

原文:Syntax of the Configuration Files

Apache configuration files contain one directive per line. The backslash "\" may be used as the last character on a line to indicate that the directive continues onto the next line. There must be no other characters or white space between the backslash and the end of the line.

Directives in the configuration files are case-insensitive, but arguments to directives are often case sensitive. Lines that begin with the hash character "#" are considered comments, and are ignored. Comments may not be included on a line after a configuration directive. Blank lines and white space occurring before a directive are ignored, so you may indent directives for clarity.

You can check your configuration files for syntax errors without starting the server by using

apachectl configtest

or the


command line option.


  1. [root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
  2. [root@localhost ~]# service httpd restart 
  3. Stopping httpd:                                   [  OK  ] 
  4. Starting httpd:                                   [  OK  ] 
  5. [root@localhost ~]# apachectl configtest 
  6. Syntax OK 
  7. [root@localhost ~]# apachectl -
  8. Syntax OK
  9. [root@localhost ~]# httpd -t
  • Syntax OK
  • [root@localhost ~]#