
【laravel】 @2 artisan指令建立檔案



首先使用php artisan make:command TestMake建立出自定義指令檔案

【laravel】 @2 artisan指令建立檔案
【laravel】 @2 artisan指令建立檔案


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\GeneratorCommand;

class ServerMakeCommand extends GeneratorCommand
* The console command name.
* @var string
protected $name = 'make:server';

* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Create a new server class';

* The type of class being generated.
* @var string
protected $type = 'Server';

* Determine if the class already exists.
* @param  string  $rawName
* @return bool
protected function alreadyExists($rawName)
return class_exists($rawName);

* Get the stub file for the generator.
* @return string
protected function getStub()
return __DIR__.'/stubs/server.stub';

* Get the default namespace for the class.
* @param  string  $rootNamespace
* @return string
protected function getDefaultNamespace($rootNamespace)
return $rootNamespace.'\Server';


【laravel】 @2 artisan指令建立檔案