
Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector


Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector
Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector

點選flex小圖示,可以把flex container及其元素的輪廓高亮顯示:

Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector

在這個例子裡,a标簽既是一個flex item,也作為flex container,裝載了button和span兩個字元素。

Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector


Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector

Flex container面闆下一些屬性的說明。

Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector

A diagram visualizing the sizing of the flex item

Content Size - the size of the component without any restraints imposed on it by its parent

Flexibility - how much a flex item grew or shrunk based on its flex-grow value when there is extra free space or its flex-shrink value when there is not enough space

Minimum Size (only appears when an item is clamped to its minimum size) - the minimum content size of a flex item when there is no more free space in the flex container

Final Size - the size of the flex item after all sizing constraints imposed on it have been applied (based on the values of flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis)

Firefox開發者工具裡的CSS Flexbox Inspector
