package against this code, using now, that's the URL that you get. I can show you that that's true by running ZEIT now again. 

If I run Now again, we're not going to see it do npm install and npm run build and npm start, it's actually just going to give us the same URL again. This is using a certain property of immutable data structures.

It's actually saying that this deployed instance is like a pure function of this particular named project with the current state of this code. No matter how many times I deploy the current state, it's always going to return the same deployment instance that I can get to via that URL.

If code changed, when we deploy again, it will genrate a new url, but the old one is still available!.

"scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js",  // run this in local
    "now-start": "node index.js", // in server, will run this instead of "start"
    "build": "echo 'BUILD STEP GOES HERE'", // run in local
    "now-build": "echo 'NOW BUILD STEP WENT HERE!'", // run in server
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"