



window.location.href = 'https://*****.oss-cn-**.aliyuncs.com/*********';




function(url) {

    try {

        var elemIF = document.createElement("iframe");

        elemIF.src = url;

        elemIF.style.display = "none";


    } catch(e) {





downloadFile(url) {

    var form = $("<form>");

    form.attr("style", "display:none");

    form.attr("target", "");

    form.attr("method", "get");

    form.attr("action", url);


    form.submit(); //表單送出}


function(url, name) {

    var a = document.createElement("a");

    a.download = name + ".xls";

    a.href = url;

    $("body").append(a); // 修複firefox中無法觸發click




function(formData, url, name) {

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) = >{

        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

        xhr.open("POST", url, true); // 也可以使用POST方式,根據接口

        xhr.responseType = "blob"; // 傳回類型blob

        // 定義請求完成的處理函數,請求前也可以增加加載框/禁用下載下傳按鈕邏輯

        xhr.onload = function() {

            // 請求完成

            if (this.status === 200) {

                // 傳回200

                var blob = this.response;

                var reader = new FileReader();

                reader.readAsDataURL(blob); // 轉換為base64,可以直接放入a表情href

                reader.onload = function(e) {

                    // 轉換完成,建立一個a标簽用于下載下傳

                    var a = document.createElement("a");

                    a.download = name + ".xls";

                    a.href = e.target.result;

                    $("body").append(a); // 修複firefox中無法觸發click







        // 發送ajax請求






//download.js v4.2, by dandavis; 2008-2016. [CCBY2] see http://danml.com/download.html for tests/usage

// v1 landed a FF+Chrome compat way of downloading strings to local un-named files, upgraded to use a hidden frame and optional mime

// v2 added named files via a[download], msSaveBlob, IE (10+) support, and window.URL support for larger+faster saves than dataURLs

// v3 added dataURL and Blob Input, bind-toggle arity, and legacy dataURL fallback was improved with force-download mime and base64 support. 3.1 improved safari handling.

// v4 adds AMD/UMD, commonJS, and plain browser support

// v4.1 adds url download capability via solo URL argument (same domain/CORS only)

// v4.2 adds semantic variable names, long (over 2MB) dataURL support, and hidden by default temp anchors

// https://github.com/rndme/download

(function(root, factory) {

    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {

        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.

        define([], factory);

    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {

        // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but

        // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,

        // like Node.

        module.exports = factory();

    } else {

        // Browser globals (root is window)

        root.download = factory();

} (this,function() {

    return function download(data, strFileName, strMimeType) {

        var self = window,

        // this script is only for browsers anyway...

        defaultMime = "application/octet-stream",

        // this default mime also triggers iframe downloads

        mimeType = strMimeType || defaultMime,

        payload = data,

        url = !strFileName && !strMimeType && payload,

        anchor = document.createElement("a"),

        toString = function(a) {

            return String(a);


        myBlob = (self.Blob || self.MozBlob || self.WebKitBlob || toString),

        fileName = strFileName || "download",



        myBlob = myBlob.call ? myBlob.bind(self) : Blob;

        if (String(this) === "true") { //reverse arguments, allowing download.bind(true, "text/xml", "export.xml") to act as a callback

            payload = [payload, mimeType];

            mimeType = payload[0];

            payload = payload[1];


        if (url && url.length < 2048) { // if no filename and no mime, assume a url was passed as the only argument

            fileName = url.split("/").pop().split("?")[0];

            anchor.href = url; // assign href prop to temp anchor

            if (anchor.href.indexOf(url) !== -1) { // if the browser determines that it's a potentially valid url path:

                var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();

                ajax.open("GET", url, true);

                ajax.responseType = 'blob';

                ajax.onload = function(e) {

                    download(e.target.response, fileName, defaultMime);

                setTimeout(function() {



                0); // allows setting custom ajax headers using the return:

                return ajax;

            } // end if valid url?

        } // end if url?

        //go ahead and download dataURLs right away

        if (/^data\:[\w+\-]+\/[\w+\-]+[,;]/.test(payload)) {

            if (payload.length > (1024 * 1024 * 1.999) && myBlob !== toString) {

                payload = dataUrlToBlob(payload);

                mimeType = payload.type || defaultMime;

            } else {

                return navigator.msSaveBlob ? // IE10 can't do a[download], only Blobs:

                navigator.msSaveBlob(dataUrlToBlob(payload), fileName) :

                saver(payload); // everyone else can save dataURLs un-processed

        } //end if dataURL passed?

        blob = payload instanceof myBlob ?


        new myBlob([payload], {type: mimeType});

        function dataUrlToBlob(strUrl) {

            var parts = strUrl.split(/[:;,]/),

            type = parts[1],

            decoder = parts[2] == "base64" ? atob: decodeURIComponent,

            binData = decoder(parts.pop()),

            mx = binData.length,

            i = 0,

            uiArr = new Uint8Array(mx);

            for (i; i < mx; ++i) uiArr[i] = binData.charCodeAt(i);

            return new myBlob([uiArr], {

                type: type


        function saver(url, winMode) {

            if ('download' in anchor) { //html5 A[download]

                anchor.href = url;

                anchor.setAttribute("download", fileName);

                anchor.className = "download-js-link";

                anchor.innerHTML = "downloading...";

                anchor.style.display = "none";




                    if (winMode === true) {

                        setTimeout(function() {






                return true;

            // handle non-a[download] safari as best we can:

            if (/(Version)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?.*Safari\//.test(navigator.userAgent)) {

                url = url.replace(/^data:([\w\/\-\+]+)/, defaultMime);

                if (!window.open(url)) { // popup blocked, offer direct download:

                    if (confirm("Displaying New Document\n\nUse Save As... to download, then click back to return to this page.")) {

                        location.href = url;


            //do iframe dataURL download (old ch+FF):

            var f = document.createElement("iframe");


            if (!winMode) { // force a mime that will download:

                url = "data:" + url.replace(/^data:([\w\/\-\+]+)/, defaultMime);

            f.src = url;

            setTimeout(function() {




        } //end saver

        if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { // IE10+ : (has Blob, but not a[download] or URL)

            return navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName);

        if (self.URL) { // simple fast and modern way using Blob and URL:

            saver(self.URL.createObjectURL(blob), true);

        } else {

            // handle non-Blob()+non-URL browsers:

            if (typeof blob === "string" || blob.constructor === toString) {

                try {

                    return saver("data:" + mimeType + ";base64," + self.btoa(blob));

                } catch(y) {

                    return saver("data:" + mimeType + "," + encodeURIComponent(blob));

            // Blob but not URL support:

            reader = new FileReader();

            reader.onload = function(e) {




        return true;


    /* end download() */





注意 download.js第一個參數 是資料流,不是像oss那樣的檔案位址