
How to read Tcpdump Output | Tcpdump Advanced Use


08/10 4:04 pm by Admir. Postuar tek: Linux,Network

Etiketa: read tcpdump output, tcpdump advanced, tcpdump paper, tcpdump reference, Tcpdump tutorial

How to read Tcpdump Output

Continuing our tcpdump series (read this if you are new here) we will present an easy to understand how to about reading tcpdump output and running advanced commands for and advanced tcpdump use.

First we need a packet, I used from the command line hping, for sending just a SYN packet to my web server, and here is the first packet hitting tcpdump.

[cc lang="VHDL"]19:57:06.748557 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 64, id 33646, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60) > Flags [S], cksum 0x83ae (correct), seq 4011514848, win 5840, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 612494 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0[/cc]

19:57:06.748557 this is the timestamp of the request, I made it on h 19, min 57, sec 06

IP – this are all IP (protocol) related settings

tos 0×0 => type of service field

ttl 64 stands for time to live and is => number of hops that the packet has to reach its destination i.e throw how many routers the packets should pass, this is for not living the packets travel the net for ever. After 64 hops the packet will “die”.

id 33646 this is the packet ID, so in this case this is a SYN request, the reply will be an ACK if the host is online and the packet ID will be the same.

In a case of hijacking , the attacker should be able to hack the packet ID and present as a response a packet with the same ID but with malicious data.

[DF] means don’t fragment, so the packet is entire and not fragmented [F]

proto TCP is the protocol type it will be some times UDP and some times ICMP.

length 60 length of the packet

The mos important part of the packet: is the original IP and 33922 is the port used by the client

> (destination) the destination is (my poor shared server IP address) and .80 is the port used to contact the web-server (apache).

Flags [S] this is not anymore the IP flag, but is the TCP flag SYN , it could be [S.] in this case is an ack reply from the server, or it could be [R] wich means RESET, and in this case the connection is reset-ed, or could be [F] FIN for finalising a transfer etc, or [P] PUSH which means that the data should be transferred immediately,or URG.

cksum 0x83ae (correct) this is the TCP-header check-sum of the packet (for checking packets integrity)

seq 4011514848 this is the TCP sequence number

win 5840 the amount that I will send before requiring an ACK packet back from the server

options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 612494 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6] just TCP options, don’t bother your self finding out the meaning

length 0 this is the length of the packet (hey wait a min, I’m seeing another length just above) yes it’s true but it is the IP packet length and this is the TCP (IP – encapsulated) length , so why is 0 ? Because we sent just a SYN packet, and a SYN packet contain only the header of a TCP packet and doesn’t contain any data.

Ok, the second packet received is an ACK reply from the web server:

20:04:53.213020 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 26, id 48589, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 44) > Flags [S.], cksum 0xaaab (correct), seq 2217564751, ack 882823260, win 0, options [mss 1460], length 0

In this case it’s almost the same except the flag [S.] which means SYN . response => ack and the generating IP this time is the server and the response is send to my local nat-ed IP.

Tcpdump Advanced Use

First let’s rock with some protocols

tcpdump protocol

protocol can be:icmp, icmp6, igmp, igrp, pim, ah, esp, vrrp, udp, tcp, ip6, arp, rarp

Note: filters can be applied only to protocols that support them, i.e we ca not use host filter when using arp as protocol because this filter need and IP to track (layer 3), and arp is an layer 2 protocol, so for arp there is no IP address, there is only MAC address.

Check wikipedia if you don’t understand any of this protocols (you should understand at least tcp,udp,icmp,ipv6, arp if you are reading this how-to).

We can also just:

tcpdump -i br0 ip proto \\udp      

if we want to specify the protocol, so udp is part of IP like icmp and tcp so we can use proto \\ for specifying the protocol.

Another interesting use of tcpdump is monitoring vlan traffic, we can select packets by their VLAN ID i.e:

[cc lang="VHDL"]

tcpdump -i eth1 -vv vlan 3 -X

tcpdump: WARNING: eth1: no IPv4 address assigned

tcpdump: listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes

17:17:44.698741 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 255, id 7394, offset 0, flags [none], proto 17, length: 60) > [udp sum ok] 3366+ A? www.google.com. (32)

0×0000: 0003 0800 4500 003c 1ce2 0000 ff11 1a72 ….E..<…….r 0×0010: c0a8 01fd c0a8 010f ce4b 0035 0028 10f3 ………K.5.(.. 0×0020: 0d26 0100 0001 0000 0000 0000 0377 7777 .&………..www 0×0030: 0667 6f6f 676c 6503 636f 6d00 0001 0001 .google.com….. 17:17:44.718772 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 17, length: 232) > 3366 q: A? www.google.com. 2/4/4 www.google.com. CNAME[|domain]

0×0000: 0003 0800 4500 00e8 0000 4000 4011 b5a8 ….E…..@.@…

0×0010: c0a8 010f c0a8 01fd 0035 ce4b 00d4 4319 ………5.K..C.

