

>>> import this

  The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

  Beautiful is better than ugly.

  Explicit is better than implicit.

  Simple is better than complex.

  Complex is better than complicated.

  Flat is better than nested.

  Sparse is better than dense.

  Readability counts.

  Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

  Although practicality beats purity.

  Errors should never pass silently.

  Unless explicitly silenced.

  In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

  There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

  Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.

  Now is better than never.

  Although never is often better than *right* now.

  If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.

  If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

  Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!


1. Python資料結構和知識補充








2. Python面對對象













3. Python特殊函數




4. Python标準庫




















    (18)  python之random庫

    (19)  網絡爬蟲必備知識之urllib

    (20)  python之Beautiful Soup庫

    (21)  python之pandas資料篩選和csv操作



         (24)  使用wsgiref庫diy簡單web架構



  1. Python之XML檔案

  2. Python之CSV檔案

  3. Python之Excel檔案

  4. Python之資料庫

    4.1 資料庫之MySql

    4.2 Python之sqlite3

    4.3 Python之MySQLdb

  5. Python之json檔案

  6. Python之圖與圖表

  7. Python之描述性統計與模組化


  1. 網絡爬蟲簡介

  2. Python之下載下傳緩存

  3. Python之并發下載下傳

  4. Python之動态内容爬取

  5. Python之表單互動

  6. Python之驗證碼處理

  7. Python之Scrapy






  1. Python之WebDriver API

  2. Python之自動化測試模型

  3. Python之unittest


  1. django初探-建立簡單的部落格系統(一)

  2. django初探-建立簡單的部落格系統(二)

  3. Django之ORM模型

  4. Django之模闆文法

  5. Django之模闆繼承

  6. Django之HttpRequest和HttpReponse

  7. Django之mysql表單操作