
LevelDB的源碼閱讀(三) Get操作


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>    
#include "leveldb/db.h"    

using namespace std;

int main(void) 

    leveldb::DB      *db;    
    leveldb::Options  options;    
    options.create_if_missing = true;    

    // open
    leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options,"/tmp/testdb", &db);    

    string key = "name";    
    string value = "chenqi";    

    // write
    status = db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key, value);    

    // read
    status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), key, &value);    


    // delete
    status = db->Delete(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key);    

    status = db->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(),key, &value);    
    if(!status.ok()) {
        cerr<<key<<"    "<<status.ToString()<<endl;
    } else {

    // close 
    delete db;    

    return 0;    
name    NotFound:      

Leveldb的讀資料入口為db檔案夾下db_impl.cc檔案中的DBImpl::Get函數,首先擷取目前的版本号,然後依次在三個資料源memtable,immutable table,和sst表中進行查找,傳回之前再判斷一下是否需要啟動Compact任務.

Status DBImpl::Get(const ReadOptions& options,
                   const Slice& key,
                   std::string* value) {
  Status s;
  MutexLock l(&mutex_);
  SequenceNumber snapshot;
  if (options.snapshot != NULL) {
    snapshot = reinterpret_cast<const SnapshotImpl*>(options.snapshot)->number_;
  } else {
    snapshot = versions_->LastSequence();
  MemTable* mem = mem_;
  MemTable* imm = imm_;
  Version* current = versions_->current();
  if (imm != NULL) imm->Ref();

  bool have_stat_update = false;
  Version::GetStats stats;

  // Unlock while reading from files and memtables
    // First look in the memtable, then in the immutable memtable (if any).
    LookupKey lkey(key, snapshot);
    if (mem->Get(lkey, value, &s)) {  //在memtable中查找
      // Done
    } else if (imm != NULL && imm->Get(lkey, value, &s)) {//在imutable中查找
      // Done
    } else {
      s = current->Get(options, lkey, value, &stats); //在磁盤檔案中查找,目前Version
      have_stat_update = true;
  if (have_stat_update && current->UpdateStats(stats)) {
  if (imm != NULL) imm->Unref();
  return s;

首先,按照leveldb代碼的慣例線上鎖,然後生成一個SequenceNumber作為标記, 後續不管線程會不會被切出去, 結果都要相當于在這個時間點瞬間完成,memtable、immemtable以及Version都由于采用了引用計數, 是以要Ref().快照建立完了, 接下來的操作隻會有單純的讀, 可以把鎖暫時釋放.查詢的順序是先找memtable, 再immemtable, 最後是SSTable.這裡調用了db檔案夾下dbformat.cc中的LookupKey::LookupKey, 源碼内容如下:

LookupKey::LookupKey(const Slice& user_key, SequenceNumber s) {
  size_t usize = user_key.size();
  size_t needed = usize + 13;  // A conservative estimate
  char* dst;
  if (needed <= sizeof(space_)) {
    dst = space_;
  } else {
    dst = new char[needed];
  start_ = dst;
  dst = EncodeVarint32(dst, usize + 8);
  kstart_ = dst;
  memcpy(dst, user_key.data(), usize);
  dst += usize;
  EncodeFixed64(dst, PackSequenceAndType(s, kValueTypeForSeek));
  dst += 8;
  end_ = dst;

這個類主要的功能是把輸入的key轉換成用于查詢的key. 比如key是"Sherry", 實際在資料庫中的表達可能會是"6Sherry", 6是長度. 這樣比對key是否相等時速度會更快.LookupKey格式 = 長度 + key + SequenceNumber + type,這裡用了兩個tricks:

1.在棧上配置設定一個200長度的數組, 如果運作時發現長度不夠用再從堆上new一個, 可以極大避免記憶體配置設定

2.黑科技函數"EncodeVarint32", 一般key的長度不可能用滿32bit. 大量很短的Key卻要用32bit來描述長度無疑是很浪費的. 這個函數讓小數值用更少的空間, 代價是最糟要多花一位元組(8bit).EncodeVarint32的代碼出現在util檔案夾下的coding.cc檔案裡,源碼内容如下: 

char* EncodeVarint32(char* dst, uint32_t v) {
  // Operate on characters as unsigneds
  unsigned char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(dst);
  static const int B = 128;
  if (v < (1<<7)) {
    *(ptr++) = v;
  } else if (v < (1<<14)) {
    *(ptr++) = v | B;
    *(ptr++) = v>>7;
  } else if (v < (1<<21)) {
    *(ptr++) = v | B;
    *(ptr++) = (v>>7) | B;
    *(ptr++) = v>>14;
  } else if (v < (1<<28)) {
    *(ptr++) = v | B;
    *(ptr++) = (v>>7) | B;
    *(ptr++) = (v>>14) | B;
    *(ptr++) = v>>21;
  } else {
    *(ptr++) = v | B;
    *(ptr++) = (v>>7) | B;
    *(ptr++) = (v>>14) | B;
    *(ptr++) = (v>>21) | B;
    *(ptr++) = v>>28;
  return reinterpret_cast<char*>(ptr);

 現在回到DBImpl::Get函數,memtable和immutable table都是通過記憶體中的skiplist進行的,磁盤檔案的查找是通過db檔案夾下version_set.cc中Version::Get來進行的.源碼内容如下: 

Status Version::Get(const ReadOptions& options,
                    const LookupKey& k,
                    std::string* value,
                    GetStats* stats) {
  Slice ikey = k.internal_key();
  Slice user_key = k.user_key();
  const Comparator* ucmp = vset_->icmp_.user_comparator();
  Status s;

  stats->seek_file = NULL;
  stats->seek_file_level = -1;
  FileMetaData* last_file_read = NULL;
  int last_file_read_level = -1;

  // We can search level-by-level since entries never hop across
  // levels.  Therefore we are guaranteed that if we find data
  // in an smaller level, later levels are irrelevant.
  std::vector<FileMetaData*> tmp;
  FileMetaData* tmp2;
  for (int level = 0; level < config::kNumLevels; level++) {
    size_t num_files = files_[level].size();
    if (num_files == 0) continue;

    // Get the list of files to search in this level
    FileMetaData* const* files = &files_[level][0];
    if (level == 0) {
      // Level-0 files may overlap each other.  Find all files that
      // overlap user_key and process them in order from newest to oldest.
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_files; i++) {
        FileMetaData* f = files[i];
        if (ucmp->Compare(user_key, f->smallest.user_key()) >= 0 &&
            ucmp->Compare(user_key, f->largest.user_key()) <= 0) {
      if (tmp.empty()) continue;

      std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), NewestFirst);
      files = &tmp[0];
      num_files = tmp.size();
    } else {
      // Binary search to find earliest index whose largest key >= ikey.
      uint32_t index = FindFile(vset_->icmp_, files_[level], ikey);
      if (index >= num_files) {
        files = NULL;
        num_files = 0;
      } else {
        tmp2 = files[index];
        if (ucmp->Compare(user_key, tmp2->smallest.user_key()) < 0) {
          // All of "tmp2" is past any data for user_key
          files = NULL;
          num_files = 0;
        } else {
          files = &tmp2;
          num_files = 1;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_files; ++i) {
      if (last_file_read != NULL && stats->seek_file == NULL) {
        // We have had more than one seek for this read.  Charge the 1st file.
        stats->seek_file = last_file_read;
        stats->seek_file_level = last_file_read_level;

      FileMetaData* f = files[i];
      last_file_read = f;
      last_file_read_level = level;

      Saver saver;
      saver.state = kNotFound;
      saver.ucmp = ucmp;
      saver.user_key = user_key;
      saver.value = value;
      s = vset_->table_cache_->Get(options, f->number, f->file_size,
                                   ikey, &saver, SaveValue);
      if (!s.ok()) {
        return s;
      switch (saver.state) {
        case kNotFound:
          break;      // Keep searching in other files
        case kFound:
          return s;
        case kDeleted:
          s = Status::NotFound(Slice());  // Use empty error message for speed
          return s;
        case kCorrupt:
          s = Status::Corruption("corrupted key for ", user_key);
          return s;