0×0020: 0d26 8180 0001 0002 0004 0004 0377 7777 .&………..www

0×0030: 0667 6f6f 676c 6503 636f 6d00 0001 0001 .google.com…..

0×0040: c00c 0005 0001 0000 0000 0008 0377 7777 ………….www

0×0050: 016c .l

17:17:44.719394 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 64, id 12187, offset 0, flags [none], proto 1, length: 84) > mil01s07-in-f104.1e100.net: icmp 64: echo request seq 0

0×0000: 0003 0800 4500 0054 2f9b 0000 4001 55f2 ….E..T/…@.U.

0×0010: c0a8 01fd 480e ea68 0800 cfcd 5e02 0000 ….H..h….^…

0×0020: 4c6e 9c98 000a f61b 0809 0a0b 0c0d 0e0f Ln…………..

0×0030: 1011 1213 1415 1617 1819 1a1b 1c1d 1e1f …………….

0×0040: 2021 2223 2425 2627 2829 2a2b 2c2d 2e2f .!”#$%&’()*+,-./

0×0050: 3031 01

17:17:44.721422 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 54, id 15156, offset 0, flags [none], proto 1, length: 84) mil01s07-in-f104.1e100.net > icmp 64: echo reply seq 0

0×0000: 0003 0800 4500 0054 3b34 0000 3601 5459 ….E..T;4..6.TY

0×0010: 480e ea68 c0a8 01fd 0000 d7cd 5e02 0000 H..h……..^…

4 packets captured

4 packets received by filter

0 packets dropped by kernel


In this case, my firewall monitored an icmp request in hexadecimal from an host in VLAN.

We can monitor broadcast traffic as well

How to read Tcpdump Output | Tcpdump Advanced Use
tcpdump -i eth3 broadcast      

And we are able to see all packets broadcast to our network, or multicast if we want multicast.

Ok, now we want some TCP, on other tuts you will find unreadable 0@#j→ commands, here we are more human

How to read Tcpdump Output | Tcpdump Advanced Use

, this is easy to remember when you are in a real life situation:

tcpdump -nnvv -i eth3 'tcp[tcp-syn] & (tcp-syn)' != 0 and not port 22      

So what is this?

I’m saying to tcpdump to monitor using tcp protocol only tcp-syn packets that are not 0 and I don’t want port 22 crap (I’m currently connected with ssh).

Lets detect a SYN scan now

How to read Tcpdump Output | Tcpdump Advanced Use
tcpdump -nnvv -i br0 'tcp[tcp-syn]  & (tcp-syn)' != 0 and not port 22 and host      

Ok, I’m at scanning with nmap, and here is the output on the scanned machine.

17:58:40.369468 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 481284648:481284648(0) ack 749969547 win 5840

17:58:40.369790 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 38, id 29797, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 749969546:749969546(0) win 3072

17:58:40.369910 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 39, id 31675, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 749969546:749969546(0) win 4096

17:58:40.372776 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 47, id 29521, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 749969546:749969546(0) win 4096

17:58:40.373049 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 50, id 12150, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 749969546:749969546(0) win 3072

17:58:40.373245 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 6, length: 40) > R [tcp sum ok] 0:0(0) ack 749969547 win 0

17:58:40.376608 IP (tos 0×0, ttl 52, id 8971, offset 0, flags [none], proto 6, length: 44) > S [tcp sum ok] 749969546:749969546(0) win 1024

The “easy” way to detect port-scans is the src port, it is always the same as you can see in this situation nmap is using 3957.

Monitoring ICMP-Traffic with tcpdump

Ok, now I want to monitor ICMP traffic but I don’t want random icmp echo and I want to save this capture to a file.

tcpdump -vvi wlan0 -w icmp.cap ‘icmp[icmptype] != icmp-echo and icmp[icmptype] != icmp-echoreply’

tcpdump: listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes

Got 0

So this is how we sniff icmp traffic, of course not just echo reply/requests.

Ok, but how to monitor only icmp echo traffic with tcpump ?

tcpdump -vvi wlan0 -w icmp.cap icmp and ‘icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echo || icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echoreply’

Ok, in this case we have specified to capture only icmp-echo || (OR) icmp-echoreply packets. How about and?

Is impossible that an icmp packet could be echo and echoreply at the same time, don’t you think

How to read Tcpdump Output | Tcpdump Advanced Use


You should use the above examples with the following ICMP packet types.