
使用 SAP WebIDE 建立 Fiori extension project 擴充項目時遇到錯誤應該如何解決

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Mar 08, 2015

Suppose you try to create a new extension project based on one existing project:

使用 SAP WebIDE 建立 Fiori extension project 擴充項目時遇到錯誤應該如何解決

if you meet with this error message below: ( the next button is disabled )

Could not find the .project.json file in the selected folder

使用 SAP WebIDE 建立 Fiori extension project 擴充項目時遇到錯誤應該如何解決
All you need to do is to create a .project.json file manually and paste the following

source code:
  "translation": {
    "translationDomain": "",
    "supportedLanguages": "en,fr,de",
    "defaultLanguage": "en",
    "defaultI18NPropertyFile": "i18n.properties",
    "resourceModelName": "i18n"

After that the button will be available again:

使用 SAP WebIDE 建立 Fiori extension project 擴充項目時遇到錯誤應該如何解決
