
GRE詞彙 | Day8: 每天5個GRE詞彙

GRE詞彙 | Day8: 每天5個GRE詞彙

shrewd 英 [ʃruːd] 美 [ʃruːd] adj. 精明的;狡猾的;機靈的 n. 精明(的人);機靈(的人)

■源: shrewd來源于shrew "鼩鼱", 很精明的老鼠 後引申為 精明的人; 機靈的

考點1: adj.精明的,機敏的: having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment

■e.g. He's shrewd about his investments.他是個精明的投資人。

■同: crafty, cunning, devious, sly, subtle, wily, astute, savvy, sharp

■反: foolish, naive, unknowing 愚蠢的,幼稚的

考點2: adj.刺骨的,強烈的: causing intense discomfort to one's skin

■e.g. She pulled her coat tighter against the shrewd breeze whipping down the alley. 巷子裡挂着刺骨的風,她拉緊了大衣。

■同: biting, bitter, keen, penetrating, piercing, raw, sharp, stinging

fretful 英 [ˈfretfl] 美 [ˈfretfl] adj. 焦躁的;煩燥的;起波紋的

■拆: fret(煩躁)+ful(adj字尾) -> 煩躁的

考點: adj.易怒的,煩躁的: inclined to be vexed or troubled

■e.g. Adolescence is the most fretful stages of human development青春期是人類發展過程中最惱人的階段

■同: irritable, fractious, peevish, pettish, petulant

■反: easygoing 随和的

■派: fret v 使煩躁

typo 英 [ˈtaɪpəʊ] 美 [ˈtaɪpoʊ] n. 排印錯誤;排字工;印刷工

■源: typo是typographer的縮寫; 也可以指typographical error的縮寫

考點: n.打字錯誤: an error in typed or typeset material

■e.g. make one typo on the memo 在樣張上打錯一個字

■同: misprint, bug

crumple 英 [ˈkrʌmpl] 美 [ˈkrʌmpl] vt. 弄皺;使一蹶不振 vi. 起皺;倒坍;一蹶不振 n. 皺紋;褶皺

考點1: v.弄皺: to press, bend, or crush out of shape

■e.g. crumple a piece of paper 弄皺一張紙

■同: rumple, crimple, crease, fold, wrinkle

■反: smooth 使平滑

考點2: v.(因外力擠壓而)垮塌: to fall down or in as a result of physical pressure

■e.g. The box crumpled when I accidentally dropped a brick on it我不小心扔了塊石頭在箱子上,它就倒塌了

■同: collapse, founder, implode, tumble, yield

edifice 英 [ˈedɪfɪs] 美 [ˈedɪfɪs] n. 大廈;大建築物

■拆: edi(from PIE *aidh: to burn 燃燒)+fic(fac: to make/do)+e -> 燃燒, 火爐後來引申為居住的地方, 大廈

考點1: n.大廈;大建築物: a large or massive structure

■e.g. The Capitol is one of the most impressive edifices in the United States國會山是美國最令人印象深刻的建築之一

■同: building, erection, palace

■反: cottage 小棚舍

考點2: n.基礎,基本構架: the arrangement of parts that gives something its basic form

■e.g. The edifice of the argument is quite simple, once you get past the fancy language隻要你看透了表面花哨的語言,你會發現這段論證的基本構架是非常簡單的

■同: architecture, configuration, framework, skeleton, structure