
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述

SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述

SAP Commerce Cloud 建構流程如下:

SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述

下圖展示了 SAP Commerce Cloud 一個例子部署選項,至少包含三個主要節點。

SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述

Stage Environment

At a minimum:

Kubernetes cluster of three primary F8 and two workers F16 VMs.

One S4 (Standard 4) database. Does not support asynchronous replication.

SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述



Kubernetes cluster of three primary F8 and four workers F16 VMs.

One P2 (Premium 2) database; provides better reliability than other tiers, and the possibility of asynchronous replication to other data centers with the same code base.

SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
SAP Commerce Cloud 概述