  return Status::NotFound(Slice());  // Use an empty error message for speed


int FindFile(const InternalKeyComparator& icmp,
             const std::vector<FileMetaData*>& files,
             const Slice& key) {
  uint32_t left = 0;
  uint32_t right = files.size();
  while (left < right) {
    uint32_t mid = (left + right) / 2;
    const FileMetaData* f = files[mid];
    if (icmp.InternalKeyComparator::Compare(f->largest.Encode(), key) < 0) {
      // Key at "mid.largest" is < "target".  Therefore all
      // files at or before "mid" are uninteresting.
      left = mid + 1;
    } else {
      // Key at "mid.largest" is >= "target".  Therefore all files
      // after "mid" are uninteresting.
      right = mid;
  return right;

Version::Get函數首先查找key可能存在的sst表,然後調用table_cache->Get進行查找。即對SSTable的查詢就是對table_cache_的查詢, 這個cache是不可取消的, 解決了什麼問題呢?

LevelDB的資料庫"檔案"是一個檔案夾, 裡面包含大量的檔案. 這是把複雜度甩鍋給作業系統的做法, 但很多系統資源是有限的. 比如, file handle(檔案句柄). 一個程式如果開了1W個file handle會浪費大量資源. 這裡做個LRU cache, 隻有常用的SSTable才會開一個活躍的file handle.

另外就是索引的問題. LSMT是沒有主索引的, 隻有在各個SSTable内有微縮版索引. 是以, 最最優的情況下也需要2次硬碟讀寫. 第一張SSTable就存着key, 先讀微型索引, 然後二分法找到具體位置, 再讀value.

TableCache把熱點SSTable的微型索引預先放在記憶體裡, 這樣隻要1次硬碟讀取就能取到key. 這個優化對于LSMT的資料庫來說尤為重要, 因為很可能會不止查詢一張SSTable. 情況會劣化非常快.

總結, TableCache既承擔管理資源(file handle)的作用, 又加速索引的讀取.


Status TableCache::Get(const ReadOptions& options,
                       uint64_t file_number,
                       uint64_t file_size,
                       const Slice& k,
                       void* arg,
                       void (*saver)(void*, const Slice&, const Slice&)) {
  Cache::Handle* handle = NULL;
  Status s = FindTable(file_number, file_size, &handle);//查找table,沒有則建立table結構并插入table_cache
  if (s.ok()) {
    Table* t = reinterpret_cast<TableAndFile*>(cache_->Value(handle))->table;
    s = t->InternalGet(options, k, arg, saver);  //在table中查找
  return s;


virtual Handle* Insert(const Slice& key, void* value, size_t charge,
                         void (*deleter)(const Slice& key, void* value)) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    return shard_[Shard(hash)].Insert(key, hash, value, charge, deleter);
  virtual Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    return shard_[Shard(hash)].Lookup(key, hash);

 這個hash table做了兩遍hash, 先把key分片一遍, 然後再扔給真正的hash table cache(有鎖)去lookup.這麼做的邏輯是可以減少鎖的使用率和提升并發.


Status Table::InternalGet(const ReadOptions& options, const Slice& k,
                          void* arg,
                          void (*saver)(void*, const Slice&, const Slice&)) {
  Status s;
  Iterator* iiter = rep_->index_block->NewIterator(rep_->options.comparator);
  if (iiter->Valid()) {
    Slice handle_value = iiter->value();
    FilterBlockReader* filter = rep_->filter;
    BlockHandle handle;
    if (filter != NULL &&
        handle.DecodeFrom(&handle_value).ok() &&
        !filter->KeyMayMatch(handle.offset(), k)) {
      // Not found
    } else {
      Iterator* block_iter = BlockReader(this, options, iiter->value());
      if (block_iter->Valid()) {
        (*saver)(arg, block_iter->key(), block_iter->value());
      s = block_iter->status();
      delete block_iter;
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = iiter->status();
  delete iiter;
  return s;

Table::Get函數先在table的indexblock中查找該key所處的block,然後利用Bloom Filter來過濾,最後在具體的block中查找。在查找過程中使用了Iterator機制。


LevelDB的源碼閱讀(三) Get操作



